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KYM Pony General VI: Return of the Poni

Last posted Apr 19, 2013 at 12:20AM EDT. Added Jul 01, 2012 at 04:43PM EDT
10166 posts from 235 users

opspe wrote:

Such as?

I'd love to see some discussion on this.

Mainly #9

They said that good bronies look up R34 while bad bronies commission it. Yeah, you can't have one without the other.

Same with that MLP simulator deal. You can't have MLP thread simulators without the people who are involved in them.

@ opspe I think that list is rather dumb TBH…

Just saying that would make this a lazy post so let me tell you why.

  1. That's a given.
  2. It CAN be argued that MLP is a family show since Lauren even said herself she was trying to make a show that children and their parents could enjoy.
  3. I don't see how a cliche joke makes you a bad brony but w/e
  4. I can agree with this, but the best option is to just ignore haters and move on imo.
  5. How is making it easier for people to find creative examples of the brony fandom a bad thing?
  6. I can agree with this.
  7. Agree
  8. :/ uh, w/e
  9. "It's okay to look at r34 but not to expect new content"
  10. Since when are petitions a bad thing, of course no one is going to listen to a petition about a cartoon character but how does exercising your democratic rights make you a bad fan?
  11. I don't think any bronies still practice love and tolerance…
  12. Because everyone in those videos are being serious, right!? lrn24chan
  13. Pony confessions are pretty bad… so I agree with this but that is just my opinion.
  14. I've heard some badass songs that fit the that category. One was by Mando-pony
  15. I actually don't think anyone is this stupid…
  16. What does this even mean? Culturally diverse? What does that even have to do with… ugh…
  17. Either way they are donating money so… :/
  18. Trolling as bad no matter who you do it to, but it is just trolling.
  19. Fluttershy sucks, not really.
  20. If someone came up and randomly hugged me, worse case scenario he gets his face punched in, best case scenario I feel really confused and scared.
  21. I guess I can agree with this, some people rather would keep the show innocent though.
  22. You can get addicted to fun :D
  23. Uh… some people did find a good outlet for their frustration and sadness through the fandom… It is actually a good thing.
  24. Well since I don't agree with most of these points, it's a sure thing I'm going to do one of the "bad brony" actions.

Again, this is all just my opinion.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 02:24PM EDT

The list seems somewhat tongue in cheek really. Of course, there is some truth in humour, but the point is to laugh at it rather than seriously debate it.

But number 19 is wrong. Fluttershy's tears cured my leprosy.

Haha that list was awesome. Sooo…love and tolerate 20% more MLP parodies about Fluttershy while commissioning R34?

I'm picturing somebody with a spray bottle. "That's a BAD brony, a BAD, BAD brony!"

There should've been a bullet with excessive ponification of language. As in constant use of "somepony," or "everypony."

But anyways, that list is pretty fucking hilarious. I'll admit to breaking two of those haha. What makes the brony fanbase any better if we can't laugh at ourselves, too?

opspe wrote:

It's been literally forever since I posted in here. Don't take this as my miraculous return quite yet, though. I just wanted to share this with you guys, and to learn what you think:

The Difference Between A Good Brony And A Bad Brony

>tfw good brony.

No seriously, besides some points I couldn't apply to myself on both good and bad, I only had good brony points.

But yeah, a few points of error.

  1. and #12 both can't be possible without bad bronies. You need to bad brony for the good brony to do the "good" thing. Given with #9, several artists just draw R34 for fun.
  1. is not broad enough. It would be better to change it to just "thinks the show is cute at times" with "thinks the show cured his cancer". Just Fluttershy won't work if the brony in question dislikes Fluttershy.
  1. is just weird. Hugging random people (both IRL and on the net) isn't really a "good" brony thing, as the person may appear obnoxious. The "bad" brony thing also makes no sense compared to that. #20 is obnoxious bad brony against regular bad brony imo.
  1. is just a beg for reposts.
Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 02:36PM EDT

I didn't really find it funny or true. It's pathetically subjective to call one kind of brony "good" and another kind "bad". A lot of it is just tongue in cheek though, like Burning said.

I must confess, I'm pretty tired of seeing statements like number 4. It's as if the implication is that bronies are the "screamers" and critics are the rational, calm ones who merely want to "discuss". Yeah, I can't even take that seriously.

