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The jealousy for youtubers

Last posted Aug 26, 2014 at 08:53PM EDT. Added Aug 06, 2014 at 04:44PM EDT
37 posts from 14 users

I don't really hate anyone who is popular on youtube or anyone who is a "youtube whore" but a lot of the criticism i see are clearly people who are jealous and whenever you tell them that they say "way to bring up the jealousy argument".

Jealous definition:“feeling or showing an envious resentment of someone or their achievements, possessions, or perceived advantages.”

And For those who don't know

Envy definition:“a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.”

Source: google

If someone hates a youtuber because they gained a lot of success through poor quality content and their favourite youtuber is not as popular as them, that is dictionary definition jealousy.

I wanted to address this because it can be applied to pewdiepie,RWJ,shane dawson or any other youtuber just like them.

And a lot of people don't admit this, if people don't care about pewdiepie they wouldn't be talking about him.

I don't have any "resentful longing" to be in the situation of PDP or any other bad yet famous youtuber. Hell, I pity him – I know I wouldn't want to be famous at the price a massive hatedom and all my real fans being rabid middle schoolers.

I subscribed to smosh way back when they first started making videos, and they were good. Now, I stopped because of one, the rather immature and annoying fanbase, two because the quality of the videos worsened, and three, because they've spread so much its just their company money making path. I just think they aren't as funny and genuine as when they were in 2006. Just me.

Its not really so much that i want what they have so much as i feel like they don't deserve it.

Take for example a con artist or a fucked up business man. They make a lot of money and are very successful. But they only do it through cheap tactics, and i believe they don't shouldn't be that successful, not because i want what they have, but because they simply don't deserve it.

Last edited Aug 06, 2014 at 05:13PM EDT

I've mostly stopped looking at youtube comments unless intelligent debate can clearly be generated from the contents of the video, because all the bitching and moaning from so many people there makes me want to send my fucking fist through my computer screen.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

I've mostly stopped looking at youtube comments unless intelligent debate can clearly be generated from the contents of the video, because all the bitching and moaning from so many people there makes me want to send my fucking fist through my computer screen.

Can you give clarity in what you're referring to?

MF DOOM wrote:

i feel no jealousy to youtubers. Just the feeling that they make millions with just their hobbies just doesn't feel right.

Yeah. Some teenager recording himself playing slenderman generates more views, subscribers, and money than actual creative, talented, and funny people.

What I do is just ignore those people, and support my subscriptions.

Fiddle with my Diddle wrote:

I hate it when they use that excuse "he donates to charity!" crap whenever someone criticizes Pleasediepie

He donates for the publicity, lots of rich people do that

This is coming from him making bad rape jokes.

Here are my problems with that

1.he apologised and did not make a rape joke ever again
2. If you are the kind of person who likes psychicpebbles (like a lot of ranters) then you are a hypocrite.
3. Pewdiepie said that the support he gets is so overwhelming that he does not care about the people who don't like him.

Last edited Aug 07, 2014 at 03:28AM EDT

DCS WORLD wrote:

God damn it did you even read what i wrote.

Wasn't posted directly towards you. It's just that when you're critiquing famous Youtubers like RayWilliamJohnson (aka "What the fuck is original content?") or Pewdiepie (Screaming about dog rape = Comedy Gold), their fans will crawl out of whatever rocks they're living under and accuse you of being "jealous" of their publicity.

Fiddle with my Diddle wrote:

I hate it when they use that excuse "he donates to charity!" crap whenever someone criticizes Pleasediepie

He donates for the publicity, lots of rich people do that

To criticize you for professing to hate the guts of someone you've never met would be… hypocritical. But "Pleasediepie"? Right there, you're acting more immature, and far more nasty, than 90% of the drooling teen proportion of his fan base.
And for what? The hate for this guy really baffles me. So he told some extremely disgusting and uncouth jokes. But when you do a Let's Play in that style, you're really supposed to let whatever pops into your head tumble out your mouth. (If whatever that is ends up being funny most of the time is how the quality is judged. That ability is one of the most fundamental skills for comedians.) A great example is a channel I'm just getting into, which is Game Grumps. At the end of one episode, JonTron starts spewing some fake German and yells "Heil Hitler!" OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE. If there's a real difference between these two outbursts, it's not much. But Jon has the benefit of a partner who can play the straight man (classic trope) to generate laughs, plus, based on the maybe two minutes of PewDiePie I've seen, he's got way better timing. That doesn't, however, allow me to say that no one should watch PDP's stuff.
Would I? Fuck no, not in a million years. But to say in a semi-serious manner that you're wishing for his death crosses "the line", which is something I normally don't even acknowledge the existence of.

