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Is western society dying?

Last posted Mar 18, 2015 at 04:26PM EDT. Added Mar 18, 2015 at 12:31AM EDT
15 posts from 14 users

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With all the Tumblr SJW bullshit, gamergate, company-made corruption, harsh primitive US government concepts (Such as making gay bans, climate change bans) wars, economy depressions, Detroit, and start of "gangster" attitudes with the death of educated citizens.

I'm assuming western society is degrading into a dump. I won't be surprised if other countries start banning flights to the western hemisphere in a few years or so…

Tumblr SJW bullshit, gamergate

Two relatively small groups on the internet, both convinced that they have more power and reason to exist than they actually do. Don't let them convince you too.

company-made corruption, gay bans

Archaic social attitudes are overwhelmingly more likely to be present in non-industrialized ("third-world") countries (countries in Africa include up to 98% of the population polling in favor of society rejecting gays), and private sector corruption is naturally rampant among industrializing nations. The mostly industrialized West suffers from these problems to a significantly smaller extent.

economy depressions

The effects of recent economic depressions, especially the harsh ones, have been global.

“gangster” attitudes

If you think US gangs are bad, try going to Somalia for a while.

climate change bans

This mostly-American problem does indeed need to be addressed, but why would you link the actions of a couple of states in one Western country to the collapse of the entire West?

I won’t be surprised if other countries start banning flights to the western hemisphere in a few years or so…

>Western Hemisphere
I sincerely hope that you weren't being serious here.

Last edited Mar 18, 2015 at 02:01AM EDT

Contrary to popular belief, mankind isn't going to downhill, slowy but surely we are taking baby steps into a better future, you have absolutely no idea what is it like to live in a society that's truly degrading into a dump, the issues you present are mundane and mostly caused by very vocal minorities, just like Particle Mare pointed out, try checking some history books/documentaries and you'll find out how lucky you are to be living in this era instead of 50~100 years ago where you probably wouldn't have got away saying dumb stuff like that

I'm going to assume you weren't serious at all and I wasted my time writing this

New theory: Legendarylankman is a member of some sort of wacky alien species that's evolved to panic about things degrading/being destroyed in the near future… but only when the idea is demonstrably wrong. His appearance on the forums signaled a wave of attackers to follow, and now they're going full Invasion of the Body Snatchers on the KYM users.
It is unlikely that there is any other good explanation for these occurrences.

controversy is good, especially if change comes out of it.

You can look at a lot of controversy as "Oh shit, everything is going to hell!"
or you could look at it like "look at all these problems that people are finally working on"

With the police thing, yea riots are bad, but at least its bringing up a rising issue, its not like the police were only abusing their power now and not before hand, so this outcry will hopefully lead to regulations that fix these issues.

with gamergate its simply people standing up and saying you shouldn't have any right to censor art.

every once in a while an old issue will come back, but you can look at it as a reminder of why we have these laws and things in place to start off, then its not all bad. I mean yea its horrible and sad that the Anti-vaccers are going to end up killing a lot of kids, but for most people we have never seen diseases because of vaccines, so its harder to understand the horrors of these things. Yea I hate that they have to bring their kids, but as long as we learn from it maybe more lives in the future will be saved.

Science and reason will continue to march forward and people will get left behind, what matters is that we don't has a society reject the wonderful things that science, knowledge, and reason can give us.

Whenever you have large sweeping changes or problems there are going to be bumps, thats how society works.


Uh, I don't think 500 years of cultural evolution and revolution is something that can really be graphed. If you want to try though, I think this would be a slightly more accurate representation.

Last edited Mar 18, 2015 at 04:15AM EDT

>implying that tumblrites and gamergators actually matter
>implying that the western society is worse off than it ever has been

Yes corruption, war and the like are problems we should dedicate our attention to and the decisions of certain US states can be worrying but you're simply overreacting. Contrast today with 50 years ago, where everyone was constantly dreading the threat of a nuclear winter. Or 100 years ago where colonialism was rampant. Just like Sigarete said, we are taking baby steps.

By the way there is term for this sort of fuss you're making right now: Mean World Syndrome.


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