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YouTube glitch???

Last posted Sep 10, 2010 at 05:17PM EDT. Added Sep 10, 2010 at 12:42AM EDT
10 posts from 7 users

Just looks like a bug to me. What extensions are you using? If you use AdBlock or AdThwart, it will interfere with the content on YouTube. You can fix this by pointing your browser to chrome://extensions then, if you're using AdBlock, click options under AdBlock and then uncheck "Block Ads Inside YouTube videos". Now click on the "Excluded Sites" tab, then in the text area, type "" and click Add. For AdThwart, from the Extensions page, under AdThwart, click Options. Now in "Whitelisted Domains" there's a text box, in it, type "*" and click the Add Domain button.
Now refresh a YouTube page and see if the problem persists. If it does, it's probably just a bug either in YouTube or in the browser.


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