In the case of most shitty lets let's players like the Game Grumps and Pewdiepie is that they benefit the most from youtube's system and barely anything they do is original. Meanwhile this puts people at a disadvantage because it usually takes more then setting up a capture card and mic and then screaming like a little kid for a lot of lesser known people especially animators and such because of how low it takes to make a short video. Plus then it means that the only videos we end up seeing are just joke-y commentary on other peoples work. LPs and people like RWJ stay at the top because they are watched by thousands of these young kids and people who want to see more things like reviews, educational, fun and creative animations or even live action videos do not get to see that stuff while these people like PDP who with some dumb luck and the ability to entertain lots of children by acting like one hog all 1 spots, get promoted and get a fuck ton of money for playing games. Instead of these people coming up with original content don't anywhere near as much which they could actually fund their channel and what they do especially since the costs are usually a lot higher then a mic, capture card and some video games.

As for jealousy I don't feel that much. I'm pretty sure everyone would want to enjoy making videos of their hobby that consists of other peoples work and saying stupid about it and to get millions of pounds or whatever. But I don't really care because it's pointless to envy people who make all that money because it's not that much of a big deal i'm not earning millions.

I just try to look for things with humour that's actually clever or something informative that I can learn from instead.

Spider-Byte wrote:

In the case of most shitty lets let's players like the Game Grumps and Pewdiepie is that they benefit the most from youtube's system and barely anything they do is original. Meanwhile this puts people at a disadvantage because it usually takes more then setting up a capture card and mic and then screaming like a little kid for a lot of lesser known people especially animators and such because of how low it takes to make a short video. Plus then it means that the only videos we end up seeing are just joke-y commentary on other peoples work. LPs and people like RWJ stay at the top because they are watched by thousands of these young kids and people who want to see more things like reviews, educational, fun and creative animations or even live action videos do not get to see that stuff while these people like PDP who with some dumb luck and the ability to entertain lots of children by acting like one hog all 1 spots, get promoted and get a fuck ton of money for playing games. Instead of these people coming up with original content don't anywhere near as much which they could actually fund their channel and what they do especially since the costs are usually a lot higher then a mic, capture card and some video games.

As for jealousy I don't feel that much. I'm pretty sure everyone would want to enjoy making videos of their hobby that consists of other peoples work and saying stupid about it and to get millions of pounds or whatever. But I don't really care because it's pointless to envy people who make all that money because it's not that much of a big deal i'm not earning millions.

I just try to look for things with humour that's actually clever or something informative that I can learn from instead.

That is the kind of stuff to be taken to youtube's head quarters instead of complaining about the actual content.

DCS WORLD wrote:

That is the kind of stuff to be taken to youtube's head quarters instead of complaining about the actual content.

Well the system they use makes sense and youtube is a business after all. It's mainly to do with the fact that youtube is dominated by younger audiences that watch this awful crap.

Spider-Byte wrote:

In the case of most shitty lets let's players like the Game Grumps and Pewdiepie is that they benefit the most from youtube's system and barely anything they do is original. Meanwhile this puts people at a disadvantage because it usually takes more then setting up a capture card and mic and then screaming like a little kid for a lot of lesser known people especially animators and such because of how low it takes to make a short video. Plus then it means that the only videos we end up seeing are just joke-y commentary on other peoples work. LPs and people like RWJ stay at the top because they are watched by thousands of these young kids and people who want to see more things like reviews, educational, fun and creative animations or even live action videos do not get to see that stuff while these people like PDP who with some dumb luck and the ability to entertain lots of children by acting like one hog all 1 spots, get promoted and get a fuck ton of money for playing games. Instead of these people coming up with original content don't anywhere near as much which they could actually fund their channel and what they do especially since the costs are usually a lot higher then a mic, capture card and some video games.

