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League Of Legends General: My Mordekaiser goes HueHueHueHue

Last posted Oct 12, 2012 at 05:17PM EDT. Added Jun 15, 2012 at 12:30AM EDT
103 posts from 22 users

I recently bumped into the "Wierdest guy you ever encountered in LoL" thread on the EUW Forums, and found quite a few hilarious stories from players. I just have to share some of these gems (they're truly outrageous). I don't suppose any of you have run into this kind of people while playing LoL?

There's a lot of text, so I'll put it all under a spoiler.

Originally Posted by Neosmíes:

Hands down the most creepiest thing ever happen to me. Solotop Mundo and support Karma premade. They were apparently roleplaying cause they talked to each other all the time in this fashion:

mundo kills someone
mundo: "Are you pleased, mistress? Is Mundo a good boy?"
karma: "Yes you are my very own good boy, Mundo. Now kill some more for your mistress."

Originally Posted by andy5538:

a mordekaiser in ranked who called himself the prophet of pushing
he kept saying things like "for eternity, push we must" or "join our push, or be erased from the very existence"
he never left top, got a triple kill when they tried to gank him, and was in their base by 25 minutes

Originally Posted by Arresfield:

Hm the wierdest guy i ever played with is a nasus.
He didnt wrote a thing until midgame when he popped ghost, ulti and slowed their caitlyn while he was writing TANKUS IS COMING FOR YOU! and after every kill he got he wrote Who let the Tankus out? voffeli voff

Originally Posted by iReVo0Zz:

Played with a gragas that had macroed.
So whenever he used his body slam, it would say in all chat: "Fatty smack"

Originally Posted by Xenopuff:

Had a solotop Xin with 0 cs after 20min and when we askt wth he was doin he just replys

"Sorry guys i cant kill them, im a pacifist"

Originally Posted by Nav024:

A solotop Fiddle, and everytime anybody said SS, he went "THEY'RE COMING FOR ME"
And sat next to his tower until RE was called. xD

Originally Posted by StuffWithSwords:

This guy who was pretending to be a p*mp…
Kept running out of bushes with the pre-typed sentence of "HEY YO WANNA MAKE MONEY" and it looked hilarious. When we got Dragon he said "Don't you b*tches forget thas' ma' mudaf*kin money yo". Kills he got would be responded with "Pimp hand strong yo" and "Stay in line b*tch".

At the end he went like "This ma' turf don't forget yo". He was playing Mafia Graves and had so much swag.

Hecarim ulted enemies and the "p*mp" just screamed "DRIVE BY YOOOOOOOOO" And "GET ON THE FLOOOOOOOR".

Originally Posted by Absence of Light:

My best encounter was a veigar solo top.
Yes, he insta locked after we got a malz mid. (me on first pick)
So we let him, thinking that it was better then nothing.

He never spoke, never did anything but farm farm farm his Q. I think he reached about 800~900 AP before he finally moved in, tripple killed in a 1v3 and took down the other 2 right after echother taking down the last 2 mid turrets and the inhib and then said in /all "You have failed the test" and DCd. we won still won, but WTH was that.

still gives me the creeps.

Originally Posted by Bumz:

I was playing in a four man premade. The four of us were on Skype, going for some nice, casual normal games. We queued up, found a match and our random instapicked Mordekaiser and asked for mid. We didn't care and let the guy go mid. So far nothing unusual..

The game was pretty balanced, with none of us really winning or losing our lanes. Mordekaiser seemed to be getting stomped though. Since it was a normal game we didn't mind and kept doing our thing. Still nothing unusual.
Fast forward..

Around the 35 minute mark we were a bit ahead. We were barely able to win teamfights and couldn't get in a position to properly push. We wanted to grab Baron, hoping we could tip the scales that way. Mordekaiser was doing better at this point. He had decent farm and bought some proper items. Before we could get to Baron he suddenly said "We can finish this now guys." We were pretty surprised and started discussing over Skype what the hell this guy was on about. We decided to play along and all of a sudden the enemy team was done for. Morde just ran toward the enemy, steamrolled right over them and finished the game. We sat there, our jaws all but hitting the floor.

In the post-game screen Morde only typed one sentence, a sentence that made him a true legend.
"No worries, Morde fix."

Originally Posted by Noobie2k7:

Had a nautilus who i guess was taking ages loading game and when he finally joined us like 7 minutes in all he had to say was

"sorry i'm late guys but this anchor really does weigh me down" We forgave him. He did pretty good in the end too. Made me go buy nautilus after that lol.

Originally Posted by Haydom:

I'll never forget the day I joined a blind pick just for first win. I went Irelia top and we had a Udyr in the jungle. He kept talking alone, so i figured he was using some kind of comunication device and had no mic so he was typing. But the problem is that it a personal conversation, nothing to do with LoL, like talking about girls, school and stuff. Then our ashe asked "Who is this udyr talking to?".