Oh, and about 19; clearly, whoever wrote that is just bitter because Rainbow Dash will never be the cure for a major illness like Fluttershy is. True story.


Oi, where'd that long post go?!

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 02:55PM EDT

I also agree with you, Dan. It does seem to be a justification written by "good" bronies to show why they're better than "bad" bronies, and to separate themselves. Now whether or not this list was intended to be a joke, I'm sure it's been received like the gospel by some people who are desperate to convince themselves that they're "good" bronies.

I don't think that there are "good" or "bad" fans of anything. It's all a degree of how much they annoy me, really, or how much they try to shove it down my throat.

@Dan, Gmod ponies
Don't shame the 3D modelers just yet.
Stallions to the rescue!


@Bad Brony List
Yeah, I'm reasonably sure that that list is just a tongue-in-cheek parody and #24 only solidifies that in my mind.
The problem is, if it is meant to be funny, it doesn't really do a very good job of that either.
A lot of the points are weird and wrong (not going to go over because everyone else has pretty much covered them), yet they aren't exaggerated or 'jokey' enough to the point that this could be considered good satire.
If it's real, it's wrong.
If it's fake, it just falls flat for me.
So overall, meh…

Dan wrote:

Oi, where’d that long post go?!

I deleted it because the way I worded it sounded a tad offensive. Also, a lot of the points I made were made by someone else while I typed it up.

Anyways, while I understand that the article was written in a joking manner, I think there is some truth to it. Like number 17, for example. It's a good thing to be charitable, but I've always been against the "Humble Brony Bundle" because they care more about their place on the Humble Indie Bundle donation scoreboard than where the money is actually going.

I also disagreed with number 11. I'm just a firm disbeliever in "love and tolerate". It's a good mindset for everyone to have and all, I just hate how it's become an expectation for bronies. I've heard people say things like "Bronies are supposed to be loving and tolerate, what hypocrites," or, "Bronies don't love and tolerate anymore. The fandom is truly losing it's meaning." I never signed any sort of love and tolerance oath when I joined.

Also, I will never hug anyone but my close family. And even with them it's a stretch.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 03:35PM EDT

@Bad Brony List

Let me condense that list down into one simple rule.

1: Good bronies try not to be dicks
2: Bad bronies act like dicks.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you could replace the word brony with just about anything and that list would still apply. "Try not to be a dick" beats the hell out of "love and tolerate" in my opinion.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 05:08PM EDT

Digoxin wrote:

So I read the list, but I don't know what PonyConfessions is.
Excuse my lack of knowledge, but ¿Can someone explain this to me?

It's pretty stupid.

You take an image, usually that of a pony you are talking about and cover it's face in a way that makes it seem ambiguous and write a confession over the blacked out area.


@Fridge: What the hell is Soarin' wearing? That outfit looks badass.

@Neon: That's… far too many ponies. Far, far too many.

@Phoenix: It's not how big your tank is, it's how you use your tank.
Also, you're still using King Tigers? Get with the times.

Challenger II MBT here to fuck up that poor King Tiger's day!

@badsitrep: KING OF SPACE

@opspe: I'd probably do number four, because admittedly parts of the fanbase are annoying, and number 11 I'm immune from because I don't say love and tolerate, nor do I practice it. Aside from that I'm a fairly good brony.

@Deadparrot: Oh look, moar ponies! Even if they are of the opposite gender.

@Epyc: Well of course, that's logic right there. You don't walk into a military base to insult the army, you know.
Mostly saying that because you posted that in here.
Eh. IMO, if you don't like the show, I'm not forcing you to watch it, and anyone who does it a dumbass.

In the meanwh-


Vikingbolt wrote:

It's pretty stupid.

You take an image, usually that of a pony you are talking about and cover it's face in a way that makes it seem ambiguous and write a confession over the blacked out area.


The Pony Confessions isn't anything new in tumblr. Many other fandoms have their anonymous confession tumblrs…like so:


Hah, Puny Tommy Panzer thinks it can hang with the big cats.

Pictured: Glorious German Stahl ready to enter battle.

Well that's cool and all, but what do your tanks get MPG?