As for jealousy I don't feel that much. I'm pretty sure everyone would want to enjoy making videos of their hobby that consists of other peoples work and saying stupid about it and to get millions of pounds or whatever. But I don't really care because it's pointless to envy people who make all that money because it's not that much of a big deal i'm not earning millions.

I just try to look for things with humour that's actually clever or something informative that I can learn from instead.

Oh man, if you're pissed off about LP's, then I've got something that'll make you really pissed off. Did you know that there are people that charge upwards of $40 of their hard-earned money to see their show, and then just stand on an empty stage and tell jokes? I know, right? What bullshit! Where's the original content!? All of those musicals that have so much effort put into them are dying out because of these assholes! I don't care if many people enjoy so-called "comedy shows" more, because I get to dictate what people should spend their time doing!

Now tell me, does that seem reasonable to you?

I just hate how YouTube constantly treats most of the community like dirt. I feel that YouTube just constantly makes the big youtubers more famous and it's even harder for the little guys to even become successful on the website.

unusedusername wrote:

I just hate how YouTube constantly treats most of the community like dirt. I feel that YouTube just constantly makes the big youtubers more famous and it's even harder for the little guys to even become successful on the website.


0.9999...=1 wrote:

Oh man, if you're pissed off about LP's, then I've got something that'll make you really pissed off. Did you know that there are people that charge upwards of $40 of their hard-earned money to see their show, and then just stand on an empty stage and tell jokes? I know, right? What bullshit! Where's the original content!? All of those musicals that have so much effort put into them are dying out because of these assholes! I don't care if many people enjoy so-called "comedy shows" more, because I get to dictate what people should spend their time doing!

Now tell me, does that seem reasonable to you?

I can't remember the last time someone got up on stage and screamed at a mic for two hours. Nor do I know of any comedians who think "LOL HEIL HITLER!" is comedy gold and just whine about how shit the last thing they were playing was or going up to an audience and only play a game while pointing the obvious.

I think people pay their £24 to see someone who has wrote some jokes (and improvised others) and for them to preform and entertain rather then looking at the ceiling saying "durr the ceiling is red" or pointing to the stage curtains and saying "hahaha curtains". Nor do I think comedians only base their jokes of a single game that they are currently playing either.

But then again what's the difference between professionals and some internet famous man screaming into a mic. Because they are both the fucking same thing, aren't they?

Spider-Byte wrote:

I can't remember the last time someone got up on stage and screamed at a mic for two hours. Nor do I know of any comedians who think "LOL HEIL HITLER!" is comedy gold and just whine about how shit the last thing they were playing was or going up to an audience and only play a game while pointing the obvious.

I think people pay their £24 to see someone who has wrote some jokes (and improvised others) and for them to preform and entertain rather then looking at the ceiling saying "durr the ceiling is red" or pointing to the stage curtains and saying "hahaha curtains". Nor do I think comedians only base their jokes of a single game that they are currently playing either.

But then again what's the difference between professionals and some internet famous man screaming into a mic. Because they are both the fucking same thing, aren't they?

Every comedian has their own style. Lewis Black, for example, does yell quite often, because that's the point of his stand-up- he's enraged at the world. However, no, he does not do so constantly throughout his shows. But then again, neither has any LPer, or at least one I've ever seen. Dude, do you realize how fucking bad your throat would hurt if you did that? And they generally put out a lot of videos- they'd need a trachea transplant after a month of that shit.
Plus, it seems very likely based on the way you're describing it that you've never actually seen a Let's Play, or at least one liked by a number of people above grade school age. They don't just state the things they're looking at in the game, they improvise to make things as humorous as possible. It works especially well when there are two or more people to interact and bounce off each other. The point of mentioning that instance in Game Grumps was to show how it was Egoraptor's response to JonTron's insane outburst that made it funny. It's a very "random" style, and if that's not your thing, that's fine.
But that's all really beside the point. You don't get to dictate what other people find funny. You don't get to dictate what they're allowed to watch. And the fact that you're telling me that I'm basically some dumb kid just for trying to laugh at something fucking pisses me off! Now please just shut up, or I'm going to need to break out the Ibuprofen.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

