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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

Looks like we could use some wild speculation around these parts.

A friend of mine was part of Everfree's security staff and got to be Lee Tockar's personal escort for most of the weekend. He dropped a little something in my lap that is both interesting and not particularly informative. Check it out.

I am in possession of potential season three (or beyond) spoilers, straight from the Magnet's mouth. Lee Tockar prefaced the information by saying "these are spoilers, so you can't tell anyone."

Of course, I suppose he could be trolling.

[. . .]

I can't go into detail about the spoilers because he has a Nondisclosure Agreement.

Just think about the characters he voices and let your imagination take you away.

In case you don't know, Tockar did the voices of these guys, as well as some other minor/background characters now and then:

What do you suppose he could be talking about? Will we see more Steve? Will Snips be getting some kind of episode to himself? It wouldn't be much of a spoiler to say Snips will be appearing again as a minor character. Perhaps the diamond dogs will show up again. What do you think?

Last edited Aug 24, 2012 at 01:17PM EDT

Ugh…what happened?? What day is it? The last thing I remember I started reading Fallout: Equestria…600000 words later: oh shit, it's the end of August? My bills are past due? My senior year of college started? I've missed so much. Damn…worth it! Guess that story sucked me in haha.

@ Millennial Dan

Another Diamond Dog episode would be cool, but I don't know how I feel about Snips. That's cool that your friend was on security, so jealous. Uh, also jealous of people that got to go in general haha. Nice page get!

I'd think that the team won't give away any spoilers again at this rate, trolling or not.

Snips is going to return, along with Snails. They're both there for comic relief and plot devices. However, I strongly doubt that he or Snails would play any significant role in Season 3. No more than Seasons 1 and 2, anyway.

Steven Magnet? It would be more of a fan nod than anything, but I don't see how you incorporate him into the show without it being really out of place.

That would leave (in my mind) the still unlikely scenario of the Diamond Dogs returning. Just like other intelligent creatures what speak (e.g., griffons, ponies, donkeys, cows, zebras), Diamond Dogs may have a history behind them that DHX might want to get into or incorporate into another story. Perhaps one of the dogs want to live in Ponyville, and Rarity, Spike, and crew have to learn how to forgive someone who has already transgressed them.

None of those seem particularly likely, but they seem more likely than focusing to any extent on a very minor character with no canon name and a minor character whose role has been pretty static in the episodes he's appeared in.

Unrelated: What are some big brony hubs on the Internet?

I can think of some. Equestria Daily, Ponychan, Derpibooru, reddit, /mlp/…

I can't help but think that there are others out there. I'd guess that the collective total of bronies on KYM would be big enough to recruit here as well, but any other hubs would have to be that size or larger to merit invading them with a post from someone who isn't in their community already (i.e. spam).

A few months ago I would've called you crazy If you had told me I would be wearing MLP shirts…

And now I find myself wearing this. Ironic, since I used to make fun of my roommates before they made me watch the show.

Well-played bronies, well played.

In case you're all wondering I bought it from this guy:

Last edited Aug 24, 2012 at 02:59PM EDT

DeadParrot, get your infectious thoughts out of my head.


Apart from Snips and Snails, most of the characters he's voiced have been primarily background characters or characters I couldn't see going past one episode. They're all characters who served only to forward a single plotline or provide comic relief without much contribution otherwise. Trixie was one of those characters, in my opinion, which is why I'm not sure if I want her to come back.

In all likelihood, a new character is probably what it'll be. Someone who's already voiced that many is bound to come back for more.

I'd guess more Snips, but the way that's worded, who can say?

All of FO:E, eh?
Did you track how long it actually took you?
Good work getting through!
Have a drugged-out Little Pip as a trophy!

Well, DeviantArt certainly has a large population of brony artists of all kinds.
Would that work for whatever your plans are?
(And I'd say KYM is, or at least could be, pretty significant in terms of conversion. Lots of great background info with a smaller but solid community hanging out that is generally very open to newbies.)

