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KYM Pony General 2.0

Last posted Nov 01, 2011 at 07:44PM EDT. Added Oct 06, 2011 at 09:41PM EDT
9966 posts from 88 users

OccasionallyNotStupid wrote:

At least you found it as opposed to someone else. A good friend of mine still doesn't know that, to this very day, I have the only surviving copy of a poem he wrote and was so embarrassed about a year later that he tried to rip up every copy of. Only problem: our teacher entered it into one of those kids poetry contests and he won. I found a copy of the compilation of contest winners and keep it safe. Y'know, just in case.

True dat. I intend to keep it under lock and key until I decide on what to do with it.

Dat page.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 12:11AM EDT

Wightprincess wrote:

True dat. I intend to keep it under lock and key until I decide on what to do with it.

Dat page.

You also have to remember that you were younger and that it has some bearing on you as you are today, so I would try not to be so hard on yourself (although I do this all the time so I really am not qualified to dispense advice about it. I have never looked back on anything I wrote and was satisfied with it).

Surely the macaroni art you did when you were five is not up to what your standards today would be in the medium, but it was part of your journey into more politically aware macaroni art that also employed other noodle types to make an ironic point.

Now that I type this out, I am forced to wonder why there is not super-legit macaroni art.

PhantomSpy wrote:

do we need to open another thread?
i just subscribed to this one!

I can't "no" that first sentence hard enough (from experience.) We don't start pony threads. Mods do. Pony and Bronies are a very sensitive topic, so we need a moderator user to start up stuff like that. Otherwise, your karma total will be red for a while. And/or the thread will be immediately locked.
A mod will lock this thread (and any later Pony threads) once we get to some point after or during page 200. Once it's locked, another Pony thread will be opened by a mod or at least a well-known user on KYM. Then we'll start posting there. All we do as users is post on the open thread.
Also, I wouldn't suggest subscribing to this thread. Unless it's 4am in the US, your inbox will constantly have new emails. You won't be able to tell them apart after a while.

OccasionallyNotStupid wrote:

You also have to remember that you were younger and that it has some bearing on you as you are today, so I would try not to be so hard on yourself (although I do this all the time so I really am not qualified to dispense advice about it. I have never looked back on anything I wrote and was satisfied with it).

Surely the macaroni art you did when you were five is not up to what your standards today would be in the medium, but it was part of your journey into more politically aware macaroni art that also employed other noodle types to make an ironic point.

Now that I type this out, I am forced to wonder why there is not super-legit macaroni art.

Though I no longer worship Sonic, I think I may keep it yet. I realized I don't have many pieces of art or writing from when I was younger, so it seems a shame to just destroy it.

Wightprincess wrote:

Though I no longer worship Sonic, I think I may keep it yet. I realized I don't have many pieces of art or writing from when I was younger, so it seems a shame to just destroy it.

Keep it somewhere. I lost a lot of my semi-philosophical writings from high school in an…oddly specific flood…and they got washed to illegibility. You might hate looking at them due to grammar or because you don't feel or think the same way (like that Sonic one), but it's good nostalgia. Or at least I thought it was.

Verbose wrote:

Keep it somewhere. I lost a lot of my semi-philosophical writings from high school in an…oddly specific flood…and they got washed to illegibility. You might hate looking at them due to grammar or because you don't feel or think the same way (like that Sonic one), but it's good nostalgia. Or at least I thought it was.


Nostalgic or not, though, there's still no way in hell I'm posting it on 4chan, as Connor (jokingly) suggested.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 01:00AM EDT

Well i just finished amnesia, and holy crap my head hurts from all the terror.
I'm actually pretty sure that owen's pic up there is actually calming the fear.
Oh also i managed to finish my makeshift scout costume in time, yay!

nukefire wrote:

Well i just finished amnesia, and holy crap my head hurts from all the terror.
I'm actually pretty sure that owen's pic up there is actually calming the fear.
Oh also i managed to finish my makeshift scout costume in time, yay!

I'm proud of you on two levels.

For finishing Amnesia without going crazy, and for Scouting it up on Nightmare Night.

You may have kramas.

nukefire wrote:

Well i just finished amnesia, and holy crap my head hurts from all the terror.
I'm actually pretty sure that owen's pic up there is actually calming the fear.
Oh also i managed to finish my makeshift scout costume in time, yay!

I want to play amnesia. Sadly, I'm too cheap, so I plan on playing at my friends house once our schedules decide to agree (growing up sucks).

