Meme Encyclopedia
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Added 15 years ago by Funky Raspberry • Updated about a month ago by Kevinvq2
Added 15 years ago by Funky Raspberry • Updated about a month ago by Kevinvq2

This entry contains content that may be considered sensitive to some viewers.

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2004 Origin: Region:
Tags: image 4chan photoshop smexy

Additional References: Encyclopedia Dramatica Urban Dictionary


Cockmongler is a image of a ginger man posing with a disturbing and humorous expression on his face feauting an unusually wide and toothy smile. His unique face is often photoshopped into other pictures and scenes. One of the oldest 4chan memes, it still remains popular today, and is considered by many to be one of 4chans mascots.


The original image came from the website for The Worlds Largest Dinosaur, a large sculpture located in Drumheller, Alberta. Located in the Fun Stuff section, the photo was titled "A prime example of TOO MUCH time at the World's Largest Dinosaur."[1]

WORLD'S LAR DINOSA UR DRUMHELLERAL BERTA Fun Stuff ONLIN< STOR< The Real King of the Jungle (Video-requires Flash Player) Town of Drumheller's Kids Zone DIN HISTORYAime sxamale of MUCH ime at the otda Lacgest Dinsaur FUN STUFF VIRTVAL OUR

The first version of the image posted to 4chan featured the caption "I'll suck your cock!" and was posted sometime around June 2004[4]. Threads featuring the Cockmongler soon started appearing, with several even being archived due to notableness.[5]

T'll suck your c---!

Grinman / Smiling Man

A popular form of trolling involves posting a picture of the Cockmongler with captions referring to the character as "Grinman" or "Smiling Man". Despite the frequent and predicatable uses of this method, it still remains an effective way to troll.

For fuck's sake…
Alright, Word Of Power time. It's Grinman. Always has been, always will be. Not Cockmongler. I'm not saying this towards the trolls who've flooded this thread with Cockmongler shit – they've no hope already. I'm saying this for your benefit – the Anonymous onlooker. You may be new and know nothing about this yet, or you may be old and just plain ignorant. But it's not Cockmongler. It started a few months ago, and it's everywhere. Take it from me. It's Grinman. You don't have to believe me, but I recommend that you do. If you don't, just keep it in the back of your head…the last flickering candle of truth. He's the Grinman. Not Cockmongler. Have some Longcat too (not Cocksucking cat).[2]

Return of Cockmongler

File :1209352742785.ipg-(8 KB, 192x254, Cockmongler3.jpg) Anonymous 04/27/08(Sun)23:19:02 No.64833269 Sup /b/? So today was the Calgary Comic Expo. I went there with some friends, and it was pretty awesome. There were a lot of weaboos and furfags to troll and we did so. Partway through, my friend left to go get some food, when he came back he told me he saw C--- Mongler walking around. When I went to go look I was suprised that it was in fact, C--- Mongler. While he is a little older, he informed us that he still does mongle cocks. Here's a picture I took TL.DR Cockmongler is still lively and mongling cocks, just he's a bit older now. Anonymous 04/27/08(Sun)23:19:57 No.64833390 pics or it didnt happen Anonymous 04/27/08(Sun)23.20:12 No.64833426 WAT! Anonymous 04/27/08(Sun)23.20:30 No.64833458 File :1209352830258.ipg-(62 KB, 600x791, cockmongler1.jpg) 64833390 Are you blind?

On the 27th April 2008, a anonymous poster on 4chan posted pictures on /b/ taken at the Calgary Comic Expo, which showed more recent pictures of the original Cockmongler. The thread was so popular that it was stickied to the front page of /b/[3].

[1] Worlds Largest Dinosaur site – Original Cockmongler (Click "A prime example of TOO MUCH time at the World's Largest Dinosaur")

[2] Encyclopedia Dramtica – Cockmongler

[3] Chanarchive – Cockmongler 2008

[4] Lurkmore Wiki – Cockmongler

[5] Chanarchive – Cockmongler Threads – cockmongler and cockmongler painting collaboration

Comments ( 28 )

  • Goomba - 15 years ago

    Scarier than Weegee.

  • Dave Davidson - 14 years ago

    Cockmongler = Definite meme

  • Jamie Dubs - 14 years ago

    Threw some factoids in the description. Epic archived thread has RIDICULOUS numbers of cockmongles

  • Chris Menning - 14 years ago

    Nice work!

  • Dave Davidson - 14 years ago

    All I really know about Cockmongler is that he took the picture wanting to show of his favorite dinosaur shirt.

    However, when he made a funny face, the rediculousness of the picture made it an internet phenomenon.

    There is so much meme in this page it's mesmerizing.

  • beardednun - 14 years ago

    Of course, the term "Grinman" was used to troll oldfags on /b/, to whom he was always and forever Cockmongler.

  • iseeuder - 14 years ago

    During the day he is just a normal man, but by night he is the cockmongler and travels the world to mongle cocks, only to wake up with no recollection!

  • Dylan James - 14 years ago

    he's a famous comedian, but i 4got his name!

  • EpicBird - 14 years ago

    Does anybody else think he looks like the Irate Gamer?

  • cjb - 14 years ago

    History: "Cockmongler" was discovered and introduced to the wider world by the epic old tripfag SovietRussia.

  • 2005btard - 14 years ago

    Listen to cjb, this man is right.

  • CLYDE (Joe's Nightmare) - 14 years ago

    I think on Blockland, one of the face choices is his.

  • MucusFlesh - 13 years ago

    Cockmongler is my favorite meme on 4chan.

  • Ren - 13 years ago

    Some history, maybe?

  • dashel - 13 years ago

    I'm actually the poor buggers friend and I can tell you that he was pretty upset about it all. Thanks to the Grinman people though, at least their depictions of him are in good taste.
    David Davidson is wrong about showing off his favorite shirt. He worked at a place that sold them, he modeled the shirts and the pic of him goofing off wasn't supposed to be put on the website at all.

  • cjb - 13 years ago

    The meme was originally created by the Great Old namefag SovietRussia, as I memember the first post of the pic to /b/.

  • Kenny Hakivah - 13 years ago

    has confusion. what is teh meme?

  • CommanderThunderush - 11 years ago

    +1 RUN AWAY!!!

  • Gallademeister - 11 years ago

  • Asslord Supreme - 11 years ago

    sees on trending, looks at title
    Does this mean we need an NSFW tag for the KYM homepage?

  • Kung Fu Cthulhu - 10 years ago

    I was wondering what this was called.

  • Madoldcrow1105 - 9 years ago

  • Fuckface - 9 years ago


  • DreamTeamPalooza - 9 years ago

    lol interbutts

  • Lazy Ass - 8 years ago


  • Rudy La Fontaine - 4 years ago

  • Pee Pal - 3 years ago

    He's possessed by Joe Biden.

  • Vinluv Handesbukia - 3 years ago

    Listen here fat

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