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Todos Somos Hospital Civil de Guadalajara

Added 10 years ago by genocidepv • Updated about a year ago by genocidepv
Added 10 years ago by genocidepv • Updated about a year ago by genocidepv

Todos Somos Hospital Civil de Guadalajara
Todos Somos Hospital Civil de Guadalajara

Category: Event Status: submission Year: 2013 Origin: Facebook Region:
Tags: mexico facebook error hospital civil méxico guadalajara jalisco

This is a meme that first started on september 3rd 2013, cold night. And it all started because of a Facebook fanpage fail. Somehow almost every user from Guadalajara, Jalisco, México had a "residencia" change, in english it is shown as "Lives in…". So it changed to "Hospital Civil de Guadalajara" which i don't think there is need for a translation to english, it's pretty obvious.

Everybody started taking it as a joke, also it was almost impossible to change the "residencia" thing. So… memes started and we "Tapatios" started drinking tequila and have fun.

i'll just put the article about facebook fail in Guadalajara here
Por falla de Facebook, usuarios tapatíos residen en el Hospital Civil

Why did everybody from Guadalajara changed it's "live in…" status to Hospital Civil de Guadalajara?
Well aparently it is because when we choosed our place where we live in, we added a Guadalajara Facebook Fanpage, suddenly the fanpage owner change it's name to "Hospital Civil de Guadalajara" and therefore all tapatíos now live in this Hospital.

reference: Por qué Facebook cambió tu ciudad a "Hospital Civil de Guadalajara"

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