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Diaper Fetish/Infantilism

Added 9 years ago by Aydensnake • Updated 11 months ago by Twenty-One
Added 9 years ago by Aydensnake • Updated 11 months ago by Twenty-One

Diaper Fetish/Infantilism
Diaper Fetish/Infantilism
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Category: Subculture Status: deadpool Year: 1894 Origin: Region:
Type: Fetish
Tags: fetish diaper

Additional References: Encyclopedia Dramatica Urban Dictionary Wikipedia

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h2. Origin

While the date of the first person with an Infantilism fetish is unknown the word itself was created in 1894 by combining the word infantile with the "ism" suffix.


A diaper fetish is a sexual fetish in where people are sexually attracted to the act of wearing a diaper or seeing others wearing a diaper. It is also not limited to urinating and defecating in a diaper. Infantilism is a sexual fetish or a mental disorder in where one or more people role-play as babies including infant-like behavior such as: wearing diapers, urinating and defecating in diapers and more infant-like behavior. The way people go about participating in this fetish varies from person to person, but in general, there are two main categories of people: ABs or "adult babies" or DLs or "diaper lovers". Since how the fetish is practiced varies greatly from person to person, there is no definitive answer to which of the two types partake in the more "extreme" aspects of the fetish more often, such as urinating or defecating.

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