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Quick question

Last posted Sep 13, 2012 at 04:48PM EDT. Added Sep 13, 2012 at 11:38AM EDT
8 posts from 4 users

Bans and deactivations are two different things. A user can request that his account be deactivated and re-activated, or the mods/admins can do that at their own discretion. Deactivated users can still access KYM, just not their accounts (as far as I know). Banned users, though, cannot access KYM at all.

Yeah, I just want to clarify this.
So 2 years ago when I was "banned" by Chris Menning, he then deactivated my account.
I was not able to log on as ANN HIRO. Back then we did not have bans, only deactivations.
So was I banned or deactivated? It was meant for me to never come back. I kinda had to beg to come back.
IP bans had yet to be set as well during the time.
The point I'm trying to get to is: Was I banned when bans weren't around, and they only really had deactivations.

Cause of ban/deactivation:

And overall just plain trolling.

Last edited Sep 13, 2012 at 03:18PM EDT

There are 3 types of "bans".

  • Regular ban.
  • Deactivation.
  • Delete Spammer (the permaban function basically).

As I don't know how much I'm allowed to say about the function on each, I won't go into detail.

You stated that you were deactivated back then as bans didn't exist yet. I don't know how things worked though 2 years ago, so I can't confirm this. But it's easy to check if you remember the situation from back then. Were the forum posts and comments you made still visible, or did they read "deactivated"? If you couldn't see your posts anymore, you were deactivated. If they were still visible, just a ban. Same with your account, what did your title read?

Heh… they of course took down the images.
It would have been seen as "this user is deactivated, and post are no longer visible", but that didn't apply back then.
Basically things were a mess back then. Deactivation didn't stop anyone from reading deactivated users post. I think the users wall became 404 though, still does today as well.
It was all just a bloody mess back then.
I'm pretty much just gonna say I was a survivor of "Beta-bans", the bans before bans, when it was only deactivations.
If you are happy with this answer.
I request lock then.

Ann Hiro wrote:

Heh… they of course took down the images.
It would have been seen as "this user is deactivated, and post are no longer visible", but that didn't apply back then.
Basically things were a mess back then. Deactivation didn't stop anyone from reading deactivated users post. I think the users wall became 404 though, still does today as well.
It was all just a bloody mess back then.
I'm pretty much just gonna say I was a survivor of "Beta-bans", the bans before bans, when it was only deactivations.
If you are happy with this answer.
I request lock then.

Will do.


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