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• Created 10 years ago By The Grim Heaper • Updated 4 years ago

Created 10 years ago By The Grim Heaper • Updated 4 years ago

Bill Nye Boo'd In Texas For Saying The Moon Reflects The Sun Bill Nye, the harmless children's edu-tainer known as The Science Guy managed to offend a select group of adults in Waco, Texas at a presentation, when he... pumpkaboohoo spaos-case-marine poppopcrocker I CANNOT BELIEV HOW DUMB IS TEXAS Hey Patinckwhat am I now Uhh. stupid? Whattsithe dierence? iff
Origin Entry:

Bill Nye


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Comments ( 54 )

  • Kirb Blanco - 10 years ago

    Texas is so stupid, the smartest person to come out of there is batshit insane!

    • PDD - 10 years ago

      Then I'm the Unabomber. Not all Texans are backward hillbillies.

  • Icecane - 10 years ago

    Why would he be booed?

    What? Are the people of Texas just really into moonlight? Real big moonlight fans over there in Texas?

    • Kwatsch9000 - 10 years ago

      They just can't take the fact that Vampires would still turn into ash at night and that Were-wolfs should turn into mega-ultra were-wolfs in bright day.

      • Tuba Pony - 10 years ago

        Maybe the moon dust has something to do with the were-wolfs, and for the vampires, Bram stoker's Dracula did'nt die during in sunlight, just weakened.

    • Tuba Pony - 10 years ago

      Maybe the moon dust has something to do with the were-wolfs, and for the vampires, Bram stoker's Dracula did'nt die during in sunlight, just weakened.

    • Blargity - 10 years ago

      They booed because science.

      Sorry, educated Texans.

  • Dinonick - 10 years ago

    I remember when i was little i thought
    "poor texas. they are being insulted by spongebob"
    Now i think
    "Poor texas. You make even patrick look like Hawkings"

    Ps. I hope he laughed himself off the stage. Its what i would do.

  • Kwatsch9000 - 10 years ago

    They just can't take the fact that Vampires would still turn into ash at night and that Were-wolfs should turn into mega-ultra were-wolfs in bright day.

    • Tuba Pony - 10 years ago

      Maybe the moon dust has something to do with the were-wolfs, and for the vampires, Bram stoker's Dracula did'nt die during in sunlight, just weakened.

  • Tuba Pony - 10 years ago

    Maybe the moon dust has something to do with the were-wolfs, and for the vampires, Bram stoker's Dracula did'nt die during in sunlight, just weakened.

  • Blargity - 10 years ago

    They booed because science.

    Sorry, educated Texans.

  • S1MP50N (local AFOL) - 10 years ago

    The globe according to Texas

    The solar system according to Texas

    • Princeso Bubblegum - 10 years ago

      plebes aren't even sophisticated enough to incorporate epicyles in their geocentric model

  • junkers1337 - 10 years ago

    As a Texan, I often wonder how a state with so many idiots can become the most powerful in the Union.

    • tootyboo12 - 10 years ago

      I think you answered your own question there. stupidity is a powerful thing.

  • Gravity Man - 10 years ago

    Here is the full story for all who are interested.

    All I can say is [facepalm].

    • Snickerway - 10 years ago

      If this is true (and given that I can't find any authoritative or unbiased (note that the original article came from source, it's likely not), they're both wrong in different ways; the Texans for denying basic fact, and Bill Nye for assuming that this somehow disproves religion. I mean, if the war on religion has been reduced to arguing semantics, I don't feel very threatened.

  • WhipperSnapper - 10 years ago

    The moon reflects the sun? So that's while it's more bright on a full moon. It's like a giant mirror.

  • I am AHO Right? - 10 years ago

    What Caleb Wise said.

  • DefinitelyNotADog - 10 years ago

    Why does Texas even have colleges? Did they really think people would use them?

    • FluffBall - 10 years ago

      It is a bit amazing to me the intellectual gap you see there. As far as I'm aware, Texas A&M is one of the best schools in the country.

      • G.E.C.K.O. - 10 years ago

        Also NASA's centrals.

    • G.E.C.K.O. - 10 years ago

      Also NASA's centrals.

  • Snowie - 10 years ago

    How dumb is Texas? They'll buy this shit like hot cakes:
    <img src="×450/Ted-Cruz-to-the-future-coloring-book_135540.jpg" height="300"

  • cb5 - 10 years ago

    As someone that has lived in Waco this is so true of people in the area it hurts me.