As for Halloween, I'll either take my baby sister trick or treating or stay at home to hand out candy. And on that note, I realize I should make a shotgun designed to blast candy out. That way I can get into the real spirit of Halloween by giving them candy and scaring them to death.

Erin ◕ω◕ wrote:

I wish everypony got tomorrow off for Nightmare Night… That way y'all could stay up so I wouldn't feel so forever alone.

Oh, I'll check in every once in a while to take a break from researching evidence-based health interventions.

I'm tempted to suggest ponies as an effective intervention to temper the effects of mild depression when combined with more formal programs/facilities for the paper, but it's not late enough for me to lose my inhibitions to do something like that I should be respectful of my teammates wishes to be normal. Or something.
F*ck formalities and sh*t.

nukefire wrote:

Well i just finished amnesia, and holy crap my head hurts from all the terror.
I'm actually pretty sure that owen's pic up there is actually calming the fear.
Oh also i managed to finish my makeshift scout costume in time, yay!

I am going as Heavy Weapons Guy. This is despite the fact I have no costume (only a model of Natascha) and that I am smaller than pipsqueak.

Verbose wrote:

Owens the Deranged wrote:

Brushie, brushie, brushie. Rainbow Dash is best pony.

Luna is scariest pony.

I need some sleep. I'm signing off for the night.

Mrs. Cake doesn't get enough love, so have some Cake.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 03:08AM EDT

Even though I enjoyed my little human supremacist thing a few pages back, I'll lay off the grimdark and write some brightlight involving humanity and ponies for you guys.

The inspiration for this is from an anonymous poster on one of /tg/'s HFY threads. Thank you anon! I will be shamelessly ripping off your story and adding ponies to it! Sorry!

Also, I did not proof read any of this so go easy on the grammar. I really don't see myself as much of a creative writer so I apologize in advance for shittiness.

"There it is!"

It had taken them a whole day but finally Twilight and her friends had reached their destination.

"The third spiral tower! THEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITIS!" The purple unicorn could barely contain her excitement as she hopped around in circles like a little school filly followed by her pink haired friend hopping closely behind.

"Tower Party! Tower Party!Tower Party! Tower Party! We're here, so it's party time!" normally Twilight would just shake her head at Pinkie's insistence that every event required a party but to be honest, she really felt like parting as well.

"Please darling, stop acting like children, you're making a scene!" Came the stern advice from Rarity "It's just a white tower for Celestia's sake!"

That got Twilight's blood boiling, never denounce a historical site around a nerd. EVER. "JUST a white tower, JUST a white tower! Rarity, this is one of the THIRTEEN Spiral towers spread across the world in all kingdoms and empires! All of them are exactly the same shape, size and length, DOWN TO THE MILLIMETRE! All of them carry the exact same message and all of them are proven by science to be thousands of years old! A lot of scholars believe only ancient aliens could have bui…MRFF"

A white alabaster hoof prevented Twilight from speaking any further "Yes Yes I know dear, you've told us many times before but you really must stop putting stock in this ridiculous Ancient Alien theory"

Spitting out the offending hoof, Twilight was only more determined for this debate "But Rarity, who could have built these structures so long ago and to such exact specifications! Not even the princess knows! It even says "Humanity" on the plaque at the top of every tower!"

Rarity sighed, Twilight was the smartest pony she knew but sometimes her intellect got in the way of her common sense. "Twilight, dear. Everyone knows there were powerful and mystical creatures thousands of years ago, multiple alicorns ruled by Sleipnir, Bahumut the Dragon King and Khajyut the King of the Bulls. Any one of those civilizations could have built those towers and their message could be spiritual, not literal! And who are we to say that "Humanity" isn't what they called themselves?"

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but couldn't think of a counter argument. She really wanted to believe aliens built these monuments but Rarity's explanation was by far the most plausible.

"Yeah Twilight, you don't have to get all starry eyed every time someone mentions aliens. You should be more grounded lie….sigh….Rarity"

SPIKE! The little backstabber! Twilight recalled he was just as excited about Aliens as she was but he couldn't let a chance to suck up to Rarity now could he?

"Please….can we not fight..?" Came Fluttershy's soft voice. She rounded out the group, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were too busy on the farm and managing the weather respectively to join the rest on their little road trip. "We're…already here so I guess we should get in line? I mean, if we're here to see the top of the tower and all"

Twilight felt a little ashamed of their little outburst and so did Rarity. Fluttershy had that effect on ponies.

"You're right, Fluttershy. Come on everpony, let's get in line"

The tower was a famous tourist attraction and indeed, only a small group can fit on it on one time so ponies took a number and had picnics on the green hills surrounding the site till it was their turn to scale it.

