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Epic Head Bobbing Guy

Added 13 years ago by l337guitarist • Updated about a year ago by ­­­Alex Mercer
Added 13 years ago by l337guitarist • Updated about a year ago by ­­­Alex Mercer

Epic Head Bobbing Guy
Epic Head Bobbing Guy

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2009 Origin: Dingo Pictures Aladin Region:
Tags: german imaperson bobbing aladdin head guy


The Epic Head Bobbing Guy, (sometimes referred to as Guy Who Moves His Head) is a background character from Dingo Pictures' Aladin. He is seen moving his head to the left and right, independent from his body. He commonly appears in Youtube Poops and other strange YouTube videos.


Epic Head Bobbing Guy comes from the animated movie Aladin, created by the German film studio Dingo Pictures. He started popping up on the internet around May 26th, 2009, when YouTube user deckman92 created the YouTube Poop "ALADIN BREAKS HIS SUPERFINGER". Epic Head Bobbing Guy can be seen at 0:47:


There were several loops of "That Guy From Aladin Who Moves his Head", but none of the videos received more then 33,000 views. But on December 31st, 2010, YouTube user Imaperson released a YouTube Poop called "MARK JOINS A MATHCORE BAND". This video featured a 1-and-a-half second long YTPMV, (an edit of a video to make it musical in nature), which had Epic Head Bobbing Guy doing what he does best, bobbing his head. The background sound was a recorder and a power chord from a guitar, from Dog Fashion Disco's song, Silent Film. Epic Head Bobbing Guy is often seen paired with with this sound clip.
Of the videos that shortly followed, "Weegee versus That Guy Who Moves His Head" was the most popular, receiving over 80,000 views. Since then, Epic Head Bobbing Guy has continued to be used in YouTube Poops.

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