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Don Ramón

Added 13 years ago by thisnothat • Updated about a year ago by James
Added 13 years ago by thisnothat • Updated about a year ago by James

Don Ramón
Don Ramón

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2004 Origin: Mexico Region:
Tags: latin exploitable tv character el chavo sitcom

Additional References: Wikipedia

This article is currently on a rewriting…


Don Ramon is a character of Mexican sitcom El Chavo del Ocho, a popular show in Latin America produced by Roberto Gomez Bolaños (who also plays as the main character, "El chavo") Don Ramon character is played by Ramon Valdes, one of the 3 Valdes Brothers.

Ramon Valdes, even though being featured in major films next to his brother German Valdes (a major legend on Mexican Folclore, better known as "Tin-Tan") never got to shine in the same way, since he always took small TV roles for living (Ironically, pretty much as his TV counterpart).

Don Ramon's character is always pictured with a black t-shirt, a pair of jeans, white tennis and a very characteristic blue demin hat.


Despite most of characters on the Tv show got to shine somehow, Don Ramon was widely recogniced beyond the original intentions of the show. He was a figure by himself

What made Don Ramon famous is the fact that he represents an Underdog figure for the Mexican society of the time; always triyng to carry on being an employer or sub-employer, sneaking around rent payments, humble, skinny and with a total lack of interest on working, and yet, being strongly admired despite all of this. In resume, an Anti-heroe of the latinamerican culture.

The Spread of his Image, however, came several years after his death.

The urban culture, such being recognized for stenciling the walls with several "El che" images also went to stencil on several images of "Don Ramon" This begun first as an Ironic social satire, but soon, took a more humoristic sense.

Around 2006, with the proliferation of Youtube and other social networks, fans on the internet began to splice his image into other elements of the worldwide pop culture, thus; both to homage the character and to exploit
the irony of watching such a simple and regular man in such extravagant scenarios.

Many websites has beggun to spread his name for other purposes as well. In the early 2010 a citizen plea
begun with the usage of his image on a protest agains the extortion and violence from the Gangs on El Salvador. This can be found on it's Fan Website

Some Articles

A web page with some images
a few more from the same web

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