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?em taeb uoy naC

Last posted Apr 10, 2012 at 08:41PM EDT. Added Apr 09, 2012 at 08:30AM EDT
36 posts from 18 users

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.stxet rehto ypoc ot yrt t'nod yawynA .ekam ot drah etiuq si reve txet esrever tsegnol eht gnikam tuB .drah skcus daerht siht kniht uoy esuaceb tsuj ,dekilsid gnieb etah I .ti ekilsid lliw enoyreve ro gniniatretne yrev eb tsum tsop siht ,naem I .eb dluohs tsop siht woh wonk t'nod I tuB .daerht siht rof detsop reve txet esrever tsegnol eht fo eno si tsop siht epoh I

retsaf hcum stahT .sdrawkcab sdrow elohw eht gnipyt yb yaw retsaf eht ti gniod m'I won yakO

!yaw drah eht staht ?yaw siht ti gniod neve I ma yhw ,tiaw …dnah eno htiw eno yb eno rettel hcae epyt ot gnivaH .ssa eht ni niap a si siht ekil gnipyt taht yas attoG

!elpoep nam a ekil tuo ti epyT .esproc reiht fo ytilauxes eht noitseuq neht ,meht llik lliw I siht rof ppa na sesu enoyna fi ylsuoires tuB .uoy rof txet ruoy esrever taht setisbew esoht fo eno ot og tsuj nac uoy epyt gnitaehc eht era uoy fi rO .nottub rosruc tfel eht fo gnippat evissecxe dna ecneitap ,emit fo rettam a ylno s'tI .tsop ruoy taeb nac ylniatrec tsom I

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Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

retsaf hcum stahT .sdrawkcab sdrow elohw eht gnipyt yb yaw retsaf eht ti gniod m'I won yakO

!yaw drah eht staht ?yaw siht ti gniod neve I ma yhw ,tiaw …dnah eno htiw eno yb eno rettel hcae epyt ot gnivaH .ssa eht ni niap a si siht ekil gnipyt taht yas attoG

!elpoep nam a ekil tuo ti epyT .esproc reiht fo ytilauxes eht noitseuq neht ,meht llik lliw I siht rof ppa na sesu enoyna fi ylsuoires tuB .uoy rof txet ruoy esrever taht setisbew esoht fo eno ot og tsuj nac uoy epyt gnitaehc eht era uoy fi rO .nottub rosruc tfel eht fo gnippat evissecxe dna ecneitap ,emit fo rettam a ylno s'tI .tsop ruoy taeb nac ylniatrec tsom I

.sllort dna sresu looc ytterp htiw etisbew looc ytterp si myk dna srewolf ekil osla i .yawyna esnes evah t'ntsum daerht siht .tnuoc t'ndluow siht ,han ?uoy fo esuaceb gnivah m'i ysuolaej eht ti si rO !esnesnon sekam siht ?gnitirw i ma tahw gfmo .sinep ym naht regnol si tub tihs si daerht siht ,revewoh .sruoy naht retteb era slliks ym dna .seibboh on htiw nosrep diputs a m'i .ssa ruoy taeb nac i .gwad ,uoy naht retteb m'i dnA .gnol s'ti ekil kool txet desrever ruoy ekam ot nottub retne eht esu ton dluohs uoy yllautca dnA !reve txet desrever tsegnol eht eb reven lliw tsop ruoY .stnap ycnaf ysae ti ekat t'nod tuB

.eibmoz a saw nhoJ neht dnA

"snomed eht era uoY .nhoJ ,oN" dias oidar ehT .detuohs eh "snomed eht llik tsum I !oN" .llik ot elba ton dna deppart erew yeht dna llef gniliec eht neht tuB .pu mih welb ot deirt dna mih ta deamsalp nhoJ .selissim tekcor eht derif eh dna nomerdebyc eht dias "mih ta toohs lliw I"
snomed eht dias "SU LLIK OT GNIOG EH" .llaw eht pu welb dna elfir amslap sih dettog nhoJ oS "!snomed eht thgif tsum uoY" .derekcarc oidar eht "nosoJ si sihT" .snomed erew ereht wenk eh CAU eht fo esab noitats ecaps eht ni won tuB .deppots eh deredlo tog eh sa nehT .mih deveileb eh nehw emit a saw erehT "SNOMED YB LLIK EB lliw uoY !oN" dias daD". yddad spihs eht no eb ot tnaw I" dad ot dias eh dna spisecaps eht dehctaw eh gnuoy saw eh nehW