Continued in Part 2

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 05:02AM EDT

Sitting close to it really hammered home the exotic nature of the building, it was 50 meters tall and a stairway elegantly spiralled around it. It was made of a strange white material that never rusts nor ages. It is perfect in every sense, every face was flawless, every surface perfectly smooth and it radiated a gentle warmth.

"It has to be ancient aliens…" Twilight thought to herself.

Finally their turn came and the ascended the tower (Sans Fluttershy who waited down near the ground because "it was so high…and it doesn't have rails…") They reached the top and they all stared at the famous plaque:

We are Humanity.
Sleep well little ones
For until you join us in the stars.
We will keep you safe

The only other item at the top was a shining glass orb. How it illuminated itself, no one knew but as Twilight stared at the orb…she felt she needed to touch it…she wanted to touch it. Slowly her hoof raised towards the orb…she felt it was alive, that someone higher up was looking at her…just an inch more…

"HEY!" That jolted the Purple Unicorn from her spell. It was one of the guard ponies. "That orb isn't a toy, it's an ancient artefact! You can look but don't touch!"

"Sorry, sorry! I just got carried away….. come on guys. Let's not leave Fluttershy too long down there by herself" as the group made towards the spiral stairway, Twilight cast one last look at the Orb….was it looking at her? Twilight whispered "nice meeting you" to no one in particular and continued down the stairs after her friends.

Meanwhile, 500km above

A polymer hand was outstretched and pressed against a screen. On the screen, a purple equine was stretching her hoof towards the viewer.

"Yes….just a little more my friend…" whispered the figure but he would not get his wish, a guard interrupted the proceedings and his purple friend withdrew. He withdrew his hand and slumped into his chair, the star of this system illuminating his scarred face and revealing his cybernetic eye and right arm. Multitudes of medals hung from his chest and an ornate medallion hung around his neck portraying a four pointed star with a blue planet superimposed over it. It was easy to see this man knew war more than most and he was in a position of leaderhsip

The cute creature in front of him didn't think anyone heard her little whisper…but he did.

"It was nice meeting you as well, Twilight Sparkle" He smiled.

And that ends my story. I had a sadder ending in mind but I decided not to use it to keep the story heart warming.

You guys like? THEN GIVE ME KARMA!

BTW, I modelled the tower after this:

oh and inb4:

burning_phoneix wrote:

Even though I enjoyed my little human supremacist thing a few pages back, I'll lay off the grimdark and write some brightlight involving humanity and ponies for you guys.

The inspiration for this is from an anonymous poster on one of /tg/'s HFY threads. Thank you anon! I will be shamelessly ripping off your story and adding ponies to it! Sorry!

Also, I did not proof read any of this so go easy on the grammar. I really don't see myself as much of a creative writer so I apologize in advance for shittiness.

"There it is!"

It had taken them a whole day but finally Twilight and her friends had reached their destination.

"The third spiral tower! THEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITISTHEREITIS!" The purple unicorn could barely contain her excitement as she hopped around in circles like a little school filly followed by her pink haired friend hopping closely behind.

"Tower Party! Tower Party!Tower Party! Tower Party! We're here, so it's party time!" normally Twilight would just shake her head at Pinkie's insistence that every event required a party but to be honest, she really felt like parting as well.

"Please darling, stop acting like children, you're making a scene!" Came the stern advice from Rarity "It's just a white tower for Celestia's sake!"

That got Twilight's blood boiling, never denounce a historical site around a nerd. EVER. "JUST a white tower, JUST a white tower! Rarity, this is one of the THIRTEEN Spiral towers spread across the world in all kingdoms and empires! All of them are exactly the same shape, size and length, DOWN TO THE MILLIMETRE! All of them carry the exact same message and all of them are proven by science to be thousands of years old! A lot of scholars believe only ancient aliens could have bui…MRFF"

A white alabaster hoof prevented Twilight from speaking any further "Yes Yes I know dear, you've told us many times before but you really must stop putting stock in this ridiculous Ancient Alien theory"

Spitting out the offending hoof, Twilight was only more determined for this debate "But Rarity, who could have built these structures so long ago and to such exact specifications! Not even the princess knows! It even says "Humanity" on the plaque at the top of every tower!"

Rarity sighed, Twilight was the smartest pony she knew but sometimes her intellect got in the way of her common sense. "Twilight, dear. Everyone knows there were powerful and mystical creatures thousands of years ago, multiple alicorns ruled by Sleipnir, Bahumut the Dragon King and Khajyut the King of the Bulls. Any one of those civilizations could have built those towers and their message could be spiritual, not literal! And who are we to say that "Humanity" isn't what they called themselves?"