Every comedian has their own style. Lewis Black, for example, does yell quite often, because that's the point of his stand-up- he's enraged at the world. However, no, he does not do so constantly throughout his shows. But then again, neither has any LPer, or at least one I've ever seen. Dude, do you realize how fucking bad your throat would hurt if you did that? And they generally put out a lot of videos- they'd need a trachea transplant after a month of that shit.
Plus, it seems very likely based on the way you're describing it that you've never actually seen a Let's Play, or at least one liked by a number of people above grade school age. They don't just state the things they're looking at in the game, they improvise to make things as humorous as possible. It works especially well when there are two or more people to interact and bounce off each other. The point of mentioning that instance in Game Grumps was to show how it was Egoraptor's response to JonTron's insane outburst that made it funny. It's a very "random" style, and if that's not your thing, that's fine.
But that's all really beside the point. You don't get to dictate what other people find funny. You don't get to dictate what they're allowed to watch. And the fact that you're telling me that I'm basically some dumb kid just for trying to laugh at something fucking pisses me off! Now please just shut up, or I'm going to need to break out the Ibuprofen.

That wasn't the point of my first message. You completely ignored what I said because I took the piss out of Game Grumps. The point was that LP's benefit from youtubes system because they get so much watch time. I was also saying they along with other popular youtube vids and channels are aimed at younger kids who just watch that "lol so random humour" and that people who aren't in that category don't get as much content because the people who make the content aren't getting any attention and support so now there is a saturation of LPers.

I also said it is aimed at generally watched by younger audiences and never said or really even implied you were a kid if you watch it.

Also I do watch the occasional lets play but usually if they are stuff I want to see but even that doesn't happen all to often because these people who use random humour are at the top and are leagues above in terms of support from youtube and advertisers.

Unless you want to nitpick one sentence and go off on a tangent again then please just look at what I am saying and leave it.

Spider-Byte wrote:

That wasn't the point of my first message. You completely ignored what I said because I took the piss out of Game Grumps. The point was that LP's benefit from youtubes system because they get so much watch time. I was also saying they along with other popular youtube vids and channels are aimed at younger kids who just watch that "lol so random humour" and that people who aren't in that category don't get as much content because the people who make the content aren't getting any attention and support so now there is a saturation of LPers.

I also said it is aimed at generally watched by younger audiences and never said or really even implied you were a kid if you watch it.

Also I do watch the occasional lets play but usually if they are stuff I want to see but even that doesn't happen all to often because these people who use random humour are at the top and are leagues above in terms of support from youtube and advertisers.

Unless you want to nitpick one sentence and go off on a tangent again then please just look at what I am saying and leave it.

And the point of my message was that they're not popular because they "manipulate the system", they're popular because… they're popular. People enjoy their stuff. They like the style of it. And to argue that there's practically no good and well-received scripted content on the internet because of this is just ludicrous. The easiest examples I can think of are the Nostalgia critic and the AVGN. You might not like their style either, but they're getting tons of views for videos that they put several hours of work into.
And to be clear, I wasn't nitpicking one sentence. It's not what you're saying that's getting me angry so much as your pompous attitude, that you're "looking down" at everyone who entertain themselves with videos of "inferior quality". I hate that shit. As far as I'm concerned, if you can argue for something and why you enjoy it without sounding like a dumbass, you should be left alone, regardless of whatever conspiracy theories you have about it.

0.9999...=1 wrote:

And the point of my message was that they're not popular because they "manipulate the system", they're popular because… they're popular. People enjoy their stuff. They like the style of it. And to argue that there's practically no good and well-received scripted content on the internet because of this is just ludicrous. The easiest examples I can think of are the Nostalgia critic and the AVGN. You might not like their style either, but they're getting tons of views for videos that they put several hours of work into.
And to be clear, I wasn't nitpicking one sentence. It's not what you're saying that's getting me angry so much as your pompous attitude, that you're "looking down" at everyone who entertain themselves with videos of "inferior quality". I hate that shit. As far as I'm concerned, if you can argue for something and why you enjoy it without sounding like a dumbass, you should be left alone, regardless of whatever conspiracy theories you have about it.

