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New Categorization(s)

Last posted Apr 05, 2014 at 05:12PM EDT. Added Apr 05, 2014 at 12:21AM EDT
8 posts from 7 users

I have discovered recently that another meme category might be necessary. (Ex: subculture, meme, event, person). Internet browsers and software don't really go under any of these. Internet browsers just go under "subculture" instead, which doesn't really make sense. Suggestions?

I don't really think Internet Browsers need their own type of category. It would be like if we started documenting sections for "Software" "Movies" "Video Games" etc. They have no direct relevance to Internet Mutation that can't be covered in Meme or Subculture, and therefore don't need their own sub-categories.

Last edited Apr 05, 2014 at 01:57AM EDT

I think it's kinda redundant to add a whole new category just for browsers, it's not like there's that many notable browsers, so a new category is not nessecary

Agree with Random and Natsuru, there's only about 5 or so browsers that are actually important, so I think that's to small to be it's own category.

Nothing else really comes to mind right now.

Last edited Apr 05, 2014 at 07:44AM EDT

Maybe make a category for fandoms for smaller "subcultures". There are a few recent subculture additions that, while they are notable on the internet, are not nearly as huge as what I think of when thinking of "subcultures". Of course, where one draws the line between a fandom and subculture is going to be extremely subjective, especially since a fandom could easily reach an elevated status of a subculture. Also Natsuru's comment saying "They have no direct relevance to Internet Mutation that can’t be covered in Meme or Subculture, and therefore don’t need their own sub-categories." does make my suggestion seem a bit irrelevant.

Jill wrote:

Maybe make a category for fandoms for smaller "subcultures". There are a few recent subculture additions that, while they are notable on the internet, are not nearly as huge as what I think of when thinking of "subcultures". Of course, where one draws the line between a fandom and subculture is going to be extremely subjective, especially since a fandom could easily reach an elevated status of a subculture. Also Natsuru's comment saying "They have no direct relevance to Internet Mutation that can’t be covered in Meme or Subculture, and therefore don’t need their own sub-categories." does make my suggestion seem a bit irrelevant.

That's basically a similar suggestion as people who think it's a good idea to add the "Fad" category next to memes, which doesn't work.

The meanings of both terms are way to close to each other. The addition of a category like Fad or Fandom wouldn’t be more specific, it would just be confusing as you never really know what belongs to which.

I mean, let's go the the Wikipedia page for Fandom:

Fandom is a term used to refer to a subculture composed of fans characterized by a feeling of sympathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest. Fans typically are interested in even minor details of the object(s) of their fandom and spend a significant portion of their time and energy involved with their interest.

I bolded the important words, but I think you can understand adding sub-categories would be very confusing and difficult to maintain.

Yeah, we don't really need a categories for browsers as stated above. It would be like us adding a "Music" category for dubstep and other music related articles. We aren't really concerned with the actual browsers or music genres themselves, it's more about the impact they've made on the internet and the extent that people have popularized them.

>inb4 I haven't added anything new to the discussion.
>inb4 lock.

Yeah, I think the important points regarding the current choices of categories have been said. So I'll do as above said and just head for the lock.


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