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My Dream, some damn good dream here.

Last posted Jul 19, 2012 at 11:12PM EDT. Added Jul 19, 2012 at 10:50PM EDT
21 posts from 7 users

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I've had a dream once…
And it was crazy…
But I can't really remember it
So I'll try my best.

The Dream:
I was feeling so down, and my parents looked down at me, not knowing what do to.
The Official Nintendo Restauraunt came!You could tell by the horn, which is the warp whistle sound.
My face was like


Oh god yes.

Anyhow, teh stuff on the menu looked and sounded delish.
PK Fire Wings.
Koopa Tenders, with a side of Bowser Fries.
Majora's Taco.(Black Taco)
Bowser Jr. Soft Drink.
Bowser 28 oz.
Luigi's Spaghetti.
Mario's Pizza.
Waluigi's Breadsticks.
Wario Turkey.
Yoshi's Scrambled Egg.
A topping for brown food colored mushrooms called Goombushrooms.

I got the Koopa Tenders with Bowser Fries, with a Bowser Jr. Soft Drink.
And there was a number. I saved it into my phone so they can come again.
You like?

Last edited Jul 19, 2012 at 10:51PM EDT

Nobody gives a shit.
Edit: Seriously though. I'm not sure if KYM is exactly the right place for a 10-year-old in my opinion. Sorry, but that's what I think.

Last edited Jul 19, 2012 at 10:58PM EDT

Alejandro wrote:

Nobody gives a shit.
Edit: Seriously though. I'm not sure if KYM is exactly the right place for a 10-year-old in my opinion. Sorry, but that's what I think.

>nobody gives a shit
>you didn't read.

No, the same could not be said. I can definitely read that in under three minutes. I read it. And I give zero shits. Quit being immature, or get off the site. You're skating on thin ice, kid.

Last edited Jul 19, 2012 at 11:01PM EDT

Spores wrote:

I really liked this dream so I posted it.

Yeah, and I really liked the dream I had where REDACTED, but I know nobody else cares, so I'm not making a thread about it.
The KYM forums aren't your blog.

Zarathh wrote:

Why do you keep making these threads?

because I do these for pleasure of other readers.

Last edited Jul 19, 2012 at 11:05PM EDT

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Why don't you start a new thread instead?

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