Twilight opened her mouth to speak but couldn't think of a counter argument. She really wanted to believe aliens built these monuments but Rarity's explanation was by far the most plausible.

"Yeah Twilight, you don't have to get all starry eyed every time someone mentions aliens. You should be more grounded lie….sigh….Rarity"

SPIKE! The little backstabber! Twilight recalled he was just as excited about Aliens as she was but he couldn't let a chance to suck up to Rarity now could he?

"Please….can we not fight..?" Came Fluttershy's soft voice. She rounded out the group, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were too busy on the farm and managing the weather respectively to join the rest on their little road trip. "We're…already here so I guess we should get in line? I mean, if we're here to see the top of the tower and all"

Twilight felt a little ashamed of their little outburst and so did Rarity. Fluttershy had that effect on ponies.

"You're right, Fluttershy. Come on everpony, let's get in line"

The tower was a famous tourist attraction and indeed, only a small group can fit on it on one time so ponies took a number and had picnics on the green hills surrounding the site till it was their turn to scale it.

Continued in Part 2

badsitrep wrote:

I'm trying to beat out Verbose for most tl;dr posts. He's the world champion you know! (or at least KYM champion)

a very interesting turn of events bros!
it apears that despite being banned from /b/, bronies are still making threads, and they don’t get banned. at first the mods just deleted the threads but eventually they grew tierd and even stopped with that! so now the bronies are back on /b/ at full force…
what do you think? i am pretty neutral about it.. the bronies are kinda breaking the rules and forcing themselves… but on the other hand the ban is unjustifed and unfair. despite the stupidity of pony threads on /b/ they still didn't break any rules
on slightly diffirent news: boxxy is back on /b/ as well….

HolyCrapItsBob wrote:

I want to play amnesia. Sadly, I'm too cheap, so I plan on playing at my friends house once our schedules decide to agree (growing up sucks).

As for Halloween, I'll either take my baby sister trick or treating or stay at home to hand out candy. And on that note, I realize I should make a shotgun designed to blast candy out. That way I can get into the real spirit of Halloween by giving them candy and scaring them to death.

Just so you know, you can buy Amnesia on Steam right now for just £2.60. I have no idea how much that'll be in dollars, but it'll still be ridiculously cheap (You can also get Dead Space 1 and 2, Left 4 Dead 1 and 2, or Bioshock 1 and 2 at really low prices, but you might want to hurry since the offer ends today)


Cool story bro.

No really, I mean it. Have some krama.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 09:44AM EDT

Jolly Jew wrote:

a very interesting turn of events bros!
it apears that despite being banned from /b/, bronies are still making threads, and they don’t get banned. at first the mods just deleted the threads but eventually they grew tierd and even stopped with that! so now the bronies are back on /b/ at full force…
what do you think? i am pretty neutral about it.. the bronies are kinda breaking the rules and forcing themselves… but on the other hand the ban is unjustifed and unfair. despite the stupidity of pony threads on /b/ they still didn't break any rules
on slightly diffirent news: boxxy is back on /b/ as well….

Yeah they removed the ban on ponies I think.


Thanks, I'd hate for all that typing to go to waste.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 09:49AM EDT

burning_phoneix wrote:

Yeah they removed the ban on ponies I think.


Thanks, I'd hate for all that typing to go to waste.



Why on earth did they remove the ban on ponies. Goddamnit what reason would they have for doing that…..this sucks.

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:



Why on earth did they remove the ban on ponies. Goddamnit what reason would they have for doing that…..this sucks.

My reaction?

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:



Why on earth did they remove the ban on ponies. Goddamnit what reason would they have for doing that…..this sucks.

i know you are most likly sarcastic but i still dare to ask…. why?

Jolly Jew wrote:

i know you are most likly sarcastic but i still dare to ask…. why?

No sarcasm at all there. I think 4chan should be rid of Ponies for good. There is no logical reason for them to stay. Bronies already have Ponychan, so it's not like they need to use 4chan. The only thing they do by staying is piss off people by constantly taking over the front page with their threads. And why would they even want to stay? Any pony thread on 4chan will be trolled and have insults posted in, etc etc. The only reason I can think of for them staying is that they actively want to annoy people with MLP.

Just ban them again Moot. Please.

