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Why I'm Antisocial

Added 9 years ago by James Blunt • Updated 10 days ago by shevyrolet
Added 9 years ago by James Blunt • Updated 10 days ago by shevyrolet

Why I'm Antisocial
Why I'm Antisocial

Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2013 Origin: Region:
Type: Exploitable
Tags: exploitable antisocial generation swag people around me


Why I'm Antisocial is an exploitable image that compares the interests of a person hanging out by themselves to the interests of the group hanging out together. The image is normally paired with cringe and special snowflake behavior, or replaced with a sequitur image for a humorous or absurd effect.


Although the original site where the picture was first uploaded is unknown, the earliest instance of the meme was uploaded on 9gag[1] sometime shortly before September 2nd, 2013. The webcomic-style drawing featured a comparison between the artist and the people around her.

Why Im Antisocial People around me Me bought the 6 disc set of He Avengers A G


The original image was uploaded to subReddit r/cringepics[2] on February 14th, 2014, garnering 232 upvotes.

On July 1, 2014, a variation of the exploitable was posted on subreddit r/"lewronggeneration"[3], where it received 833 upvotes. The next day, users created the subreddit r/whyimantisocia[4] to host all variants of this image. As of April 2nd, 2015, the subreddit has 639 subscribers.

Various Examples

Why Im Antsocal People arournd me Me 4 b AG OLO Why I'm "Antsocia People around me Me AG Why I'm 'Antisocial People arourd me Me AG
Why I'm Antisocial People around me Me the 6 disc set of the Aven gers! Why Im "Antisocia Peaple around me Me Emu Large dark eyes Males have a females gray-brown Brown-gray blue neck, feathers with a part down the middle of the back Large, dark triangular beak AG Long legs Loose, limp hair-like feathers that hang down Three-toed feet with claws l'MSO BLACK QUARTERBACK HAVEぐSAD.C-- BB I GOT EED A LI T YOU CAN SIT THE BAC IT GOES IT GOE HUSTLEONES COMIN SHITAM FEELING IT I GOT

Search Interest

Not Available

External References

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