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BrainScratchComms Memes

Added 9 years ago by frizza24 • Updated about a year ago by Platus
Added 9 years ago by frizza24 • Updated about a year ago by Platus

BrainScratchComms Memes
BrainScratchComms Memes

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2014 Origin: izmaster244 on Twitter sent in meme like pictures of people from a commentary group know as BrainScratchComms (BSC for short) to BSC member ExandShadow and BrainScratchSitComms and TedAndSakurai two fan parody sitcom accounts on Twitter. Region:
Tags: twitter brainscratchcomms izmaster244 brainscratchsitcomms ted and sakurai fan accounts

Additional References: Twitter

About: izmaster244 on Twitter sends in meme like pictures of people from a commentary group know as BrainScratchComms (BSC for short) to BSC member ExandShadow and BrainScratchSitComms and TedAndSakurai two fan parody sitcom accounts on Twitter.

Origin: Board at one time izmaster244 created a meme of BSC's member Nyarman214 (Ryan) Pessimist Ryan, mocking Ted's unlucky streak of not encountering shiny Pokemon, saying h has 9 and what is his excuse. Since them he has created more memes of the members of BSC and guest commentator ClementJ642 (Clement) Chaotic Clement, SomeCallMeJohnny (Johnny) Good Guy Johnny, and Ted himself, Grumpy Ted.

Spread: After he made the memes a few times around, two fan parody Twitter accounts showed up and caught izmaster244's interest, he followed them do to their funny sitcom type antics they posted, he started sending the memes to them swell, after retweeting and favoriting most of the ones sent to them, the memes gained popularity among followers of the two sitcom accounts.

Notable Examples: Those would be the as of June 2014, the only forms of BSC Memes and they are; Pessimist Ryan, Chaotic Clement, Good Guy Johnny, and Grumpy Ted.

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