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What songs do you think are overrated?

Last posted Dec 17, 2014 at 06:38PM EST. Added Dec 17, 2014 at 01:07PM EST
5 posts from 5 users

Anything by this band:

They're mediocre at best and have only had steam to make 6 albums, and yet classic rock stations treat them like they're gods. Occasionally you'd have a good one like Long Time, but other than that a lot of their songs sound the same. Some of them are also way too long and boring, the biggest example is Peace of Mind, which would have to be the song I hate the most.

I usually can't stand the word "overrated", because I find it's most commonly used by pretentious and/or arrogant assholes who make the "hipster assumption" that not liking something generally popular elevates them over the masses.
But… here I will make one exception.
The whole goddamn Frozen soundtrack. The music, in both style and substance, I find to be as generic as the giant sacks of Safeway cereal on the bottom shelf. Hell, even the flagship track Let It Go uses the goddamn motherfucking FOUR CHORDS OF POP in its chorus. (THEY RULE YOUR LIFE!)
None of the songs are bad per se, they're just… serviceable. And that's it.
If you love them, that's a-OK, it's your right and all that, but please for the love of hell try to tone it down below pure obsession levels.

Last edited Dec 17, 2014 at 02:21PM EST

Since I mainly only listen to VGM and interact with VGM fans online about their opinions, I'll pretty much just list VGM songs I don't personally find to be as good as the majority does.

- Midna's Lament (Twilight Princess)
- Gerudo Valley (Ocarina of Time)
- Song of Storms (Ocarina of Time)
- Dragonroost Island (Wind Waker)

So basically all Zelda themes that are considered really good by most fans. The only other really really popular one I can think of is Dark World, but I love that one to death, so yeah.

Overall I think saying things are overrated is pretty dumb like .9999…=1 says. I still call thinks overrated, but my context is different. I'm not calling these things bad, just saying I don't like them as much as others and I like the attitude of this thread on the subject. Especially with music since it's the most totally subjective art form out there, even in front of food.

Not a song but an album.
The Wall by Pink Floyd, or rather by Roger Waters.

Two discs worth of lyrics and story, but without music to back it up, what's the point? If only this wasn't a double album.
I was pleasantly suprised by how good Dark Side of the Moon was when I first heard it, considering that's one of the best selling en best known albums, but the Wall is worse than everything else they did in the 60's and 70's.


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