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X's Hot, Sticky Fluids

Added 13 years ago by Joe • Updated about a year ago by andcallmeshirley
Added 13 years ago by Joe • Updated about a year ago by andcallmeshirley

Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
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Category: Meme Status: submission Year: 2008 Origin: YouTube Region:
Tags: youtube poop

X's Hot, Sticky Fluids is a series of videos on YouTube made by different viewers. In each video, the maker uses sentence splicing to take out small voice clips of each character (Sonic the Hedgehog, Donald Duck, Heavy Weapons Guy) and pieces them together to say something along the lines of "I'm masturbating!; this is usually followed by another related character being splattered with various liquids.

This started in 2008 with a video called "Sonic's Hot, Sticky Fluids" (original poster unknown, re-upload show below).

After this, many have mimicked this video with other cartoon, video game characters, etc.


Mr. Soft

Donald Duck


The King

The Pillsbury Doughboy

Edd, from "Ed, Edd n' Eddy"

Glenn Beck

Rick Astley

The Heavy Weapons Guy

Mr. Volcano

The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Dr. Ivo Robotnik

Super Mario

I.M. Meen

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