He replied: "I'm talking to my dead brother, we communicate through league of legends".

That was just freaky as ****…

And on other news, Xerath is now officially dead / Eve tier. The buffs they decided to give him were a +0.1 damage multiplier increase on his Mage Chains stun, and more Magic Penetration while in Locust of Power. His ultimate is still broken after the Scorched Earth animation "fix", and impossible to hit anything with, so he's lost 60% of his burst damage, making him absolutely useless.

My favourite champion destroyed, and 6300IP wasted, just for a little prettier cast animation? GJ RIOT.

Oh, and what's that? You're also going to nerf the support champions I happen to enjoy playing? AD carry is OP? Better nerf the support champs? F U RIOT.

Last edited Jul 04, 2012 at 10:14AM EDT

Where do you get free RP. I want free RP. Gimme some free RP.

Horryyy sheeet I got Lee Sin yesterday.
The problem with buying pro champions is everyone questions how you go about building them. I don't follow any guides on builds and I have never bought a rune ever since I just enjoy playing different champions. But I think I may need to buy some soon to help jungle because your team apparently gives up on you if you lane Lee Sin.
I have never jungled a game in my life.

Iced Hot Chocolate wrote:

Where do you get free RP. I want free RP. Gimme some free RP.

Horryyy sheeet I got Lee Sin yesterday.
The problem with buying pro champions is everyone questions how you go about building them. I don't follow any guides on builds and I have never bought a rune ever since I just enjoy playing different champions. But I think I may need to buy some soon to help jungle because your team apparently gives up on you if you lane Lee Sin.
I have never jungled a game in my life.

You can get free RP by making fake referrals; basically, make a smurf account by following your own referral link and level those accounts to lvl10. You will get your first free RP once you do this with 10 smurfs. More info here.

And I know that feel, many LoL players are way too hostile.

Last edited Jul 07, 2012 at 06:01PM EDT

So i got sona today and i realized, she can put out a lot of physical damage early game with her normal attacks rate of fire. So that got me thinking, "Is it possible to play DPS sona?"

I know your all saying "BUT SHES A SUPPORT!" Well anyone whos played her knows the only thing stopping her from doing real damage is squishiness. When paired off with a carry or tank to take hits she can be a deciding factor on more than just hymn of valor and aria alone that extra DPS helps. Even alone it can be annoying as fuck early/mid game. I've tanken on Ashe and Miss Fortune directly and won in a few games and I've fought off quite a few champs by spamming them into submission with the hymn of valor aura and my normal attack.

So i was thinking if a bought an item or two that would increase my DPS, along with my standard cooldown reduction and mana regen icore items, I could have a decent damage out put without sacrificing my ability to spam my skills.

Last edited Jul 08, 2012 at 09:28AM EDT


Well, it's gotta be dificult to play Sona that actually does damage, since she only has Hymn of Valor and autoattack to do damage, and even though Crescendo does damage, it isn't exactly spammable. Her passive is also difficult to manage. I heard she used to do some serious damage in the past, but Riot seems to enjoy nerfing supports to the ground, so people stopped playing her. But then on the other hand, she was recently buffed by reducing the mana cost of Hymn of Valor, and she's still one of the most aggressive supports out there. Just jump from the bush, pop some damage and disappear again.

People rarely build Sona with lots of AP, since her healing has a low AP scaling, but I think the scaling with Hymn of Valor should be somewhat decent. And since you constantly spam your skills, you might want to build a Lich Bane for even more damage.

I'd say that that kind of build would be possible if you know what you're doing, so there's nothing stopping you. Except for the general idiots and flamers who lash at everyone who doesn't follow the meta thoroughly.

And who cares about the meta anyway? At one point, my team played a trio bot, and the enemy team could do nothing about it, since they were so stuck up with following their precious meta.

And I know that feel, many LoL players are way too hostile.

Yeah, I know that feel too bro. It'd be cool if we could put up a KYM team, and exclude those random trolls and whiners, but unfortunately most of us play on different servers.

As for myself, I'm saving up for either Lux or Anivia at the moment. I need to get another AP champ after the death of Xerath, and I don't want to play only supports. Lux has the range and crowd control, while Anivia has the slow, damage, and extreme pushing power after lv.6. It's going to be a though decision.

I might also think about getting Fiddlesticks, but I'm not really much of a jungler.

Muumi wrote:


Well, it's gotta be dificult to play Sona that actually does damage, since she only has Hymn of Valor and autoattack to do damage, and even though Crescendo does damage, it isn't exactly spammable. Her passive is also difficult to manage. I heard she used to do some serious damage in the past, but Riot seems to enjoy nerfing supports to the ground, so people stopped playing her. But then on the other hand, she was recently buffed by reducing the mana cost of Hymn of Valor, and she's still one of the most aggressive supports out there. Just jump from the bush, pop some damage and disappear again.