Yet again acting as if I'm saying people who watch those people are shit. I never said they were popular because they manipulated the system I was saying the system benefits them more over other content. Because of the format of the videos they get higher watch time and can upload videos more frequently then say animators or other people who put time into their work. Essentially what I'm saying is that they probably didn't know that youtube benefited their videos and I do think it should. I'm not trying to say people shouldn't watch them I'm saying give everyone else a bloody chance.

You are putting words in my mouth I never said. Sure I put own opinion in but that was to further my point. Instead of pretending I'm some video elitist or hipster that hates it because its popular. Your fixated on a point that was only a factor of what I'm saying and making shit up from nothing

Nor is this a conspiracy theory. Youtube have openly said and you can see this that the way it works is 2 major factors affect promotion. Firstly the frequency of the videos, while this makes sense because they promote making more content, however there are some people who in order to make their videos it takes a lot of time and especially those who aren't partners and getting any money so they work most of the time. This means they cannot upload more frequently. Secondly there is "watch time" which is based on how long you watch a video and how long it keeps a link of videos, say for example a lets play has many long episodes meaning that they have a lot of watch time from one LP series. But in a case of people who make shorter pieces of work that take a lot of time they don't have very long chains and fewer watch time and thus less promotion and not getting many views so they are pretty much fucked.

I'm not saying ban lets plays because I hate them. I'm saying that its annoying to see those with talents that are not playing a game and adding commentary get nowhere near as big. That means not only do viewers get less and less variety in content but talent gets wasted. Also here's where the demographic fits in. If a large quantity (but probably not the majority) of people with the same interest in videos (which is mostly a younger audience) and these videos are ones that already get a lot of watch time and can be made somewhat frequently that boosts growth for those types of videos which cause more videos of the same or similar thing which then gets more watch time then more promotion and then more viewers and then more watch time and the cycle just goes on and on. Well now this unfair because other content doesn't even get promoted in the first place. So now it is biased to those who enjoy one type of video. And that means less variety and other people cannot find different content that they enjoy.

So I'm sorry if I offended you for not liking Game Grumps and other LPers and I'm sorry I attacked you personally by association. I'm also very sorry for being at bit peeved at a biased system that has caused saturation in content. Also I'm really, really sorry for saying these words I never typed but you said I did.


Wow! For a while I thought you were being an ass but this last post cleared things up. I really dl agree with you now. The system is pretty rigged in this way. YouTube hasn't done it on purpose. They don't design it so that LPers get advantages specifically, but that's how it works anyways. Famous people keep getting more famous and it keeps getting harder for the little people to get anywhere. I'm not sure how this could be corrected or if YouTube would even care about fixing this, but it's definitely an issue in my opinion. Also, that isn't always the case. People like Jontron and Egoraptor put loads of work into the videos the do make (animations and reviews) and they don't upload very regularly yet they're pretty damn famous. However, their fame could be connected to Game Grumps which is of course, an LP channel, but their separate channels are actually more famous than GG, so I don't think that's right in this case. However, this could be a cause of them just purely being lucky and striking it big bacl when YouTube was smaller and didn't play favorites like it currently does. If anyone tried to do what they do and get famous now, it would ne 10x harder at least.

Spider-Byte wrote:

Yet again acting as if I'm saying people who watch those people are shit. I never said they were popular because they manipulated the system I was saying the system benefits them more over other content. Because of the format of the videos they get higher watch time and can upload videos more frequently then say animators or other people who put time into their work. Essentially what I'm saying is that they probably didn't know that youtube benefited their videos and I do think it should. I'm not trying to say people shouldn't watch them I'm saying give everyone else a bloody chance.

