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My left ear enjoyed this very much!

Added 12 years ago by ShortFingeredShreder • Updated 10 months ago by Brad
Added 12 years ago by ShortFingeredShreder • Updated 10 months ago by Brad

My left ear enjoyed this very much!
My left ear enjoyed this very much!

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2011 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: youtube fad new chuck norris comment trend trending comment

Additional References: Wikipedia

Occurring in late 2011, this comment is starting to become a trending fad on YouTube videos that don't have stereo sound, videos that only have sound coming out of the left speaker and not the right, in other words, mono sound. Sometimes though, the sound only comes out of the right speaker, but it's not as common, so this means that the comment can go both ways. This is usually noticed by people wearing headphones. There are a few variations of this comment like "My left ear loved this video" or "My right ear is lonely!" or "My right ear is PISSED!". If it's a horrible video, then the comment would be "My right ear enjoyed this very much!" Since it's so new as of posting this entry, it would probably EXPLODE in the following months when more and more people find out about it, like so many trending comments before it. It's a very new trending comment but you can already tell that this is going to be one of those over-used troll comments like "ONE M0:00RE TIME!!!" or "SHUT UP AND ENJOY THE MUSIC! ∩(︶︿︶)∩" or "Did he died?" or "DIS-I-LIKE!" So now you can throw this into the pile of useless and unoriginal comments that has infested YouTube

For example, check out these videos

"My RIGHT EAR enjoyed this very much!"

These are perfect examples of the types of videos that this comment would be posted on.

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