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Cook asks cook

Added 11 years ago by Twelve8892 • Updated 4 days ago by Twelve8892
Added 11 years ago by Twelve8892 • Updated 4 days ago by Twelve8892

Cook asks cook
Cook asks cook

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2008 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: russian boy teen rytp

Cook asks cook (rus. Повар спрашивает повара) is a popular in Russian Internet video, used in a lot of remixes, and one of the most usable source in Russian YouTube Poops. In this video teen-age boy tries to tell a joke about two cooks, but begins to laugh at it before finishing.


Russian lyrics

Повар спрашивает повара:
-- Повар, какова твоя профессия? Ты милиционер?
-- Нет, -- отвечает Повар. -- Моя главная профессия -- повар!
-- Аха! А твоя? (смех)
-- А твоя… наверно… наверно врач, повар?
-- Нет! (смех) Я повар!

literary translation

A cook asks another cook:
-- Cook, what do you do for a living? Are you police officer?
-- No, -- says the second cook. -- My major job is a cook!
-- A-ha! And yours? (laughs very contagiously)
-- And you… You must be a… a doctor, cook?
-- No! (laugh)… I’m a cook!

This video was recorded in 2006 by Anton Sidorov – young 10 year old boy, living in Saint-Petersburg city. There isn't any confirmed information about why and how did he record it, and how did it get in the Internet. In 6th of July, 2008, video was uploaded by user KventinBuratino on YouTube – this upload considers to be original.


Video began to spread around Russian Internet in 2009. In 2011, popular Russian viral video reviewer Maksim Golopolosov reviewed it in his Internet-show's first episode. After that, video got viral character, because of its stupid and mad character, and then spread around all Russian YouTube community and other sites. It has much less popularity in Internet's English community.

Because of its usability, video became very popular as source for Russian YouTube Poops. His "nickname" in Russian YouTube community is "cook" (rus. Повар).


Now Anton Sidorov's studying in Saint-Petersburg's Musical University and leads his own musical group. He hides from his fans and refuses giving an interview. According to the video, recorded in 2011, he hates everything connected with this record and feels regret about shooting it.

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