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Images that belong in multiple galleries equally.

Last posted Mar 10, 2015 at 10:26PM EDT. Added Feb 19, 2015 at 08:30PM EST
3 posts from 3 users

I've noticed something about image galleries as of late; It seems that there are several images that could apply to multiple different galleries equally that are just put in one or the other.

Take for example this image. It is in the Don entry, understandably as it obviously pertains to Don, given its content, but it is also clearly an example of the Viper meme, "You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack".

What I'm wondering is what, if anything, should be done with images that apply equally to 2 or more separate entries? I'm not sure if it would be possible to simply put the same image in both galleries, but I'd really like to know if anyone has any possible solutions that would work.

This isn't really a serious problem, but it is one that, if solved, could very well make the site's many images more thoroughly categorized. If an image pertains just as much to one entry as another, I feel that it would be nice to be able to find it in the gallery of either one.

Last edited Feb 19, 2015 at 08:30PM EST

I was wondering about that, specifically regarding the relation of IPs and subcultures to Memes. I think that can be alleviated by allowing the same image to occupy a Meme gallery and a Subculture gallery at the same time, without moving the image or reposting with the added benefit of there being less of a reason for reposts to exist and subsequently less reposts over all.

the question is however is this system possible?

Such a system has been in discussion for a very long time among the mods, actually. I know that the image mods in particular would be over the moon at the thought of preventing repost-related headaches by having an image being uploaded once into multiple galleries as opposed to having multiple copies of the same image floating about.

From what I've heard, however, James (webmaster) has stated that putting a similar system in place would mean essentially rebuilding how the site handles media from the ground up. It's simply too much work for one person to pull off, unfortunately.

Also, OP, I know that the Don image is just one example of many and isn't that important, but there's a reason why it isn't (and shouldn't be) in the Viper gallery outside of being more relevant to Don: meta images are only allowed to go into one of two places – no gallery, or a meta entry's gallery (Know Your Meme, Don, etc.). The galleries of conventional entries are to remain strictly meta-free.


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