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Site Karma

Last posted Sep 16, 2013 at 06:25AM EDT. Added Sep 15, 2013 at 12:35AM EDT
7 posts from 5 users

This is something that I have been wondering about since the first day I joined: why are the forums the only place the track permanent karma? The karma from meme comments and meme entries does not (seem to) be tracked, and it certainly isn't added to the karma pool in my account.

Just curious why that should be.

They are tied to two different codes.

However, I guess it's because Comments can be deleted at will and therefore the Karma, kinda undermining everything all together. Not to mention the fact that it would open everyone up to long-term Karma trolling until an Vote Lock Timer was applied to those posts (as Comment sections never lock)

I pushed for Karma being implemented on the comments section about a year back as response to just the sheer number of uncontrolled raging assholes that where running around the comments section at the time. Though I think the solution they came up with was a change in rule enforcement and that seemed to improve the situation.

Last edited Sep 15, 2013 at 02:08AM EDT

Rene LeMarchand wrote:

…but…. you just got six karma for posting "'+1 Dedpul' or 'OP likes D'"…

Well to be fair, you do like the D a lot.

Rene LeMarchand wrote:

…but…. you just got six karma for posting "'+1 Dedpul' or 'OP likes D'"…

Point is, those type of unhelpful comments are often the ones that get the quick and easy comment upvotes, and those are the last type of comments we like to support, because they're just plain annoying and uninsightful.

If comment karma would be saved on your wall, people could (more like would) start upvote whoring on the comment sections. And as those type of comments are the ones that get easy upvotes, the quantity of those would only increase.

Which is something rather to avoid.

Last edited Sep 16, 2013 at 06:26AM EDT

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