People rarely build Sona with lots of AP, since her healing has a low AP scaling, but I think the scaling with Hymn of Valor should be somewhat decent. And since you constantly spam your skills, you might want to build a Lich Bane for even more damage.

I'd say that that kind of build would be possible if you know what you're doing, so there's nothing stopping you. Except for the general idiots and flamers who lash at everyone who doesn't follow the meta thoroughly.

And who cares about the meta anyway? At one point, my team played a trio bot, and the enemy team could do nothing about it, since they were so stuck up with following their precious meta.

And I know that feel, many LoL players are way too hostile.

Yeah, I know that feel too bro. It'd be cool if we could put up a KYM team, and exclude those random trolls and whiners, but unfortunately most of us play on different servers.

As for myself, I'm saving up for either Lux or Anivia at the moment. I need to get another AP champ after the death of Xerath, and I don't want to play only supports. Lux has the range and crowd control, while Anivia has the slow, damage, and extreme pushing power after lv.6. It's going to be a though decision.

I might also think about getting Fiddlesticks, but I'm not really much of a jungler.

Played bot AD Sona with with my normal build except for a lich bane and trinity force and i stomped my lane pretty hard. Turns out i was right about AD Sona.

I think I'll churn out a proper AD build for her instead of just buying whatever (gonna keep lich bane though).

Also Fiddlesticks (much like Annie and Teemo) is never a bad idea. picking up how to play jungle inst that hard, you just buy boots pots and GANK EVERYTHING (and with Fiddlesticks that's a very easy thing to do).

Ok so i think i have a good build going that gives me about 250 AD, 31 attack speed, 50% crit rate, 15% life steal, and 20% spell vamp, while still giving me enough mana regen/cooldown reduction to spam Q and W.

Not exactly an AD carry but still enough to bring the hurt while still being a support.

Last edited Jul 08, 2012 at 11:48AM EDT

I don't see why people think support people are terrible at offense. I have an inside joke with friends when we do AI matches "oh hey guys watch out for that Sona gank".
Yeah well as stupid as it sounds, the easy AI are marvelous at timing their ultimates, especially Lux and Ashe. A nicely placed Crescendo while you get too cocky 1v3ing doles out a nice big bowl of irony soup (or something).

Also today I went mid with the Veigmeister (Veigar) against a Soraka. Again, "oh lol wtf is support doin mid ololo".
Hopy sheeeeeet
She started off with like 50 AP (runes helped, no doubt) and EVERY TIME I tried to follow up Event Horizon with Dark Matter she silenced me (Infuse?) JUST outside the stun line. Her silence ended up doing over 300 damage in the first few minutes and I had to spend much of my moneys on healing potions and fell back majorly in the beginning. I've seen Soraka be aggressive before but daaaaaannnngggg this gave new insight on support.
She started getting, like…Warmog and had like 4k health in the end and just… I don't even know.

Some guy earlier went Xerath today from a random pick and mentioned he hadn't played him in a while and was apparently good with him. I told him Xerath recently got nerfed pretty hard, but he had never heard of any nerf. So about 3 minutes into the game he…dies. He barely did any burst damage at all, apparently, and after he started using his ult, and died again, and just started laughing at how ridiculous it was to play him now. Made me think of a certain person I know who plays Xerath. Wonder who. Hm.

Haha Heimer is free this week. Time to get triple kills by running around my turrets again.

Iced Hot Chocolate wrote:

He barely did any burst damage at all, apparently, and after he started using his ult, and died again, and just started laughing at how ridiculous it was to play him now. Made me think of a certain person I know who plays Xerath. Wonder who. Hm.

Ah, brothers in arms. At least it wasn't his favourite champion, so he didn't lose most of the iterest in playing normals like I did. The reason he didn't know about the nerf, is because it was a stealth nerf. They only mentioned the buffs, but nothing about breaking his ulti. Riot logic. They just want to sell the Scorched Earth skin.

Most of the players who used to play Xerath just stopped playing him alltogether, and boycott the new skin. He's statistically the least popular champion in LoL now, and even lower than Evelynn.

And since I haven't really felt like playing normals lately, I've been playing against intermediate A.I with a friend of mine, testing out new champions, and just having fun. The team spirit also seems to be a lot higher there than in normals, since people know they're up agains bots, and therefore dare to mess around with the meta without the fear of getting flamed.

I played mostly Swain and "Veigmeister", and I've gotta admit that I took a bit of liking to Swain, even though he's a bit difficult to play for me, since you have to use activated items and ignite to maximize the damage of Torment. Veigar was fun, but got killed a bit too easily.

But now that Kog'Maw is on free week, I'll be sure to test him out as much as possible. They also got the Bird of Prey Anivia skin for sale, so I can finally use that 400RP I got from leveling up.

Now I just need to actually get that Anivia. And preferably as soon as possible, since the sales always last just for a few days. I guess Fiddlesticks will have to wait. I've gotta go play more than I usually do, and go mess around in some normals too.