You are putting words in my mouth I never said. Sure I put own opinion in but that was to further my point. Instead of pretending I'm some video elitist or hipster that hates it because its popular. Your fixated on a point that was only a factor of what I'm saying and making shit up from nothing

Nor is this a conspiracy theory. Youtube have openly said and you can see this that the way it works is 2 major factors affect promotion. Firstly the frequency of the videos, while this makes sense because they promote making more content, however there are some people who in order to make their videos it takes a lot of time and especially those who aren't partners and getting any money so they work most of the time. This means they cannot upload more frequently. Secondly there is "watch time" which is based on how long you watch a video and how long it keeps a link of videos, say for example a lets play has many long episodes meaning that they have a lot of watch time from one LP series. But in a case of people who make shorter pieces of work that take a lot of time they don't have very long chains and fewer watch time and thus less promotion and not getting many views so they are pretty much fucked.

I'm not saying ban lets plays because I hate them. I'm saying that its annoying to see those with talents that are not playing a game and adding commentary get nowhere near as big. That means not only do viewers get less and less variety in content but talent gets wasted. Also here's where the demographic fits in. If a large quantity (but probably not the majority) of people with the same interest in videos (which is mostly a younger audience) and these videos are ones that already get a lot of watch time and can be made somewhat frequently that boosts growth for those types of videos which cause more videos of the same or similar thing which then gets more watch time then more promotion and then more viewers and then more watch time and the cycle just goes on and on. Well now this unfair because other content doesn't even get promoted in the first place. So now it is biased to those who enjoy one type of video. And that means less variety and other people cannot find different content that they enjoy.

So I'm sorry if I offended you for not liking Game Grumps and other LPers and I'm sorry I attacked you personally by association. I'm also very sorry for being at bit peeved at a biased system that has caused saturation in content. Also I'm really, really sorry for saying these words I never typed but you said I did.

You're saying that I said things you said that you didn't really say. I say you aren't saying what I said about what you said.

You know what, you can like or not like, believe or not believe whatever the fuck you want. I'm just done, because we're going absolutely nowhere really goddamn fast here.

Spider-Byte wrote:

Yet again acting as if I'm saying people who watch those people are shit. I never said they were popular because they manipulated the system I was saying the system benefits them more over other content. Because of the format of the videos they get higher watch time and can upload videos more frequently then say animators or other people who put time into their work. Essentially what I'm saying is that they probably didn't know that youtube benefited their videos and I do think it should. I'm not trying to say people shouldn't watch them I'm saying give everyone else a bloody chance.

You are putting words in my mouth I never said. Sure I put own opinion in but that was to further my point. Instead of pretending I'm some video elitist or hipster that hates it because its popular. Your fixated on a point that was only a factor of what I'm saying and making shit up from nothing

Nor is this a conspiracy theory. Youtube have openly said and you can see this that the way it works is 2 major factors affect promotion. Firstly the frequency of the videos, while this makes sense because they promote making more content, however there are some people who in order to make their videos it takes a lot of time and especially those who aren't partners and getting any money so they work most of the time. This means they cannot upload more frequently. Secondly there is "watch time" which is based on how long you watch a video and how long it keeps a link of videos, say for example a lets play has many long episodes meaning that they have a lot of watch time from one LP series. But in a case of people who make shorter pieces of work that take a lot of time they don't have very long chains and fewer watch time and thus less promotion and not getting many views so they are pretty much fucked.

I'm not saying ban lets plays because I hate them. I'm saying that its annoying to see those with talents that are not playing a game and adding commentary get nowhere near as big. That means not only do viewers get less and less variety in content but talent gets wasted. Also here's where the demographic fits in. If a large quantity (but probably not the majority) of people with the same interest in videos (which is mostly a younger audience) and these videos are ones that already get a lot of watch time and can be made somewhat frequently that boosts growth for those types of videos which cause more videos of the same or similar thing which then gets more watch time then more promotion and then more viewers and then more watch time and the cycle just goes on and on. Well now this unfair because other content doesn't even get promoted in the first place. So now it is biased to those who enjoy one type of video. And that means less variety and other people cannot find different content that they enjoy.

So I'm sorry if I offended you for not liking Game Grumps and other LPers and I'm sorry I attacked you personally by association. I'm also very sorry for being at bit peeved at a biased system that has caused saturation in content. Also I'm really, really sorry for saying these words I never typed but you said I did.

