Some Of Our Favorite Memes From Our 'Meme Checkpoint' Facebook Challenge | Know Your Meme


Some Of Our Favorite Memes From Our 'Meme Checkpoint' Facebook Challenge

Two meme checkpoint memes
Two meme checkpoint memes

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Once in a while, we're based enough to participate in challenges online with out fanbase. Call us cringeworthy, and you're probably right about that too. We know what we are, and we're proud to annoy you. But what doesn't annoy many of you is our weekly opportunity to show off your sense of humor with some of your best new memes, starting with the very first one in your phone. And whether you'd pass or fail the checkpoint, we're proud of you for joining in (and keeping us employed).

That's right, it's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "meme checkpoint" challenge! On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.

Time To Shine

(Source: Facebook)

Live It Up

(Source: Facebook)

Here's Hoping There's Good Lighting

(Source: Facebook)

Just Following Instructions

(Source: Facebook)

The Better Name

(Source: Facebook)

Finally Found Out The Actual Lyrics

(Source: Facebook)

The Only Ticket To Get Behind

(Source: Facebook)

When You Have Too Much Time On Your Hands To Think

(Source: Facebook)

Finally, An Accurate Headline

(Source: Facebook)


(Source: Facebook)

Better Days

(Source: Facebook)

Cue Upbeat Music

(Source: Facebook)

The Harshest Dare Of All

(Source: Facebook)

Tags: #memecheckpoint, facebook, mirrors, conversations, paychecks, making scenes, airplanes, adventures in babysitting, what is love, three stooges, talladega nights, irony, harry and meghan, beastie boys, anxiety, clint eastwood, collections,