Last edited Jul 10, 2012 at 06:07AM EDT


Evelynn can at least snowball out of control a bit like Twitch and make the enemy promtly surrender. With Lich Bane and a decent amount of AP she can be pretty strong, also keep in mind that people in solo Q tend to not know how to deal with stuff that comes out of invis and hits hard.

Anyway, tried jungle Cho'Gath today for the first time. I ended up with 10/1/17 in the end of the match.

Two things about him:

1) At 6 noms and the right build he is unkillable and has a huge killing potential.

2) Very fast jungler.

I took a great liking in that champ; he is like a mini Darius

Iced Hot Chocolate wrote:

I don't see why people think support people are terrible at offense. I have an inside joke with friends when we do AI matches "oh hey guys watch out for that Sona gank".
Yeah well as stupid as it sounds, the easy AI are marvelous at timing their ultimates, especially Lux and Ashe. A nicely placed Crescendo while you get too cocky 1v3ing doles out a nice big bowl of irony soup (or something).

Also today I went mid with the Veigmeister (Veigar) against a Soraka. Again, "oh lol wtf is support doin mid ololo".
Hopy sheeeeeet
She started off with like 50 AP (runes helped, no doubt) and EVERY TIME I tried to follow up Event Horizon with Dark Matter she silenced me (Infuse?) JUST outside the stun line. Her silence ended up doing over 300 damage in the first few minutes and I had to spend much of my moneys on healing potions and fell back majorly in the beginning. I've seen Soraka be aggressive before but daaaaaannnngggg this gave new insight on support.
She started getting, like…Warmog and had like 4k health in the end and just… I don't even know.

Some guy earlier went Xerath today from a random pick and mentioned he hadn't played him in a while and was apparently good with him. I told him Xerath recently got nerfed pretty hard, but he had never heard of any nerf. So about 3 minutes into the game he…dies. He barely did any burst damage at all, apparently, and after he started using his ult, and died again, and just started laughing at how ridiculous it was to play him now. Made me think of a certain person I know who plays Xerath. Wonder who. Hm.

Haha Heimer is free this week. Time to get triple kills by running around my turrets again.

Speaking of Heimerdinger

I play him as one of my mains an i dont really see why everyone thinks hes so weak. I'v gotten plenty of kills just by running around my turrets while my enemy gets pwned by turrets, or running just ahead of a gank or team battle and setting up my turrets for an easy multi kill. Not only that but at level 18 He can take off half your health with burst damage and his turrets can take out a turrets in no time. Hes also one of the best mids in the game, the only champ your going to encounter mid that can give you any trouble is veigar and thats only because he can do ridiculous amounts of bust damage to your turrets without actually get shot at by them.

Last edited Jul 11, 2012 at 03:44AM EDT

I Post Stuff wrote:

Evelynn can at least snowball out of control a bit like Twitch and make the enemy promtly surrender. With Lich Bane and a decent amount of AP she can be pretty strong, also keep in mind that people in solo Q tend to not know how to deal with stuff that comes out of invis and hits hard.

I meant that Xerath is just less popular than Eve in champion select. Popularity =/= Power. You just don't see him anymore, save for the people who try him out without knowing about the nerf.

Anyways, I witnessed an amazing game last night. I was at my friends house, and since it was his birthday, he had taken quite a few drinks. And because I had been talking about getting Anivia myself, he decided to show how to play her. So, he enters the match, instalocks Anivia, cries mid like an idiot, tells to win the match for Poland(?), and practically acts like a total dumbass.

I'm pretty sure their team thought they'd lose the game because of this idiot. But no.

He ended up carrying the entire game. The rest of his team all had the typical 4/7/8 Kill/Death/Assist ratios, but this weird drunken Anivia ended up pulling a 23/2/10 match out of nowhere.

I wish I could've seen the faces of the enemy team when they found out that they had been outplayed hard by a drunken Anivia.

Last edited Jul 11, 2012 at 06:50AM EDT

Just played a match as Teemo, and finished with 21/2/19.

In other news, Eve and Twitch will be buffed next patch. I'm not too excited about Twitch but Eve… Oh boy, I can't wait!

Last edited Jul 12, 2012 at 09:02AM EDT

I Post Stuff wrote:

In other news, Eve and Twitch will be buffed next patch. I’m not too excited about Twitch but Eve… Oh boy, I can’t wait!

Even though I hate (fighting against) stealth champs, I'm really glad they finally decided to start reworking them. Eve will finally be a valid champion again.

And even better news for the me. FeralPony's been going around the Xerath threads, informing people that they are indeed going to rework (and almost restore) Xerath's ulti next patch.

