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Gasmask Goliath

Added 12 years ago by MT2218 • Updated about a year ago by omgitsmr
Added 12 years ago by MT2218 • Updated about a year ago by omgitsmr

Gasmask Goliath
Gasmask Goliath

Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2011 Origin: 4chan Region:
Tags: bat gas mask gasmask goliath greece protest

Additional References: Wikipedia


Meme came from 4chan in a thread started on the 28/12/11 since then it has appeared in other 4chan threads and funnyjunk. The macro image is taken from the ongoing strings of protests in Greece. A general form of this meme revolves around a Greek goliath with an equipped gasmask and a wooden stick going after several real-life and fictional characters The hilarity, or the lulz, stems from the implication of the included object or person being anticipatedly hit or beat up by this seemingly insane, or courageous, icon depending on the situation. From observation, Justin Bieber is by far his favorite target. The stealthier he is, usually the better the hilarity. Though, sometimes the targets are aware of him, and they will either run at or away from him at a variety of speed. Hilarity still ensures.

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