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Last posted Mar 10, 2013 at 10:17AM EDT. Added Mar 09, 2013 at 06:22PM EST
11 posts from 7 users

Oh, sorry, dude. I'm normally decent about keeping up with questions like this.

If you're using YouTube, then:

  1. Play the video you want on the video's page.
  2. Find the "Share" tab just to the right of the "About" tab below the video.
  3. In the submenu below that tab, click the "Embed" tab.
  4. Then copy what you see. It should already be highlighted for you.
  5. Then paste it into a comment.

The code should look something like this.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And give you something like this:

As for starting a linked video at a certain point, then take the URL for the video and put "&t=6m20s" at the end of it.

To make the link, then use "Here's a Zelda link!" : (no space between the quotation marks and the colon)

That will get you this:

Here's a Zelda link!

For the "t=6m20s" part, you can either use t=6m20s for 6:20 or t=380s for 380 seconds (of course, you can start the video at how many ever seconds you want.

As for starting it at a certain point, I'm going to experiment and see if I can get it to work:

Well, I can't figure that out, but RandomMan's Textile thread may be able to help. If not, then you can PM the first poster of that thread (i.e., RandomMan.) He should be able to tell you if starting an embedded video at a certain point is possible.

Does that answer part of your question? And can anyone give OP an answer on whether or not an embedded video can be started at a certain time?

Last edited Mar 09, 2013 at 10:35PM EST

opspe wrote:

One thing Verbose forgot to point out is that autoplaying videos are not allowed anywhere except on in user profiles.

Please note that "allowed" does not mean you should.

It is very obnoxious.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

That was very helpful Verbose, but I could've shortened your post down to just one word:

Or you actually answer the question that they asked instead of being the douchebag who links Let Me Google That For You.

Twilitlord wrote:

Or you actually answer the question that they asked instead of being the douchebag who links Let Me Google That For You.

I would defend myself, if only I actually knew what the hell you just said. Well… I'll try anyway. I at least get the first part, which is what you think I should have done, and also what I actually did. Vtubetools is so ridiculously easy that you can use it while being drunk… and asleep… and a caveman. I've never used any other method for embedding Youtube clips. In fact, if I recall correctly, the post from a really old thread that brought it to my attention, back when I had just joined the site, looked almost exactly like what I wrote there. So riddle me this- how is that not answering the question?

0.9999...=1 wrote:

I would defend myself, if only I actually knew what the hell you just said. Well… I'll try anyway. I at least get the first part, which is what you think I should have done, and also what I actually did. Vtubetools is so ridiculously easy that you can use it while being drunk… and asleep… and a caveman. I've never used any other method for embedding Youtube clips. In fact, if I recall correctly, the post from a really old thread that brought it to my attention, back when I had just joined the site, looked almost exactly like what I wrote there. So riddle me this- how is that not answering the question?

Dude, that's harder than just getting the embed code off the site.


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