  • Princeso Bubblegum - 10 years ago

    plebes aren't even sophisticated enough to incorporate epicyles in their geocentric model

  • Buuburn7 - 10 years ago

    >Is from texas


  • Auto Schmodown - 10 years ago

    Now I know where I'm going to avoid for the rest of my life.

  • chowzburgerz - 10 years ago

    I hate Ted Cruz.

  • FluffBall - 10 years ago

    It is a bit amazing to me the intellectual gap you see there. As far as I'm aware, Texas A&M is one of the best schools in the country.

    • G.E.C.K.O. - 10 years ago

      Also NASA's centrals.

  • tootyboo12 - 10 years ago

    I think you answered your own question there. stupidity is a powerful thing.

  • ThatOneWeirdKid - 10 years ago

    Darn it Waco! You're making the rest of us look bad!

  • Lizardguy - 10 years ago

    Damn it Texas, you're the reason why so many countries hate the USA.

  • PDD - 10 years ago

    Then I'm the Unabomber. Not all Texans are backward hillbillies.

  • Old Man GigaChad - 10 years ago

    I think it might be fake.

  • G.E.C.K.O. - 10 years ago

    Houston we have a problem…

    • Genesis Does - 10 years ago


  • G.E.C.K.O. - 10 years ago

    Also NASA's centrals.

  • Snickerway - 10 years ago

    If this is true (and given that I can't find any authoritative or unbiased (note that the original article came from source, it's likely not), they're both wrong in different ways; the Texans for denying basic fact, and Bill Nye for assuming that this somehow disproves religion. I mean, if the war on religion has been reduced to arguing semantics, I don't feel very threatened.

  • DefinitelyNotADog - 10 years ago

    It's a joke.

  • Engie - 10 years ago

    waco Waco WACO WACO

  • Conman The Terrible - 10 years ago

    …the problem is Houston

    • Genesis Does - 10 years ago


  • Darkhanov - 10 years ago

    Everything is bigger in texas, No I don't think so

    I think is, Everything is Stupider in texas

  • Maiden Heaven - 10 years ago

    Being a proud Texan…

  • FutBoy - 10 years ago

  • Genesis Does - 10 years ago


  • Genesis Does - 10 years ago

    Speaking as a Texan:

  • The Ultimate Paragon - 10 years ago


  • L0RDR0B - 10 years ago

  • I am Melonlord - 10 years ago


  • Cyphon - 10 years ago

  • Cyphon - 10 years ago

    They should change their name from Waco to Whacko.

  • Jon the Wizard - 10 years ago


  • ShadowRoach21 - 10 years ago

    God, I hate it so much when people think Texas is a bunch of dumbass, fundamentalist, right-wing rednecks. Personally, I hope people can stop lumping the good people in Texas with all the mouth breathers.

  • PYRO - 10 years ago

    Texas isn't all bad, its where Rooster Teeth is from….AND THAT IS THE ONLY GOOD OR INTELLIGENT THING THAT HAS COME FROM TEXAS.

    • PYRO - 10 years ago

      Ok, TWO things.

  • Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest - 10 years ago

    Hey, remember that time Californa has more gun-murder than any other state? Or that time Detroit, an entire fucking city, went bankrupt?

  • RobotBurninator - 10 years ago

    Are these like Yo-Mama jokes now or something?

  • Supreme the Lurking Monitor - 10 years ago

    This is why Texas is ashamed of Texas.

  • Ann Hiro - 10 years ago

    You know, I'm actually quite saddened people would just generalize the populace of Texas to be a group of uneducated rednecks. Seriously the people making these claims are no worse than the people showing prejudice against my home state of Texas. I would appreciate it, not to say anything if you don't have anything nice at all. I rather not report people for breaking some rules.

  • Ann Hiro - 10 years ago

    Under Rule #7

  • Genesis Does - 10 years ago


    • PYRO - 10 years ago

      Ok, TWO things.

  • PYRO - 10 years ago

    Ok, TWO things.

  • Flare Boost - 10 years ago

  • Genesis Does - 10 years ago

    Retro Studios

  • jacks2399 - 9 years ago

    Oh, it's something we need more of in this country. Yes, Texas is stupid, because all they could come up with is booing. Next time any popularizer of science comes by, get some torches and pitchforks.

  • classified - 6 years ago

    I know this meme is pretty old, but this story was greatly exaggerated. These events happened in 2006, and at least one audience member was ticked off.

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