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Lonelygirl15 and Fred: Memes or not?

Last posted Jul 10, 2009 at 02:14PM EDT. Added Jun 22, 2009 at 09:03PM EDT
7 posts from 6 users

I've been curious about this for awhile, so now I'm finally going to ask it: Could popular "bloggers", such as Lonelygirl15 and Fred, be considered memes? I myself am a little skeptical about that, as I've always assumed a meme was more of a "one hit wonder" type of thing (like Chris Crocker with his "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" video and Gary Brolsma's Numa Numa dance). However, I've looked it up and have found many people, even other meme sites, stating that they are, in fact, considered memes. I'm still skeptical though, so I'm asking you here: Are Fred and Lonelygirl15 memes? Thank you for putting up with my n00byness and answering my question. :P Also, if this has been asked already, I apologize. I haven't lurked a lot yet.

I believe only Jean-Luc Picard has the honor of being a meme, and I had to fight tooth and nail to get that put up. Chuck norris is arguably also a meme, but in these examples the character's themselves are the pop culture event being referenced. I just don't think a run of the mill blogger is epic enough to constitute memeage.

Kirsten, I think you've got a valuable point about the "one-hit wonders."

If someone produces content on a regular basis and they have a large audience then their work isn't a meme. It's a series; especially if their profession is to produce content.

But if that series happens to inspire one particular video that people parody, then I could see that particular piece being a meme; but not the person nor the series as a whole.

And now I'm rethinking how we should frame the entry for "Unforgivable."

EDIT: Nevermind. The first Unforgivable inspired tons of spoofs, and that lead to the short series of videos. The order in which the events happen makes all the difference.

I think the early LonelyGirl15 phenomenon is totally worth consideration as a meme and is definitely worth a discussion. It started off small, grew through viral spread, and all. Fred just seems 'popular' to me.


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