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Rebecca Browder

Added 10 years ago by LeviathanPrime • Updated about a year ago by amanda b.
Added 10 years ago by LeviathanPrime • Updated about a year ago by amanda b.

Rebecca Browder
Rebecca Browder

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Category: Person Status: deadpool Year: 1992 Origin: Region:
Tags: rebeeca lynn browder rebecca browder proteus syndrome

Additional References: Facebook Wikipedia

Please watch this amd realize how trivial your own problems are. I was briefly the case manager for this young woman. I was floored by the fact that we were simply not able to help her enough. Someone was able to do a short video explaining her situation. There is also a facebook page mentioned in the video but I'll also post a link to a site taking donations for the things she needs most.

**It should go without saying that this girl has serious medical problems beyond her control. I know how people can be so I'll say this plainly. If you attempt to troll, insult, or harass this individual then please take a moment to realize that this isn't the place and none of this is her choice.

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