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Omegle time!

Last posted Oct 01, 2012 at 10:47AM EDT. Added Sep 23, 2012 at 03:53PM EDT
37 posts from 19 users

in the hoppip over the sea wrote:

Stop faking omegle conversations
Seriously it's not funny
I see the tree watermark right there

The ones posted by me are me asking the questions. I upload them to my profile first and then here.

Last edited Sep 26, 2012 at 04:50PM EDT

in the hoppip over the sea wrote:

I'm not talking about you.
If you see a tree watermark, it's faked
Stop it

Actually, if you save the chat log as image, it has the tree watermark.

Question to discuss:
So when a hippo dies… where does the hippo soul go?

Stranger 1: heaven
Stranger 2: a fucking worm eats it
Stranger 1: just like yours doesn't
Stranger 2: and then a fish eats the worm
Stranger 2: and then i eat the fish
Stranger 2: and then the soul is in me
Stranger 2: and it comes out in my ejaculate
Stranger 1: i've eaten sole before
Stranger 1: not bad, not great
Stranger 2: yeah its a pretty tasteless fish
Stranger 2: very generic
Stranger 1: have you ever ejaculated into a fish
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 2: but ive had fish ejaculate in me
Stranger 2: so its kinda the same
Stranger 1: not bad
Stranger 1: was it hot
Stranger 2: no it was cold
Stranger 1: like, handsome
Stranger 2: cause it was from a cold lake
Stranger 2: and fish are cold blooded
Stranger 2: it wasnt handsome
Stranger 2: fish arent handsome, they're fish
Stranger 1: some fish can be handsome
Stranger 2: not when they're blowing a load in your face
Stranger 1:
Stranger 1: did it have a big fish cock
Stranger 2 has disconnected

Question to discuss:
Do you ever get the feeling someone is watching you chat with a stranger?

Stranger 1: yes \
Stranger 2: hahha
Stranger 1: but…
Stranger 1: ……………………………………………………………\¯*^~-„„……..\-„
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Stranger 2 has disconnected

Question to discuss:
So… Would you eat the stranger your talking to?

Stranger 1: yea
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 2: id eat his cum
Stranger 1: ……………………….. ……………………….. …………………..
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Stranger 1 has disconnected

Question to discuss:
What does the scouter say about his power level?

Stranger 2: ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░▒▓▓█████████████▓▓▒░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░
Stranger 2: LOL

Don't have anything recent, but I got 2 images from 9 months ago which I asked the questions for.

In the first one, I ask an NSFW question, but the convo between the white man and the Japanese guy goes completely off-topic:

In the last one, two women share their like of Doctor Who:

Note: You may have to go to the image's url to view these properly.

Last edited Sep 28, 2012 at 05:21AM EDT

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