Here are the exact numbers:

How Arcane Barrage functioned pre-change
CastTime = .25 seconds
FallTime = .25 seconds
TotalDelay = .5 seconds
TotalBarrageTime = 1 second

How Arcane Barrage functions currently on Live
CastTime =.25 seconds
FallTime =.625 seconds
TotalDelay = .875 seconds
TotalBarrageTime = 1.375 seconds

How Arcane Barrage will function on Live
CastTime =.25 seconds
FallTime = .5 seconds (This now starts at the same time as the CastTime)
TotalDelay = .5 seconds
TotalBarrageTime = 1 second

What has changed – There are two changes being made next patch.

1- The Falltime is being reduced to .5 seconds from .638 seconds.
2- The Falltime will start at the beginning of the cast bar instead of the end of the cast bar. This effectively shaves an additional .25 seconds from the time of button to the time on impact from the Live version.

It seems that they are not going to revert his buffs either, so that's a good thing too.

But even so, this little quote still made me a bit uncomfortable.

This will obviously not rule out the possibility for any future Xerath changes and the Live Team will continue to access his status post-changes.

Unless they actually come up with a good new passive, instead of the current AP to Armor conversion of course (even though that one had its uses sometimes too).

Last edited Jul 12, 2012 at 03:53PM EDT

Lodger (1979) wrote:

I just started this game a few days ago. Bought Nunu with my first few IP, and have played almost exclusively as him. I still can't get past those intermediate CPUs.

You should try switching to Player vs. Player games as soon as possible though. It's better to leave the bots for first few times you try out a new champion.

Trust me, I know this by experience.

I started out with my lv.30 friends, and got up to lv.7 on my first day. Can't say I learned much, but I got started. I played PvP for a while, but moved to playing against intermediate A.I, and got stuck there. I got back to PvP after I bought Xerath, but quit after Riot broke him (see my earlier posts). But now that they fixed him, I still haven't even tried him in PvP… I dunno why…

…Maybe it's because I had to start dodging games when other people wanted mid.

Now I'm already at lv.24, and have only about 60 PvP wins, and most of my games have been against A.I. Now if I go try some PvP, I get all these idiots calling me a noob, since even though I'm at lv.24, playing agains bots makes me closer to lv.15 player, and therefore I get opponents who are above my own skill level.

It's really difficult to get back on track from there. Especially since I can only play Ranged, Mage, and Support characters. I cannot Tank, Jungle, or use melee characters at all. Even when I tried out free week Mordekaiser (huehue), I only managed to pull off about 7/12/7 game against A.I, which is pretty bad.

It'd be easier to start playing PvP again with a familiar team, but it's too bad we can't put up a "KYM Squad" due to our different servers.

As for trying out those new champs, I've been doing a duo lane with my ex gf while playing as Lulu (since it's free week). She's pretty fun with all her crowd control, but those enemies still tend to slip away pretty easily. You'll definitely get a lot more assists (and therefore money) while playing as either Sona or Soraka (and even with Janna), than you get with Lulu.

I was also going to buy that Anivia, but Xerath's return made me get Fiddlesticks instead, who's been really fun to play on lane. Though it does take some getting used to using Zonya's Hourglass and Deathfire Grasp in addition to other skills, since I haven't used many activated items in the past. Especially since I'm not as handy with a keayboard, as I'm with a console controller (I tend to miss those keys).

But now I've got some extra IP left from not buying Anivia, so I should start thinking about getting a champion that's not AP mid or Support. I definitely need to start learning some other roles too, even though I still trust ranged champs over melee.

Last edited Jul 26, 2012 at 10:53AM EDT

lol i just played AD Sona mid against Ashe and destroyed her, doesnt work so well on top or bot unless your with the tank and can get a good farm going, neither does it work well against AD champs with lots of pop like Warwick.

Muumi wrote:

You should try switching to Player vs. Player games as soon as possible though. It's better to leave the bots for first few times you try out a new champion.

Trust me, I know this by experience.

I started out with my lv.30 friends, and got up to lv.7 on my first day. Can't say I learned much, but I got started. I played PvP for a while, but moved to playing against intermediate A.I, and got stuck there. I got back to PvP after I bought Xerath, but quit after Riot broke him (see my earlier posts). But now that they fixed him, I still haven't even tried him in PvP… I dunno why…

…Maybe it's because I had to start dodging games when other people wanted mid.

Now I'm already at lv.24, and have only about 60 PvP wins, and most of my games have been against A.I. Now if I go try some PvP, I get all these idiots calling me a noob, since even though I'm at lv.24, playing agains bots makes me closer to lv.15 player, and therefore I get opponents who are above my own skill level.

It's really difficult to get back on track from there. Especially since I can only play Ranged, Mage, and Support characters. I cannot Tank, Jungle, or use melee characters at all. Even when I tried out free week Mordekaiser (huehue), I only managed to pull off about 7/12/7 game against A.I, which is pretty bad.

It'd be easier to start playing PvP again with a familiar team, but it's too bad we can't put up a "KYM Squad" due to our different servers.

