Hey guys I have time to kill, who wants to go on an old school journey with some twists?
Da Rulez:
1.Your Avatar is your character. You can change it if you want to participate as something in particular, but don't change again until your game is over.
2.Every character is allowed a single "natural skill" they can use creatively to their advantage. E.g. Spider-man's webs.
3. Sign up with your character's name and natural skill (and a description if this isn't immediately obvious what it does. Don't be OP!). I'll probably cap this at 10 or so people.
4. Keep your actions short and sweet, and at the top of your post so I can see them. Everything else can be inter character chat I dunno.
5. Only one "action" between updates from me. Talking isn't an action.
6. You can die. Don't be stupid or get your ass beat. Death is Game Over for you.
7. I might have more rules if things need to be addressed check here often.
Uhm. Begin sign up?