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The Kingdom of Loathing

Added 10 years ago by HorribleGhost • Updated about a year ago by pug on toast
Added 10 years ago by HorribleGhost • Updated about a year ago by pug on toast

The Kingdom of Loathing
The Kingdom of Loathing


Kingdom of Loathing, or "KOL" for short, is an online MMORPG created by Zack "Jick" Johnson and Josh "Mr. Skullhead" Nite. It was first released online in 2003. The game is notable for its simple stick-figure art, humorous in-game messages, and various pop culture references. Players can choose to play as one of 6 classes, only changing class when "ascending" after beating the game.

Muscle classes

Muscle players rely on sheer power and large health reserves, preferring to attack with melee weapons.

Turtle Tamers have the unique ability of turtle-taming, which is useful for gaining familiars or crafting certain items.

Seal Clubbers can summon infernal seals to fight for special loot.

Moxie classes

Moxie classes rely on speed and trickery to pickpocket monsters for extra items and cash. They use ranged, musical weapons, although knives are not unheard of.

Disco Bandits have skills that enable them to do extra damage with knives and "Disco Momentum", which grants certain benefits such as increased Moxie and being hit less. They also have Superhuman Cocktailcrafting.

Accordion Thieves can play certain songs that either buff themselves or deal damage. Different accordions produce songs of different lengths, or effects that last a certain amount of adventures.

Mysticality classes

Mysticality classes rely on their ability to cast spells and summon items. They use wands and staves to cast their spells, along with food-related minions.

Pastamancers have skills that let them summon pasta thralls in combat and cook with dry noodles.

Saucerors have skills that conjure protective sauces and scrumptious reagents, used in many potions.

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