Sherman, the Prius of the tanks.
(Probably not though)

A lot of people talk bad about the Abrams because it is one of the few parts of the over-funded American military that is out-dated, but when your going up against people who live in mud houses, outdated is just a relative term.

And it still looks pretty cool.

"Vat sick mahn sends Baaeebies to feight meh?!"

Implying air power doesn't win every time anyways. Seymour Johnson, represent! (Not to brag or anything, but I was present as that picture was taken.)

Anyways, good brony-bad brony discussion? It did seem to me like someone was just trying justify their bronydom, and alienate themselves from the more… controversial elements. Not to turn this into the perennial R34 discussion, but I have no problem with R34, not with the people who draw it and not with the people who request or commission it. I don't see how commissioning is any worse – commissioning, in my mind, is simply admitting your arting skills are not as good as someone else's, but that there's a certain piece that you really want to see made.

Fifths summed it up pretty well. This list implies that defining what makes a brony bad makes the good bronies any better.

If joke, is not funny. 1/10 would not horse again.

Last edited Aug 26, 2012 at 11:30PM EDT

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

Gigatoast wrote:

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

+1 Internets

also karma

RandomMan wrote:

>tfw good brony.

No seriously, besides some points I couldn't apply to myself on both good and bad, I only had good brony points.

But yeah, a few points of error.

  1. and #12 both can't be possible without bad bronies. You need to bad brony for the good brony to do the "good" thing. Given with #9, several artists just draw R34 for fun.
  1. is not broad enough. It would be better to change it to just "thinks the show is cute at times" with "thinks the show cured his cancer". Just Fluttershy won't work if the brony in question dislikes Fluttershy.
  1. is just weird. Hugging random people (both IRL and on the net) isn't really a "good" brony thing, as the person may appear obnoxious. The "bad" brony thing also makes no sense compared to that. #20 is obnoxious bad brony against regular bad brony imo.
  1. is just a beg for reposts.

tfw bad brony?

@That List

In defense of that list I say it did an excellent job of describing some (not all) of the actions a good Brony does. I agree that a good Brony would partake in their fandom in their spare time, take entertainment from a children’s show, make jokes where jokes work and so on so forth.

Of course the actions on that list are not all of the things that a good Brony would do, nor do good Bronies do all the things on that list.

Meanwhile how the list describes a Bad Brony is a little more controversial and some of the points do not make sense. There are couple where I don't see the problem at all. EG: It is apparently bad to say MLP cured your depression? I know a lot of guys who claimed that. They turned out to be pretty decent guys.

And then there are the logical fallacies which previous posters above me have already pointed out but it doesn't seem like it is meant to be that serious. Take it with a grain of salt

Last edited Aug 27, 2012 at 03:00AM EDT

Mr Tutorial wrote:

Man you people have interesting talks, i really need to lurk here more.


Gigatoast wrote:

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

Gigatoast wrote:

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

Didn't you just comprise a list of rules that need to be followed in order to be a good brony?

Gigatoast wrote:

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

I'd say "Give that man a cookie," but I'm ill and seeing a cookie will just make me feel worse.

So give that man a Screwball instead.

Tip from the pro: From the mound, it's gonna start outside of the plate and then break towards the inside…OF YOUR HEART.

I looked over the list of defining who is a good brony and who is a bad brony, and to be honest it does not make a difference to me. Though I have yet to really meet any bronies in real life, I have been around the online community for most of this year and the way I see bronies act tells me there is no difference between them and non-bronies. I mean this in every possible way, so as to how you want to interpret it is up to you. The only major difference I can say about bronies would have to be that we clearly share some interests. Other than that, bronies receive the same respect I seek to give everyone else --the utmost respect possible, and by "everyone" I do include "haters."

Gigatoast wrote:

@bad brony list:

A good brony understands that the fandom is incredibly diverse and respects the opinions and tolerates the actions of others.
A bad brony comprises a list of "rules" you have to follow in order to be considered a "good brony" in their eyes, then begs people to reblog it.

For this post o' win,

Expect some Screwball gijinka to mysteriously show up in your box.

It definitely won't be from me.

Ave, amici!

I return from the field of false battle to once more partake in discussion of matters pertaining to colorful equines of diminutive size.

