
25 History Memes From Weird And Wild World History

Two history memes in the following collection.
Two history memes in the following collection.

Published July 20, 2023

Published July 20, 2023

We might be living in an era unlike any other, but when looking back on history, this is nothing compared to the weirdness that's ensued in the past. Yes, it's always been this bad. It's unclear if maybe people were always just a little dumb or if they had other reasons for losing a war against flightless birds, but either way, it seems like the human race hasn't always been doing incredible things, and in reality, we were just causing horrible problems for one another, some of which we're still dealing with today. Fortunately, we can laugh at the mistakes of the people who came before us.

History memes exist to help us do just that. When the modern era is getting tiring, take a look back on the ridiculousness of living hundreds of years prior. Because when things get bad, at least we can remember that it's always been worse. Here are some of our favorite hand-picked memes about the olden days that none of us remember.

Big Brain Moves

(Source: Reddit)

Well? Are there ships now?

The French Handing Out Burns

(Source: Reddit)

The First Suspect

(Source: Reddit)

Living Her Best Life

(Source: Reddit)

Mucho Damage

(Source: Reddit)

Baldwin IV

(Source: Reddit)

The Conqueror

(Source: Reddit)

Many people considered themselves to be the supreme ruler of the world at the same time.

Happy Times

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta Keep That Ego in Check

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Cutest History Fact

(Source: Reddit)

Don't think of the sad history facts out there. Just think of the cute dogs.


(Source: Reddit)

Stop Ruining Vikings!

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Worry About It

(Source: Reddit)

Never Heard Of Them?

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, Yeah…

(Source: Reddit)

Some jokes never die, even if they should.

Crazy How Late 1800s People Lived In Two Different Worlds

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Hundred Years' War

(Source: Reddit)

"Oh, That's Okay."

(Source: Reddit)

Just Standing There Menacingly, Mostly

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Good Point

(Source: Reddit)

One Last Glorious Charge

(Source: Reddit)

What a Time to Be Polish

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: history, history memes, funny, history facts, fun facts, reddit, /r/historymemes, collections,