I think this can be fixed with like dislike buttons.

Instead of the simplistic like and dislike it should be 5 buttons. Like, partially like, indifferent, partially dislike and dislike.

The ones that have the highest like ratio may be get publicity on youtube's homepage.

But is it a good idea?

Last edited Aug 07, 2014 at 06:28PM EDT

DCS WORLD wrote:

I think this can be fixed with like dislike buttons.

Instead of the simplistic like and dislike it should be 5 buttons. Like, partially like, indifferent, partially dislike and dislike.

The ones that have the highest like ratio may be get publicity on youtube's homepage.

But is it a good idea?

Doesn't solve the problem and only creates more. The first one is all the currently popular videos will have enormous following that would like and partially like the videos and there's not even enough people who will openly dislike these videos and the few that do it out of spite.

Plus now you can abuse the system by making a video and getting your friends to like it and have really high ratio. Now people can abuse it that way.

Unfortunately youtube is basically a massive monopoly in the online video industry and unless there comes another service for say animators or people who are doing all this work and it specifies the content that can be uploaded there isn't really a way out.

Also this is why channel growth has slowed and in some cases been stunted for even big channels like Smosh. Whether you have or never liked Smosh they were really high up on most subscribed and viewed. But they were knocked down because the system favours watch time so even though Smosh uploaded frequently there videos are about 4 minutes. Now if you need to watch 3 Smosh videos to get the watch time of Pewdiepie. But Smosh videos use equipment and new concepts and assuming it takes them a day to make a video. Pewdiepie (I'm not picking on him because he is the best example of this, plus he has extra factors to do with location that actually boost his videos, there's a Game Theory episode on it) can play a game for about a hour and then add another couple of hours for editing he can make about 4-6 LP videos at 10-15 minutes. This is gold for watch time because he can get a ton and thus get a ton of promotion and that's how he rapidly became the No.1 youtuber.


"Unfortunately youtube is basically a massive monopoly in the online video industry and unless there comes another service for say animators or people who are doing all this work and it specifies the content that can be uploaded there isn’t really a way out."

Well, on the brightside, services like Patreon are helping out people who make certain content like animations and stuff that requires a lot of editting and time to put together, and Twitch is becoming a more viable alternative to YouTube for gamers due to the fact that the copyright claiming system on YouTube is beginning to kill off some channels due to how abusable it is, and the fact that people are paid mostly by subscribers on Twitch, which means good content is required to get people to fork out cash.

The main issue then becomes the fact that Twitch, being a live streaming site, doesn't entirely cater towards Let's Players as well as YouTube does. But hey, at least there IS an alternative for those who put massive effort in, albeit a small but growing one.

EDIT: BTW, Link to Patreon for those who have no idea what I'm blabbering on about:

Last edited Aug 08, 2014 at 06:32AM EDT

In terms of the Game Grumps and the money they get from it, think of it this way. Arin and Ross both do animations, and Danny does NSP. Game Grumps helps fund that, if not entirely funds that. So without GG we probably wouldn't get nearly as much content as frequently from the Grumps on their own.

💜✨KaijuSundae✨💜 wrote:

In terms of the Game Grumps and the money they get from it, think of it this way. Arin and Ross both do animations, and Danny does NSP. Game Grumps helps fund that, if not entirely funds that. So without GG we probably wouldn't get nearly as much content as frequently from the Grumps on their own.

What is nsp?

TripleA9000 wrote:

Its not really so much that i want what they have so much as i feel like they don't deserve it.

Take for example a con artist or a fucked up business man. They make a lot of money and are very successful. But they only do it through cheap tactics, and i believe they don't shouldn't be that successful, not because i want what they have, but because they simply don't deserve it.

It's called a competition.
If an athlete won a gold cup after a race would you say he doesn't deserve it?

I remember being in a competition but i never looked at someone and said "you don't deserve the prize".

And what are these cheap tactics.
Fake thumbnails: well if you knew the reputation of the person who done it you would've seen it coming.

What i am trying to say is that they provide entertainment for the audience and the audience likes it. And if you don't like it then step up your game.

Last edited Aug 26, 2014 at 08:58PM EDT

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