And no, advertising on Equestria Daily is a horrible idea. I find a that a rather large of the brony community is, let’s say, disagreeable. They’re the ones that make pony haters hate ponies even more, and I’m glad to say, we completely go against the stereotype (well most everyone).
So in other words, the site will be used by only us? The whole purpose (I think) of the site was so that it could house all types of bronies without much conflict (as opposed to this thread). And how are we supposed to only accept bronies like us? If we want the site to grow, we need to attract more people. Right now, it can't function like it's supposed to because of a lack of people. Setting up a filter on membership, if even possible, would greatly reduce the chances of it growing, and thus rendering it useless.
My thoughts on episode:
I liked it, though it isn't my favorite episode ever. There were some Flutterb*tch moments that made me go "Holy Crap!" (in a good way), but it doesn't go on my top 10 or anything.
It was nice though to see Fluttershy get an episode to her self after such a long while. Also, I'm happy about the time change, since now I'm actually up when it airs. Though I think I prefer no adverts.
Also, has anyone ever thought about why all of Celestia's guards are white, blue-eyed, and pegasi? And it doesn't help that they're also blonde according to this pic:
Do they use some sort of paint or something to comply with uniform standards? Or is Celestia some sort of supremacist?
And Luna's bat-guards are way more awesome than Celestia's.
Inb4 everyone says I'm over-analyzing.
Also, I may have said this before, but I don't plan on using the new site much until it actually grows, because currently there really isn't much difference between that and this, other than that the topics of discussion are divided in the new site.
Also, the site doesn't let me use my awesome splinter cell avatar. For shame!