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Could "self made" meme pages be deleted instead of deadpooled?

Last posted Aug 23, 2011 at 05:11PM EDT. Added Aug 23, 2011 at 04:06PM EDT
4 posts from 4 users

With the large increase of "self made" meme pages, that usually consist of 1 sentence, they are often appearing on the trending bar, which just feeds their attention seeking desires. This is mainly because after it is deadpooled people will still comment on it, so much that it forces it into trending, which makes more people comment on it. Basically all I am asking is for these articles to be deleted before they even make it into trending.

….And what's the problem with it going into trending? People hate on the creator for a bit, and then it dies down within the hour. If you're saying it's blocking out the real memes that are trending, well, MLP has been blocking those out for quite a bit, so it's not like it matters much. Usually, if the flamestorm that comes from a bad meme entry gets too large, the entry will be deleted.

I have seen several "Made by me" memes get deleted. However, I also want some sort of filter that keeps deadpool memes off the Trending Topics bar.


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