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Gosts are REAL. Gosts are EVEE WAIR.

Added 9 years ago by Dafuqo • Updated about a year ago by Dafuqo
Added 9 years ago by Dafuqo • Updated about a year ago by Dafuqo

Gosts are REAL. Gosts are EVEE WAIR.
Gosts are REAL. Gosts are EVEE WAIR.

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2014 Origin: Reddit Region:
Tags: reddit ghosts nosleep

Additional References: Facebook Reddit

The phrase Gosts are REAL. Gosts are EVEE WAIR. ("Ghosts are real, ghosts are everywhere") was the text of a note passed around among pupils of reddit user Cogitotoro, who told about this experience in a thread on AskReddit.


The phrase was quickly adopted as a sort of surprise twist when telling longer stories, in a similar way to the popular Bel Air or Tree Fiddy memes.

Comments ( 3 )

  • Jack Black - 9 years ago

  • MScratch - 9 years ago

    Could you explain the spread in more detail? Also it would appear that the original appeared at least a day ago. Give it more time. But for now, into the pool it goes.

  • Jellopy - 9 years ago

    Give us some examples

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