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KYM Gears of War General

Last posted Jun 17, 2012 at 12:22AM EDT. Added Jun 16, 2012 at 01:02AM EDT
8 posts from 5 users

I noticed a distinct lack of a Gears of War general.
What is wrong with you guys! It's an amazing franchise!
To start with a topic, what are your guys opinions on The prequel with Judgment?

I mean like;

Damon's looking pretty goddamn handsome.
They're also using Unreal Engine 4 for the graphics.
Here's two examples of the new Engine.

Them particles are amazing.
On top of the new graphics, is the new story line and squad. You apparently start the game off with you at your trial, and the game consists of you retelling your story of what you did to end up being court marshaled. This will add a lot of new canon stuff, which will only make the story line more interesting.

Video to the E3 trailer:

The thing I remember about the games were they had pissed men shoot and chainsaw pissed aliens who weren't aliens but punks who lived below the ground. But there was a good story for anyone interested, which is nice because you have the wonderful contrast between yelling and dodging crazy things and a pretty good story line. inb4 crazy flash parody references

Chokesmurf wrote:

Judgement looks really nice. I wouldn't mind if they didn't change much in the gameplay department, considering that Gears 3 perfected the cover system.

I had heard that they're changing around a lot of the controls to more of a first person shoot type. Y being used to switch weapons, X to reload, and the bumpers for grenades and such. It'll be interesting to see how that works, especially since we're so used to the D-Pad for changing that around. I feel like they're trying to fix what's not broken, but I shouldn't complain, not until the game is actually out.

Joe Amethyst wrote:

I had heard that they're changing around a lot of the controls to more of a first person shoot type. Y being used to switch weapons, X to reload, and the bumpers for grenades and such. It'll be interesting to see how that works, especially since we're so used to the D-Pad for changing that around. I feel like they're trying to fix what's not broken, but I shouldn't complain, not until the game is actually out.

It sounds like an interesting feature. Too bad I've gotten so used to the D-Pad. Perhaps Epic will include a feature that allows you to change the control scheme, just in case somebody won't like the new controls.


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