Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:
@MDF and Quantum
Well, regrettably I can’t criticize what you say because this time I’m positive it will incite a negative backlash.
I’ll stop bugging this thread.Me too.
Your defeatist attitudes cease to amuse me. Just let it out already, we know you want to.
I'm actually annoyed that you find it impossible to maturely share differing opinions without irrational repercussion from those you share it with. I was hoping that this thread would show that Bronies actually can handle criticism…or at least I can
I have no doubt that there are many people, and the majority of people, who can handle criticism.
However, if I were to argue against the points made, which are essentially in my mind overstating the important Bronydom has on a person's life and the idealized misrepresentation of the fandom, multiple people would get offended. Worse, the thread would probably spiral out of control.
I'm speaking with experience gained on arguing pro and anti brony positions for over a year here.