As for trying out those new champs, I've been doing a duo lane with my ex gf while playing as Lulu (since it's free week). She's pretty fun with all her crowd control, but those enemies still tend to slip away pretty easily. You'll definitely get a lot more assists (and therefore money) while playing as either Sona or Soraka (and even with Janna), than you get with Lulu.

I was also going to buy that Anivia, but Xerath's return made me get Fiddlesticks instead, who's been really fun to play on lane. Though it does take some getting used to using Zonya's Hourglass and Deathfire Grasp in addition to other skills, since I haven't used many activated items in the past. Especially since I'm not as handy with a keayboard, as I'm with a console controller (I tend to miss those keys).

But now I've got some extra IP left from not buying Anivia, so I should start thinking about getting a champion that's not AP mid or Support. I definitely need to start learning some other roles too, even though I still trust ranged champs over melee.

I can definitely sympathize with your second problem, I have never been big on melee in really any game. As I have stated earlier on in the thread, I main Annie, however while I have gotten more adept at getting past her late game flaws, I still have an enormous difficulty when not given mid lane. I have been attempting to master Urgot for top and an alternate mid, but unless I lane with someone very good and the enemies are lackluster, I can barely manage. That is very bad too, because he is still an AP ranged champ so I should honestly not have too much of a problem with him, but just being in a different lane with an off-tank instead of a carry-ish role is not an easy transition for me.
Luckily for me there are many KYM users on my server that are much more experienced and relatively forgiving for me to play with. It is too bad that you can't play with the rest of us as I'm sure they would be glad to have someone like you alongside them. I know I would love to play a game with you.

RocketPropelledPanda   wrote:

I can definitely sympathize with your second problem, I have never been big on melee in really any game. As I have stated earlier on in the thread, I main Annie, however while I have gotten more adept at getting past her late game flaws, I still have an enormous difficulty when not given mid lane. I have been attempting to master Urgot for top and an alternate mid, but unless I lane with someone very good and the enemies are lackluster, I can barely manage. That is very bad too, because he is still an AP ranged champ so I should honestly not have too much of a problem with him, but just being in a different lane with an off-tank instead of a carry-ish role is not an easy transition for me.
Luckily for me there are many KYM users on my server that are much more experienced and relatively forgiving for me to play with. It is too bad that you can't play with the rest of us as I'm sure they would be glad to have someone like you alongside them. I know I would love to play a game with you.

I guess were on the same boat then.

I haven't actually got any viable champions for top lane myself, and I generally tend to lose that lane, if I'm forced to go there.

I've always had major trouble fighting against tanky champions, since a full burst is not enough to kill them, and excessive harassing burns through Xerath's mana really quickly. When they're low enough, they'll just flee, and I'm out of mana myself too. That means I'll have to base too, or use up Clarity and continue with ulti on cooldown.

And before you want to kill me for using Clarity instead of Ignite, I must say that it works exceptionally well on Xerath, and not just because the enemies are rarely even on my range to use Ignite. If the enemy is stupid, you can just unload your burst on them, use up the remaining mana for some extra quick faming, restore your mana, and keep laning in order to get a snowballing level (and money) advantage. You can also bait tougher opponents by harrasing, and when they see you're out of mana, they'll get overconfident with relatively low HP, come to you, at which point you simply restore your mana, and burst them down before they know what happened.

I've heard Urgot's pretty nice to lane with Soraka, although it might be a bit difficult to get her top lane due to meta. She can restore your mana, keep your already high HP up, and silence opponents if need be. And if she'll pic Exhaust, she'll have that little bit of crowd control to shut down ganks, and secure kills too.

Too bad she doesn't deal too much damage though. But people generally won't notice that her Infuse (silence) actually deals somewhat decent damage, and doesn't even cost her any mana to use. It's a good harass, since when they get close enough to the ranged carry, Soraka silences them, and the carry deals some damage to the now fleeing opponent. Rinse and repeat.

I'm personally playing at the EU West Servers now, and wouldn't even mind creating a smurf on the EU Nordic & East. But I would have to repatch the game each and every time I switched region, so it'd be just too much trouble…

Last edited Jul 29, 2012 at 04:51AM EDT

Muumi wrote:

I guess were on the same boat then.

I haven't actually got any viable champions for top lane myself, and I generally tend to lose that lane, if I'm forced to go there.

I've always had major trouble fighting against tanky champions, since a full burst is not enough to kill them, and excessive harassing burns through Xerath's mana really quickly. When they're low enough, they'll just flee, and I'm out of mana myself too. That means I'll have to base too, or use up Clarity and continue with ulti on cooldown.

And before you want to kill me for using Clarity instead of Ignite, I must say that it works exceptionally well on Xerath, and not just because the enemies are rarely even on my range to use Ignite. If the enemy is stupid, you can just unload your burst on them, use up the remaining mana for some extra quick faming, restore your mana, and keep laning in order to get a snowballing level (and money) advantage. You can also bait tougher opponents by harrasing, and when they see you're out of mana, they'll get overconfident with relatively low HP, come to you, at which point you simply restore your mana, and burst them down before they know what happened.