.sraey neetruof rof eniram ecaps a saw nhoJ .yawyna ,won rof etal oot raF .etal oot saw ti won dna ot dnenetsil ton erew nosoJ lenreC ot sgninraw siH .sraey rof won meht detcepxe dah tub ,meht ees t'ndid eH .esab eht ni snomed erew erehT .ria eht fo tuo dekraps dna deknilb mih evoba sthgil ehT .detiaw nrevlatS nhoJ

livE fo snoissucruper :mooD


Last edited Apr 09, 2012 at 09:18AM EDT
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Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

.eibmoz a saw nhoJ neht dnA

"snomed eht era uoY .nhoJ ,oN" dias oidar ehT .detuohs eh "snomed eht llik tsum I !oN" .llik ot elba ton dna deppart erew yeht dna llef gniliec eht neht tuB .pu mih welb ot deirt dna mih ta deamsalp nhoJ .selissim tekcor eht derif eh dna nomerdebyc eht dias "mih ta toohs lliw I"
snomed eht dias "SU LLIK OT GNIOG EH" .llaw eht pu welb dna elfir amslap sih dettog nhoJ oS "!snomed eht thgif tsum uoY" .derekcarc oidar eht "nosoJ si sihT" .snomed erew ereht wenk eh CAU eht fo esab noitats ecaps eht ni won tuB .deppots eh deredlo tog eh sa nehT .mih deveileb eh nehw emit a saw erehT "SNOMED YB LLIK EB lliw uoY !oN" dias daD". yddad spihs eht no eb ot tnaw I" dad ot dias eh dna spisecaps eht dehctaw eh gnuoy saw eh nehW

.sraey neetruof rof eniram ecaps a saw nhoJ .yawyna ,won rof etal oot raF .etal oot saw ti won dna ot dnenetsil ton erew nosoJ lenreC ot sgninraw siH .sraey rof won meht detcepxe dah tub ,meht ees t'ndid eH .esab eht ni snomed erew erehT .ria eht fo tuo dekraps dna deknilb mih evoba sthgil ehT .detiaw nrevlatS nhoJ

livE fo snoissucruper :mooD


LIAF !tnuoc ton seod etis a morf txet a gniypoC

Okay fine

nac ew esuaceb dna derob era ew esuaceb esrever ni secnetnes modnar gnipyt lo79ig dna em tsuj era ew ereh os erutuf eht ni tfel epoh yna ro sboj ro sevil evah t'nod ew esuaceb drawer on rof gnihton yletulosba evorp ot redro ni yug rehto emos htiw tsetnoc gnitsaw emit emal a otni teg ot redro ni htaeD fo neercS eulB eht yb nettirw erew taht shpargarap fo seires a si swollof tahW

.oot lufniap eb tsum tI .netfo os taht gniod yb tsol evah tsum eh sllec niarb ynam woh enigami tonnac I .daeh sih fo edis eht ni flesmih staeb eb semit fo tnuoma eht ot eud dedrater enilredrob eb thgim eh kniht eW .stekcop toh dna s'oteehc ekil sllems eh dna tihs neerg a sraew eH .ahctpac a morf emac ylbaborp taht srettel fo seires elbaecnuonorpnu na si eman sih lleW .yug rehto siht tuobA

USED USED USED USED USED USED USED USED USED USED USED IDDUP IDDUP IDDUP IDDUP IDDUP IDDUP 0009 revo sirroN kcuhC a ni thguaC ?ysatnaf tsuj siht si ?efil laer eht siht sI ?drawdiuqS uoy t'nod ,seittap ybbarK sekil ylterces eiP eikniP atset kcuhC EPON ,ynoP tseb saw hsaD wobniaR taht thguoht ylbaborp uoy tub hsinif uoy el ammi dna uoy rof yppah m'I ,esuohlliM oY ?tuoba klat ot ereht si esle tahW

Ugh, screw this. I'm out.

!sdaerht ytilauq eseht gnikam no peeK !og ot tog ev'I ,lleW

.esac eht eb ot ti tseggus dluow ratava ruoy tsael ta ,uoy naht retteb ti seod ydobon ,uoy gnitaeb ot semoc ti nehw taht yas ot detnaw tsuj I .suoixonbo ytterp s'ti ,ylknarf esuaceb taht fo lla daer ot rehtob ot gniog ton m'I

MDFification wrote:

.diputs si daerht sihT

."sodlid" dellepssim uoY

.detovpu gnieb era uoy ylraelc ,daerht sdrawkcab a si siht sA !daerht ralupop a hcus no snoitalutargnoc ,lo79ig ,WTB

Twins the Serendipitous Serval wrote:

.sloof esreveR txeT .rettel yb rettel ,sdrawkcab ti gnipyt yllautca si ereh eno on epoh I ahaH

I knew about that but I actually did type in reverse because then it wouldn't be a challenge otherwise

I did however use that app to decode other peoples posts.

For those saying this thread is this bad and demands it to be locked: STOP BUMPING IT THEN!


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