Nice shirt!
Can't say I'll ever own one because I tend not to like having people stare at me.
I wore a shirt with the Monty Python line 'I'm not dead yet' a few days back and got so many people stopping to read my chest…
And only a couple of them even got the reference, too.
One guy made some weird crack about zombies…

I think I've gone off topic…
Cool shirt!

Scootaloo is like tree sap; once you let her in, she's never coming off!

Just stop fighting it and accept Scootaloo as your god!

@Twins (below)
Yes, professional voice actors have wide ranges that let them play all sorts of characters so Mr. Tokar getting some new and/or expanded roles seems highly possible.
However, as he has said himself on a few occasions, Mr. De Lancie is not a professional voice actor.
Actor, yes; voice actor, no.
His Discord sounds very similar to his Q, who sounds very similar to Professor Quadrangle (Quantum Conundrum), who sounds very similar to his character on Breaking Bad.
His voice is very distinctive (and great!) so I really have a hard time imagining it coming out of another character in the same universe.

I am curious as to what happened to Silver Spoon, though.
Did she talk at all in Season Two?
Diamond Tiara got her big part in The Foal Free Press, but SS was no where to be seen…

Last edited Aug 24, 2012 at 04:16PM EDT

Yeah, I agree with exudes. Fact is, in the voice-acting world, they often get one person to do a bunch of characters. No need to hire extras because professional voice actors can alter their voices as necessary to fit a wide spectrum of roles.

I can see Snips returning, because odds are, there's going to be an episode for each of the Cutie Mark Crusaders at some point in the next season, and if there's a school setting, Snips and Snails will be there. Along with Diamond Tiara (best bitch) and Silver Spoon (Diamond Tiara's bitch).

The other characters, though, are incidental and probably won't show up, especially in such a short season. Same goes for John de Lancie. Discord probably won't return, but he might voice another character.

Last edited Aug 24, 2012 at 04:02PM EDT

Whelp, I'm not homeless for the moment, so that's a good thing. I'm also staying somewhere with a piano, which is a great thing.


The green one is the average length of one of my colored pencils. The orange one is the one I use to color Scootaloo's coat.

We should set aside our differences and team up to murder Deadparrot before he uses his mind control to make us produce exclusively Scoot pics round the clock. I've got some old plans written up codenamed "Operation disembowel Deadparrot while his plushies watch." that I think will adapt nicely to our purposes.

I came Star Wars…

I'm having fun. Took a break and now I'm posting here. But soon, the Star Wars will continue.
I'll possibly have pics with my face blocked out if I appear on Sunday.
Dis gun b gud

sorry to hear of your misfortunes. I hope and pray for the best.

Glad to hear you found a place to stay.
Make the most out of that piano!


As for your artistic concerns, just be glad I haven't started drawing yet myself.
The endless deluge of Scootaloo might just break the internet.

And your plans?
All I can say is:

Verbose wrote:

Unrelated: What are some big brony hubs on the Internet?

I can think of some. Equestria Daily, Ponychan, Derpibooru, reddit, /mlp/…

I can’t help but think that there are others out there. I’d guess that the collective total of bronies on KYM would be big enough to recruit here as well, but any other hubs would have to be that size or larger to merit invading them with a post from someone who isn’t in their community already (i.e. spam).

The only other website I can think of is A good alternative news source if you don't want to fiddle around with the Fics and Art on EqD.

Just the news ma'am, just the news.

Ok, time for a musical pop quiz. What genre of music does this song

borrow most heavily from? If you said "80s hair metal", you might be surprised to learn that you're wrong. Oh, unoubtedly there's a lot of superficial similarities to 80s hair metal, but the structure of the piece itself borrows most heavily from Flamenco, a style of music native to southern Spain.

Recently, I was reading up a little bit on Flamenco guitar, and I read how one of the most common chord progressions is something called the Andalusian Cadence, so named for Andalusia, the region Flamenco is native to. The chord progression is as follows: A minor, G major, F major, and E major.

