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Only in Battlefield

Added 10 years ago by med1c • Updated about a year ago by Platus
Added 10 years ago by med1c • Updated about a year ago by Platus

Only in Battlefield
Only in Battlefield

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Category: Meme Status: deadpool Year: 2013 Origin: Youtube Region:
Tags: youtube ea battlefield dice dumdumdumdum

Additional References: Facebook Wikipedia

Only in Battlefield is a Youtube videos series uploaded on Battlefield channel. Videos include short interviews where testers from ''recent focus group'' for Battlefield 4 talk about some epic moments in the game with the goal of promoting the game and new Frostbite game engine. The video is followed by famous Battlefield drums theme.
After releasing open beta on 4th October and full game on 29th October EA and DICE were targets of some criticism beacuse of annoying in-game bugs and game crashing. After the release of full game, Battlefield channel continued to upload more ''Only in Battlefield'' videos which became targets of series of sarcastic comments that were mocking them.
Users would mimic the drum theme ''dumdumdumdumdumdumdum'' and would write a somewhat ordinary situation relevant or irrelevant to the game and add that it was epic and would finish the comment with same drum theme ''dumdumdumdumdum''.
Some comments change the ''Rated M for mature'' text for something random and irrelevant like ''Rated N for noodles''.
Notable examples:
''Dun dun dun dun dun dun "So I bought Battlefield 3 two years ago on release and I was like 'I don't have enough money to buy DLC. But, I bet it ain't worth it.' When BF4 came they said it's basically the same game. When I realized I was right, I was like 'Wow'. Dun dun dun dun dun dun.''

'' dum dum dum dum dum dum " I was playing conquest large in Shanghai, i was driving a damn tank, but then, i saw a chopper in the sky, so i hit it perfectly with hitmark confirmed, however, the chopper freezed in the sky and BOOM! Guess what? i'm back to desktop and i saw "something went wrong", that was freakin awesome" dum dum dum dum dum dum'' ''DunDunDunDunDunDunDUnDUn

So I was just running to the objective then the game crashed

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