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................ . . . . .. ...... . . . . . .. ...... .... ... . ..... ... .... ... .. . . .... .. .... . . .. . . . . WHAT THE F<BLEEP>K!!!!

Last posted Dec 30, 2009 at 04:46AM EST. Added Dec 29, 2009 at 12:20AM EST
51 posts from 15 users

Maybe. Didn't bother checking. The game is fucked up, so there's probably some way that card can be used to an advantage.

EDIT: Oh god. It is actually real. Oh my god. There is actually a card that causes a draw. On purpose.

And I am so done with people making new threads specifically to complain about how they don't like that some new users are making useless entries. This has been discussed many times, to the point where the threads concerning new users' entries become more annoying than the entries themselves.
Calm down, take a deep breath, and let the admins take care of it.

Thanks, Shadowfury, I was about to rage multiple times by claming that I would see Hectorious die a horrible and slow death because of his faggotry here.

We're all VERY well aware of the influx of new users, and the confusion many have over how to use the site.

There are a number of solutions in development including…

The KYM FAQ (It's a long one!)
Forum Rules and Regulations
Splitting the forums into 4 boards
Karma (community-regulating points that users give and take from each other)
Games Posting won't count toward overall Contributions
Database Contributions will be displayed separate from Forum posts.

These are all almost complete, but getting bugs worked out before being released.

We're also planning on…

Creating a Forum Mod admin level that doesn't edit the DB
Promoting a couple of users to Forum Mod
Adding the ability for users to grant editing privileges of their entries to other users for collaboration.
These are a little further down the line.

A lot of changes have been happening already.

The deleting bug has been fixed.
The caching has been fixed.
Visible IP logging has been added.

There are features and bugfixes being rolled out all the time, just as soon as they work like they're supposed to.


Yay. I need to get up earlier, all the cool stuff seems to be explained in the morning (where I am). Also, I am paranoid. I am a naturally paranoid person. I say so, because I don't want to seem rush-y when I say, don't forget my awesome question that I totally insist you answer on your own time. But you probably haven't forgotten. I guess I'm just paranoid. Like I said. Paranoid.

(Starts hammering F5)


Jeez, dude! Cool it! It's just the interwebz!


I can't wait for those updates to be added though, like I've said before, there's no need to rush them. Take your time and only add them when you guys have fixed up all the bugs and are happy with the final results.


But THIS is Morse Code. Try to figure out what it says!

.- - ..- .--- ..- … – .-.. - … – – …. . -. . -- .


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