That cadence immediately sounded familiar to me. I soon remembered that that is the same chord progression used in the verse section of the cutie mark crusaders theme song. I felt vindicated upon learning this because sometimes when I'd mess around with the song, for whatever reason, I would play it with a rough Spanish feel and imagine the CMC as three bandits roaming the Mexican countryside.

Having trouble hearing what I'm talking about? Let me help (please excuse the ridiculous attempt at a Spanish accent)

Now a lot of kinds of music like to use this chord progression, what makes this piece sound distinctly Flamenco is the way that it's used. Most styles of music which use the Andalusian Cadence treat it as a chord progression in A minor, with the first chord being the home chord which the rest of the chords move away from. Flamenco is peculiar in that it treats the Andalusian Cadence as a progression in the antiquated Phrygian mode. Basically, it treats the fourth chord, the E major chord, as the center of gravity which the other chords are making a descending motion towards. This is how the verse feels to me, like it is based in E major instead of A minor. If we liken musical ideas to sentences, the period for the verse occurs in the fourth chord (the E major) instead of the first chord (the A minor)

Last edited Aug 24, 2012 at 07:19PM EDT

ExudesAffluence wrote:


Daring Do is not a high, Daring Do is a lifestyle.

And I'm the first person to welcome you!

Sorry for the late reply.

You are right. Daring Do is a lifestyle, and not a high.

By the way, someone mentioned Fallout: Equestria. Is it worth the time to read? What kinds of contents are in it (sex, gore, etc. etc.)? Could somepony kindly send me a link to the first one worth reading?


Ok, you're cheating. I don't know how the fuck you're doing it, but there is no way a single person could have access to this many freakishly specific and appropriate pony pictures.

I'm onto you bud.

@Verbs: Rarity attempting to rap is one of the cutest things I have yet seen. lol, juxtapositions

@Millenial: If the Diamond Dogs showed up again, I could easily see them being a self-concerned third party, a spanner in the works, so to speak, between the Mane 6 and whoever they end up facing next.

@Verbs: You pretty much named all the big hubs that I can think of.

@Exudes: Daring has the "Celestia dammit not again" look on her face, as if this happens far too often for her tastes.

@Fifths: Yay, you aren't homeless! Good to hear that you've managed to stay afloat for the meanwhile.
Also, what exactly are you accusing Fifths of?

As for the picture… well… Have a crossover.

Dammit you guys, you should know better than to try and frighten Fluttershy. I wouldn't be surprised if she was all nerves part of her spare time (no doubt thanks to you, Heavy).


Like I said in the comments for that video, I can see the Diamond Dogs returning with a competent leader who gets his own musical number complete with impromptu dancing and choreography, leading up to the capture of the Mane Six. Without anybody's help, Spike has to become a bad-ass and save his friends to prove once and for all that he really is King of the Hoard.


You named the major ones. There are a ton of minor ones you could all ask together to get a sizable group, of course, but that'd be inconvenient. Might produce more varied results if you're planning a survey, however.


I want to buy this shirt in black, this shirt, this shirt in black, and this shirt. I don't give a fuck if people stare at me, so whatever,


Are you asking for a Gmod pony fight?

Refer to the gif Deadparrot posted right above you for my reaction.

"Is that Pyro, Popper, you, and Supreme Faggot Vikingbolt standing around with a bunch of ponies?"

Your damn right it is.

It's tike for Tumblr-Wumblr Timey-Wimey… stuff!

Let's see, this one basically shoots down a lot of the questions I've been getting, but more importantly it's setting up for the next string of updates. Gerd yer loins, it's gunna get weird.



I'm… I'm not even sure what to think anymore… DeadParrot used his black magic to get me to start animating Scootaloo, and… well… animating Scootaloo may or may not have got me on Equestria Daily. So I might be willing to spare him. For now.

