Wild Muumi appears!
Long time no see you guys. Two weeks to be exact. This thread has been quite slow with the migration to Ivan's board, hasn't it? Well, at least it's easier to follow these days…
Sorry I haven't really participated on the discussion on this fifth thread, but there hasn't been anything big enough to get me moving. And damn you and your Mass Effect 3! I still haven't got the chance to start even Mass Effect 2 yet, even though I've had it for quite a while already… I've been too busy doing nothing to get to it.
But that doesn't mean I wouldn't have been drawing any ponies! There's always time for that! I've already finished the scetches and lineart of all the eight FiM – Touhou crossover pictures, so there might be a new pic every week for the next two months, if I'm not feeling lazy that is.
Oh, and here's the newest pic I finished. It'll be the last humanized pic for now. The next seven pictures are once again going to be ponies, unless there comes a change in plans.
Oh, and I also got interviewed for Obsession is Magic. I was a bit sceptical at first, but then I saw that they had already featured artits like Theartrix, CrappyUnicorn, Gavalanche, Egophiliac, MegaSweet, CSIMadMax, and a bunch of others. Oh, and it seems Huussii got featured too, which is awesome, since he's a fellow finn.
Anyways, that's it for now once again. I can't figure out anything else to say but that todays episode was awesome (but not as good as last weeks ep. though). All the new stuff they provided the fandom with was also great, like Cerberos and gates of Tartarus (hell is now canon!?), two new cities, and the 14th moon (does Luna control other moons too?). That's gonna make and break a lot of fanfics.
Oh, and Pinkie was hilarious with the balloons! I can't wait for the .gifs of those scenes.
Well, see 'ya later. I'm out once again.
Wild Muumi fled!