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

No sarcasm at all there. I think 4chan should be rid of Ponies for good. There is no logical reason for them to stay. Bronies already have Ponychan, so it's not like they need to use 4chan. The only thing they do by staying is piss off people by constantly taking over the front page with their threads. And why would they even want to stay? Any pony thread on 4chan will be trolled and have insults posted in, etc etc. The only reason I can think of for them staying is that they actively want to annoy people with MLP.

Just ban them again Moot. Please.

I've gotta admit that I agree with you on this matter. Even though I've never been to 4Chan for more than a quick visit (for obvious reasons).

I can understand that the channer bronies have that one thread on /co/, but I really can't see any reasons for them to be posting on random board, but to annoy people on purpose. That kind of behaviour is one of the biggest reasons the reasonable and clear headed bronies sometimes get treated badly too.

It's no wonder there are so many people who rather not see ponies outside pony threads. Ponies that were supposed to be preaching about love, tolerance, and friendship, have been mass weaponized by trolls.


Thank you for your kind words.


I was once angry at the pony ban on /b/. Now I have realised that it was the best thing that ever happened to bronies.


I just listened to WoodenToaster's songs and remixes, which are the following:

-Rainbow Factory
-She's a Pony
-Nightmare Night (released today)

I have to admit that Nightmare Night and Pony Swag are now my favorite rap songs. And this is coming from a guy who almost never listens or enjoys rap.

Mr Bumhole #1 Fan Of Osaka wrote:

No sarcasm at all there. I think 4chan should be rid of Ponies for good. There is no logical reason for them to stay. Bronies already have Ponychan, so it's not like they need to use 4chan. The only thing they do by staying is piss off people by constantly taking over the front page with their threads. And why would they even want to stay? Any pony thread on 4chan will be trolled and have insults posted in, etc etc. The only reason I can think of for them staying is that they actively want to annoy people with MLP.

Just ban them again Moot. Please.

well i acutally asked them why they are on /b/ and not on ponychan and they said they want to stay on /b/ because they can talk random shit, swear, use NSFW pictures and such random stuff…

while it certinly is stupid it doesn't break any rules so i don't see what's wrong with them staying…

Jolly Jew wrote:

well i acutally asked them why they are on /b/ and not on ponychan and they said they want to stay on /b/ because they can talk random shit, swear, use NSFW pictures and such random stuff…

while it certinly is stupid it doesn't break any rules so i don't see what's wrong with them staying…

I will tell you what is wrong.


I hate 4chan anyways. There's no place for us there. So not a single fuck is given about bronies being banned from it or not. If you want NSFW, you can always use FiMchan. Though I've never been, I hear its foul mouths and R34 as far as the eye can see.

Also, how is everypony today? Fabulous I hope.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 03:02PM EDT

I'm fine, ordered my last shirt for now, sure I'll order another after vacation is over, but who knows.

The only thing I hope about that shirt is that it's in the same style as my Nightmare Moon and Sweetie Belle one and not the Rainbow Dash one since that's already starting to peel off.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 03:09PM EDT

Wightprincess wrote:

I hate 4chan anyways. There's no place for us there. So not a single fuck is given about bronies being banned from it or not. If you want NSFW, you can always use FiMchan. Though I've never been, I hear its foul mouths and R34 as far as the eye can see.

Also, how is everypony today? Fabulous I hope.

Grammar nazi senses tingling. Must. Resist. URGE. TO. CORRECT……………. I CAN"T STAND IT ANYMOAR!!!! ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BUCK NOT F*CK!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!

badsitrep wrote:

Grammar nazi senses tingling. Must. Resist. URGE. TO. CORRECT……………. I CAN"T STAND IT ANYMOAR!!!! ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BUCK NOT F*CK!!!!! ARGHHH!!!!

Sorry, I'm still learning how to speak pony. I'm trying to get enough together to hire a tutor.

Maybe I'll take classes at the career center.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 03:09PM EDT


tl;dr, but have some karma anyways.

Jolly Jew wrote:

well i acutally asked them why they are on /b/ and not on ponychan and they said they want to stay on /b/ because they can talk random shit, swear, use NSFW pictures and such random stuff…

while it certinly is stupid it doesn’t break any rules so i don’t see what’s wrong with them staying


Like it was said a few posts above, they could always use FIMChan, which is apparently Rule 34 and other rudeness as far as one could look or something.

Dammit, I missed the banner vote on EqD. F**k you, school.

Last edited Oct 31, 2011 at 03:31PM EDT

Damn. I was looking through the results of the poll. Gigatoast's only got 47 votes. Less than 1%.
I don't always see eye to eye with him, but his banner was a damn lot better than most of the other crap on there.


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