It's so easy to miss that I missed it myself. Luckily, Dan pointed it out. Funny story, I wrote about it on his wall.

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 12:44AM EDT

What'd I tell you?
Though Scootaloo, all good things do come!

(Really, congratulations! Glad to see your hard work over the past weeks get some more significant recognition! Suddenly, PAGEVIEWS!)

You can never go wrong with a healthy dose of S-cute-aloo!

I ded… again.

You might like this: Musical Ponies.
Trying to describe a voice to the deaf is an interesting challenge and I think this guy actually did a reasonably good job.

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 01:21AM EDT


His description of Applejack was stupid as hell. The voice itself isn't all over the place, it's perfectly consistent with itself. The only 'inconsistency' is that sometimes Ashleigh will borrow from different southern dialects.

The fact that he even chose to compare it to paintings is rather stupid. There's more than just sound elements to a voice you know, there's also a time element which a deaf person would be perfectly able to understand. He should have used an analogue which would describe the rhythms, tempos, and stresses peculiar to the different voices.

The bottom line is that he wasn't really describing the voices, he was describing feelings that become associated with the voices. Honestly though, you really can't do much more than that with someone who has never experienced sound before. It annoys me because I think he did a poor job and I don't think I could have done any better.

Edit: You know, this entire thing is so fucking weird. If I were inclined to, I could easily describe the structure of a symphony with language, yet I could not describe the way a single note actually sounds, not with all the words in the world. Why is that?

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 02:39AM EDT


I still can't think of a good way to reply to that story, but at any rate it gave me a chuckle.

@Fifths, regarding best pony

Oh no, not this again. Fluttershy, give him a "talking to".

@Season 3 "spoiler"

Interesting thoughts everyone, I pretty much agree with what all of you have said so far. I could see diamond dogs doing some kind of cameo, but that's about it. Snips being around is a given, and as for Steven Magnet, you know it's odd; I found him hilarious, but I don't think I'd want to see him show up again. It would carry the hint of being a bit forced I think, but who knows, maybe it'd be awesome and I'm overthinking it. Whatever the case, I wish my friend would just tell me what he heard, since I don't think either he or Tockar have any reason to lie. Oh well, guess I'll just… continue waiting for the actual episodes…

Is it my imagination, or are those 3D pony models looking a lot better these days?

Millennial Dan wrote

Is it my imagination, or are those 3D pony models looking a lot better these days?

Source Film maker makes it a bit easier to manipulate them so it just appears that they look better. Unless you haven't seen them for a few months because I believe the person who made them updated them with something or other.

Hey guys, check this out

It's actually a little something I wrote a few months ago after the season finale. Was supposed to be a Changeling theme, but I just can't think of what to do with it, so I'm shelving it. Still a catchy melody.

Can anyone tell me what the big songs out of FiM are? I downloaded a game called Symphony and since it's completely and utterly refusing to reconize my M4A files, I decided to grab the FiM music.

I know Winter Wrap Up and Art of the Dress are two of them, but I'm not sure about the rest.

Ashki wrote:

Can anyone tell me what the big songs out of FiM are? I downloaded a game called Symphony and since it's completely and utterly refusing to reconize my M4A files, I decided to grab the FiM music.

I know Winter Wrap Up and Art of the Dress are two of them, but I'm not sure about the rest.
Here are all the mlp songs listed, well, every1 has his own opinion what the 'big' songs for them are.
So I just give you all^^

…I mean, I'm glad that I was the instigator of Important Plot Stuff.
Yeah. Totally what I meant.

@Fifths: You also can't forget Winter Wrap-Up.
And now Winter Wrap-Up is playing in all of your heads. IT WILL NEVER LEAVE IT IS HERE TO STAY IT IS FUTILE TO RESIST

@Millenial: It's possible they got updated and made to look better. Alternatively, what phoenix said: SFM makes it much easier to make things do things; ergo, machinima produced likely won't be G-Mod jerky unless it's an intended effect.