I've heard Urgot's pretty nice to lane with Soraka, although it might be a bit difficult to get her top lane due to meta. She can restore your mana, keep your already high HP up, and silence opponents if need be. And if she'll pic Exhaust, she'll have that little bit of crowd control to shut down ganks, and secure kills too.

Too bad she doesn't deal too much damage though. But people generally won't notice that her Infuse (silence) actually deals somewhat decent damage, and doesn't even cost her any mana to use. It's a good harass, since when they get close enough to the ranged carry, Soraka silences them, and the carry deals some damage to the now fleeing opponent. Rinse and repeat.

I'm personally playing at the EU West Servers now, and wouldn't even mind creating a smurf on the EU Nordic & East. But I would have to repatch the game each and every time I switched region, so it'd be just too much trouble…

Am i the only one that can play, AD, tank, AP, jungle, and support? C'mon guys, do what i did and buy a type of champ you dont have then learn how to play them one by one. I started off with Mundo and tanking came naturally. After that i needed a mid pusher so i bought Heimerdinger and played mid until i was good at it. Did the same with with Sona and Fiddlesticks with their respective roles, and now im moving onto teemo so i can play ranged AD carry.

I can play any lane with a champ of every type except mele AD, and AP carry, and thats only because i havent bought champs for that yet, so dont whine about having to dodge games because you couldn't play the lane you wanted or didn't have a champ you needed. If you put in the work to overcome your weaknesses you wont have those problems.

Dont mind the double post because i bare a very special bit of information.

Heimerdinger is gonna get buffed, and hes gonna get buffed hard.

Faster turret attack plus a s turret skill shot, higher burst, easier to land skill shot, AoE CC, and an ult that gives ludicrous amounts DPS, of AP bust, and CC that will make the enemy team cry like little babies as they lose every team fight.

Heimerdinger has always been a good champ, but hard to balance due to his incredible squishyness compared to his attack power, but if the final rework is anything like this the enemy team will whine over how hard Hiemerdinger is pushing their lane.

All of my QQ, all of it!

In the first game our AD carry permanently dc'd at the start, I carried the game for ~50 mins until we were finally defeated at baron and lost the game. Then in the second game our Teemo fed the enemy Tryndamere in the bot lane which costed us dearly.

This also happened after my ~20 win streak with Skarner was ruined by feeder groups. LoL sure knows how to make me feel uneasy!


I play on EUW too; if you want to add me and group up, my summoner name is I summon stupid.

Last edited Jul 30, 2012 at 07:25PM EDT

I post stuff wrote:

I play on EUW too; if you want to add me and group up, my summoner name is I summon stupid.

Oh wow, I think you might be "just a tiny bit" above my own league (no pun intended). At least by looking at your trophies and game stats. Anyways, you can find me under the name RiisipalloNinja (watch the spelling), so add me if you want to. It's up to you really.

I wonder if there are other EUW guys here on KYM besides us. Tomberry might be, since he's french, but I doubt he'd want anything to do with us.

Wightprincess wrote:

Favorite champion and why.


Garen because… Garen.

Spin 2 Win!
I like Nunu because he can do both Jungle and Mid fairly well, and his abilities allow him to do offence and support.
Then again, I've really only played as him and Ashe. I'm going to try Annie soon.

In case it wasn't obvious already, Xerath! (You don't say.)

I just find it really amusing to bombard people into oblivion from the fog of war, and over artillery distances. Not the kind of champ to fit all players, but who suits me perfectly. Just how many champs are able to burst down a full HP enemy carry from behind their base wall and turret?

But I cannot talk about favourite champions without mentioning Sona. Gotta love her boobs design.

Last edited Aug 01, 2012 at 08:31AM EDT

Wightprincess wrote:

Favorite champion and why.


Garen because… Garen.

Skarner because… Skarner.

His jungle clear time is short, his ganks are stronk, to use his ulti on an enemy is to kill an enemy. Need I say more? Oh yes, he has PhD in widening of enemy teams' anuses.

Wightprincess wrote:

Favorite champion and why.


Garen because… Garen.


Hands down. I have too much fun with her. I love her quotes and play style.

"Yep, that tasted purple"

Last edited Aug 01, 2012 at 08:22PM EDT

Wightprincess wrote:

So many EUW players. I feel alone.

I'm a North American player, so…

A lot of people in the IRC play LoL. They play matches back to back, and if you're good enough, I'm sure they wouldn't mind you playing with them.

Also got that late for you?

I quitted after a good game couple minutes ago because I didn't want to end with a bad game.

btw. It's always fun to see germans having fights with eachother in chat.

Last edited Aug 02, 2012 at 10:24PM EDT

Wiier wrote:

Also got that late for you?

