Seems like jimmies here are getting rustled… How about a new topic to cheer up?
Now let's see what's on my right…
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KYM Pony General V: We Just Don't Know What Went Wrong
Last posted
Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT.
Feb 19, 2012 at 11:27PM EST
9926 posts
193 users
So… I'm the Element of Pony? I'm the type of pony everypony should pony pony.
Apparently my element is either a Starcraft 2 or Diable 3….I am unsure which one because they are on top of one another….
I guess my element is gaming.
oh my god, this whole Lyra plushie thing is gold
I thought I should tell you guys this. I went backyard camping with my nephew this weekend and we set up the laptop in the tent so we could watch Netflix. We watched Johnny Test, Danny Phantom, Avatar, and of course My Little Pony. We went back inside the next morning and my nephew said to his mother “Your brother watches My Little Pony and so do I and I like it!” So now my sister knows that I watch MLP which doesn’t bother me, but we both work at the same restaurant. Yesterday she has been telling people at work that I watch the show. Now everyone knows.
The thing to my right is a cell phone…
Element of communication!
Why has this Lyra thing exploded so? It's not like this crap isn't out there all the time already.
Inb4 Lyra Vagina Plushie entry.
Pony sengen!
Algernon wrote:
A coffee mug. That makes me the Element of Caffeine. I represent grouchiness, insomnia and hangover-recovery.
Twilight Sparkle wishes she had this much swag.
Congratulations Alger, you are the new Coffee Bean. NSFW
RandomMan wrote:
Anyone can give me the artist of those comics? I know they're originally Japanese.
If you're talking The Avengers' spoof, I think it's Stan Lee.
RandomMan wrote:
Anyone can give me the artist of those comics? I know they're originally Japanese.
And the comics aren't published originally in Japanese. They're published in Han Chinese and Japanese. The artist speaks both including a bit of English.
badsitrep wrote:
And the comics aren't published originally in Japanese. They're published in Han Chinese and Japanese. The artist speaks both including a bit of English.
Thanks, now I finally know the reason RD lacks a rack.
badsitrep wrote:
And the comics aren't published originally in Japanese. They're published in Han Chinese and Japanese. The artist speaks both including a bit of English.
Well, that's not embarrassing at all. How was I supposed to know that he wasn't talking about comics…that wasn't the more popular reference in the image?
Verbose wrote:
Well, that's not embarrassing at all. How was I supposed to know that he wasn't talking about comics…that wasn't the more popular reference in the image?
Windigo With Salad wrote:
>Writes amazing new fanfic
>Only one person reads it
In all seriousness I do write real things- I just don't take fan-fiction very seriously.
I read your fanfic believe it or not.
Possible did it when you weren't looking. But nice ending with RM in it btw, the story over all was awesome and total troll fic I would read again and again.
I'm being serious too..idk if it's the troll mine set…but something about it made it good for me to read for the comedy. XD
Ric Te$l@ wrote:
I read your fanfic believe it or not.
Possible did it when you weren't looking. But nice ending with RM in it btw, the story over all was awesome and total troll fic I would read again and again.I'm being serious too..idk if it's the troll mine set…but something about it made it good for me to read for the comedy. XD
What fic with me in it?
I only remember the first one with that terrible OC.
Oh wait… shit…I was talking about lasers fic…god damn the hell is going on in my skull lately?…WHAT IN THE NAME OF ALL THAT IS PONY IS GOING ON!?!?
I…I..I think I might need a break for a bit…
Ric Te$l@ wrote:
I read your fanfic believe it or not.
Possible did it when you weren't looking. But nice ending with RM in it btw, the story over all was awesome and total troll fic I would read again and again.I'm being serious too..idk if it's the troll mine set…but something about it made it good for me to read for the comedy. XD
Windigo With Salad wrote:
MFW you like my second fanfic.
Just kidding, it's all cool. :)
I'll read it too…right now it seems like I have to read all sorts of fics lately…
I'll tell you what I think of it, to make you feel better.
badsitrep wrote:
And the comics aren't published originally in Japanese. They're published in Han Chinese and Japanese. The artist speaks both including a bit of English.
And interestingly enough, he's Taiwanese. He told me in a reply that Taiwanese bronies have been on the rise lately.
Always nice to have a fellow Fluttershy fan around.
Windigo With Salad wrote:
Hey dude, I'm just kidding around :) It's just crappy trollfiction, who cares?
Have some daawwww:
Well I read a page or two of it and all I can tell it has the grammar of a dolan comic.
Butt humens bein inslavd bi pones?
I can tell the grammar nazi's are gonna flame over it and if they do.
+1 internet for you.
There are three items on my right:
My mouse – This would make me the element of web surfing I guess. This is either somewhat awesome or incredibly stupid. Probably the latter.
My clock – This would make me the element of time. That's actually pretty badass.
My thing full of pens and pencils – This would mean that I represent the element of studying. This is almost as bad a fate as having my physics homework as my cutie mark. Actually, wait, it's just as bad.
Well I'd end up posting on the forums sooner or later, so here I am.
Spidervance wrote:
Well I'd end up posting on the forums sooner or later, so here I am.
Turns out a lot of the bronies did actually post pics of themselves in the comments section.
Spidervance wrote:
Well I'd end up posting on the forums sooner or later, so here I am.
Now it's a party.
Again? Fine. Different picture this teim.
I'mma firin' mah lazar.
I'm coming for you!
@IRL Pics
Brace yourselves, I am still a bit sick, I am in my pajamas, the lighting in my room is terrible and I was not looking straight at the camera so my nose is leaning to the left more then it does irl.
You look exactly how I pictured you, except your missing a rubber suit.
Bruelock wrote:
Wow I didn't know we have lots of creative fanfic writers lately…
Speak up, who are fans of these dudes.
I know I missed this by a long shot (at least 3 pages), but it's legit. If you haven't seen their amnesia video, at the end it is revealed he had a MLP wallpaper.
And before someone mentions this may have been done for fan service, they have their own YouTube channel that they post comments on. If anyone here is familiar with the "Two Best Sisters Play" videos, they've been known to show support for them. Here are some quotes from them:
Hey, it's a-me! Matt, from Two Best Friends Play! And I demand to see more of this!
So yeah, I'm willing to bet Pat is an actual brony, and Matt might be as well.
@IRL pics
I might post mine on here, but not until I can actually manage to get a good picture of myself. Right now, I'm in need of a haircut, and then depending on how well the haircut goes, I might need to let my hair grow a bit again.
We had a thread for this, but it's probably locked by now.
Just kidding, I'm posting it now. Here it is. Like I said, I need a haircut.
And no, you can't make me smile. No matter how hard you try.