I haven't plugged these guys in a while and now seems like an appropriate time.
Follow that link if you have a torrent program, a bit of time, and an insatiable thirst for pony music.
28.36 GB in over 5000 songs at the moment, obviously including .mp3s of all of the official songs.
(How did you forget the CMC theme song, Fifths? You were just talking about it…)

Explosive Lasers AKA Solaire AKA Sexiest wrote:


Like I said in the comments for that video, I can see the Diamond Dogs returning with a competent leader who gets his own musical number complete with impromptu dancing and choreography, leading up to the capture of the Mane Six. Without anybody's help, Spike has to become a bad-ass and save his friends to prove once and for all that he really is King of the Hoard.


You named the major ones. There are a ton of minor ones you could all ask together to get a sizable group, of course, but that'd be inconvenient. Might produce more varied results if you're planning a survey, however.


I want to buy this shirt in black, this shirt, this shirt in black, and this shirt. I don't give a fuck if people stare at me, so whatever,


Are you asking for a Gmod pony fight?

Refer to the gif Deadparrot posted right above you for my reaction.

"Is that Pyro, Popper, you, and Supreme Faggot Vikingbolt standing around with a bunch of ponies?"

Your damn right it is.

>implying your SFM epix skillz are as tight as mine.

Get on my level N00b.

BUT in all due seriousness, after the Pyro + Nightmare Moon pic I did I was working on a Solaire + Celestia ( I just want him to get his very own sun, dammit Dark Souls why must you be so cruel to everyone?),
I just had his model from Dark Souls and I wanted to do something with Celesta in, and BAM. IDEA.
Too bad I'm away from my PC now, it was going to be EPIC.
Don't worry though, if lever get back to my pc I'll be sure to finish it and post it here, X gon give it to ya!

Last edited Aug 25, 2012 at 08:12PM EDT

@DeadParrot: Thanks, but nope, I don't have a torrent deal. I think I'm going to go for the offical music, that and restarting my PC after installing the latest Quicktime got the game to recognize the other files.


That's actually a Gmod pic I made a long time ago, because I have no idea how to use Source Filmmaker.

Either way, you're awesome for considering a Solaire and Celestia pic. I haven't been able to find a Solaire model for Gmod, myself.

On the topic of Gmod ponies and Gmod in general:


@Pony songs:

Really, all the songs in the show could be considered major, and they're all fairly good, as well. So, just find songs that fit or whatever, maybe using fan-made songs (with permission of course).

Anyways, I'm considering becoming Dinky, the Element of Start-fast with the rise of my Guild Wars 2 addiction. I think Dinky's becoming an inside joke with the community, due to how goddamn awesome he is. Speaking of the community, I found SO MANY bronies on the game. Almost as many as TF2, which a lot of people on GW2 play, as well.

Twilitlord wrote:

Been watching episodes and trying to catch up and OH MY GOD SO MUCH FLUTTERSHY RESPECT NOW


Please note this does not change the fact that Dash is best pony.

Dash is always best pony.

X wrote:

>implying your SFM epix skillz are as tight as mine.

Get on my level N00b.

BUT in all due seriousness, after the Pyro + Nightmare Moon pic I did I was working on a Solaire + Celestia ( I just want him to get his very own sun, dammit Dark Souls why must you be so cruel to everyone?),
I just had his model from Dark Souls and I wanted to do something with Celesta in, and BAM. IDEA.
Too bad I'm away from my PC now, it was going to be EPIC.
Don't worry though, if lever get back to my pc I'll be sure to finish it and post it here, X gon give it to ya!

The King Tiger is a bit small there. HOW DARE YOU NERF MAH GERMAN STAHL!?

Pictured: King Tiger in scale with Untermenschen POWs.

Pictured: Untermenschen desecrating fine Stahl of ze vaterland.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 11:43AM EDT







Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 12:36PM EDT

badsitrep wrote:







Whoa, just take it easy man.


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