I quitted after a good game couple minutes ago because I didn't want to end with a bad game.

btw. It's always fun to see germans having fights with eachother in chat.

Bad games tend to happen more often after midnight. I guess there are more tired/unskilled/drunk people playing at that hour.

On a side note, I found this awesome Skarner pic:

Last edited Aug 03, 2012 at 06:43PM EDT

Lodger (1979) wrote:

Question: Do you guys use the mastery Improved Recall? I find it very useful, but it is also a skill point that can be spent elsewhere for more effect.

Improved recall can be implemented by just recalling smartly. There are really other utility masteries that are far more useful.

404 user not found wrote:

Improved recall can be implemented by just recalling smartly. There are really other utility masteries that are far more useful.

Thank. I got Malphite recently. 3 foes were at our inner turret on top, while our whole team was pushing mid. Our Twitch and I went over to top. I ult'ed right into the crowd of foes, then used my other abilities to kill one of them before dying. Twitch then took out the other two. It was awesome.

Well, it certainly has been a while since the last time I posted in this thread.

I think I got stuck playing Co-Op vs. A.I games again, now that an old friend of mine started out with LoL too, and I've gotta guide him in order to get him started. But at least playing A.I games with him has given me the possibility of trying out quite a few new champions I would never have though of trying out otherwise, and that led me to finding a rather "unique" mage that I really have enjoyed playing this free week;


Yes, the master of "Om Nom Noms" has found his way onto my list of favourite champions, right beside Kayle, Xerath, Kog'Maw, and Sona. But since new free week champs are right around the corner again, I'll see if they have a free week Anivia there. If they have Anivia, I'll buy Cho'Gath ASAP. And if they don't, I'll get that Anivia I should've gotten a long time ago, and then save up for Cho'Gath.

And damn that Syndra patch BTW. Tons of problems again, including Ghost Games, 20 000+ Login Queues, and disappeared Spectator Mode portraits.

I guess it's free IP Boost time again.

Hmm… Maybe it might be a good idea to bump this thread up what with the World Championship and all going on at the moment.

Personally I've only been able to watch the first few matches of the day with my GF, due to time zones and such. I've been mostly interested in Azubu Frost's, and Moscow 5's matches. Moscow 5 definitely went with some intersting pics, such as that AP mid Eve, Zilean, and support Zyra. Rare pics are always nice to see in games such as these.

And personally I finally reached level 30, but unfortunately about 55% of my games had been against bots, so I'm usually not up to par with my other teammates.

I've been trying to play a lot of support Sona on solo normals, but I notice that the support role is especially dangerous there. If the AD carry is not all that good, it'll also affect my own performance, and leads to underleveling, and a failed lane. And as you probably know, underleveling leads to even more deaths, and all that damn rage. I've really come to hate a Blitzcrank lane, which is hellish when it comes to zoning, and creep/exp denying.

I'm not sure about my skills with Sona just yet, but that Auto-Attack > Hymn of Valor > Instant Power Chord (due to AA reset) combo does some really nice damage. I guess I'll be fine as long as I just manage to stay alive with such a squishy champ. I definitely miss Cho'Gath's health.

And speaking of Cho'Gath, yeah, 404's right. He looks a lot like Violator (it's the jaw and eyes), but I wouldn't be so sure about Carnifex though. I think I read in a wiki that he's somewhat based on first form of Destroyah too (and named after a Shoggoth).

Oh, and what's your opinion on the new Honor system? I've definitely had way more fun and polite teams after they featured Honor. Definitely a lot less flaming and hating nowdays.

Plus, that also affects teamwork really well. For example, we were losing all our lanes hard in the beginning of the game. The score was at about 3/17 in their favor, and we were all considering surrender at 20. But after teamfights started, we pulled it together, and complimented on jobs well done, and suddenly we were tied with the enemy somewhere around 35/35. Then our AP Teemo went and solo'd Baron with the help of some shrooms, and slowly turned the game in our favor.

In the end, we managed to win a sure lose game, all thanks to teamwork.

That would probably never have happened with the old system. Instead of encouraging, everyone would've just been raging at each other, and flaming like there was no tomorrow.

Maybe this'll really improve the community to some extent. At least I hope so.

Of course I've already run into some Honor whores, but at least they are a lot easier to tolerate than ragers.

well it's offical: Rengar is the cheapest and most annoying mother f**er in the whole game.

not only he needs to mana, can deal tons of damage while still being tanky also has this goddamned ult:

go invisible for like 10 seconds, and when you break out of stealth you pounce on the target and with your short skill combo do roughly 2.5k damage.

kills a carry instanly.

so you THINK you are pushing the lane, but whoops, Rengar out of nowhere you dead in 1 second flat.

even if you have the whole team around you he can still uilt you and escape.

the only counter is oracles elixer…. so fun that a 400 gold consumble item is the only solution…


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