So, a month and half of service in the Finnish army. Can't say it's been a pleasant experience. Living in the barracks is an endless parade of doing and re-doing pointless chores and marching about from place to place, sometimes with barely enough time, oftentimes too much. And that's luxury compared to the field. Real nice to wake up in the middle of the night either to re-light the tent's stove or to rush out into the darkness in a vain attempt to find my foxhole and repel the incoming "attack". And don't even get me started on the field dining. To top it all off, we get to do all that in unusually cold and rainy weather. Fan-fuckin'-tastic.

And supposedly this shit is good for my body. Ha! I'm currently sitting in sickbay, nursing a case of otitis externa. "A healthy training regime", my ass. Let me tell ya folks, never buy into any of that bullcrap propaganda you see about the army. It's an absolutely shit place to be, no matter what the meat-head warmongers say.

But enough about the troubles of a conscript with far too much brain and nowhere near enough brawn, let's talk pony.

@Bhaalspawn's list

I see you folks believe the list to be rather tongue-in-cheek.

Well, the guy who made it is a known satirist, so yeah. Still, Gigatoast makes a pretty unassailable point.

@Season 3

Well well well, quite the treasure trove of info and spoilers managed to pile up when I wasn't looking. Certainly the biggest one is that there'll only be 13 episodes. Heh, and I so adamantly insisted on that being some misunderstanding.

While it is a rather alarming development, there's still plenty of chance that it is not a sign of dark days to come. I remember many saying that they could be switching to shortened seasons so they'll be able to make them faster. A reasonable possibility, but it strikes me as a little arbitrary. It's still pretty much the same amount of work, just in smaller chunks.

However, there is another distinct possibility that I haven't really seen discussed: What if the episodes are double the length?

I've seen folks criticize the show for abrupt endings so often that one would think it's some sort defining characteristic for it. Perhaps the team has heard our pleas and converted the show into the 44-minute format. Of course, this comes at the cost of axing the amount of episodes, but hey, they're on a budget here.

Too bad there's not much anything to indicate what the case may be, as far as I can see. Still, given what we've seen and heard so far, seems like a pretty good chance, no?

@Phoenix: Oh, cool, modern tanks. Even if you were making a WoT joke…
Well, I'm too far in, might as well go balls deep.

Pictured: UEF Fatboy II Experimental. Which gauss turret do you want to end your day?

@Exudes: Airplanes are cool and all, but that's why they invented anti-aircraft guns and surface-to-air missiles.


I already upvoted you, so I don't have to say "THIS". But I will anyway: A MILLION FUCKING TIMES THAT.

@Fifths: It's not a list, it's a single rule. It was easily simplified earlier when someone said a good brony should try not to be a dick.

Finally, to make sure this post has a picture…

Take some Vinyl Scratch because why the fuck not.

Last edited Aug 27, 2012 at 01:50PM EDT

Ladies (lolz plural) and gentlemen…

The king of verbose yet lucid posting has returned. As with Brucker for the site on the whole, me and burning_phoneix only fight for second place in regards to Pony General. No one is worthy of the brown horsie thing.* No one.*
The truly sad thing is that he's better at communicating in my native language as a foreign langauge than I am.

Yes, there have been some interesting topics posed since you last posted, Brownmane. You may want to skim the previous pages (reading all of them would be…time-consuming…) to see what came up. I met Fifths recently, and we spent a lot of time talking about ponies, our own tiff here, and various other matters of interest. There have been a lot of spoilers. People have entered the fandom and well-known artists have left (Veggie55 being the most recent one of note.)

I haven't looked at many of the spoilers, but I would agree with you: I don't think FiM is done just yet. William Anderson also posted a poem which was oddly timed given the community's concern about there being 13 episodes for Season 3. It's probably a coincidence though. Maybe.

Ashki wrote:

Is that the Soldier? He looks weird without his helmet covering his face, and also, lulz at Scootaloo digging around in his pouch.

Yes soldier looks quite strange w/o a helmet.
I really like the TF2/MLP crossovers (even though the non-brony tf2 community HATES IT).
Here's solly as a stallion baby:

Brownmane wrote:

And supposedly this shit is good for my body. Ha! I’m currently sitting in sickbay, nursing a case of otitis externa. “A healthy training regime”, my ass. Let me tell ya folks, never buy into any of that bullcrap propaganda you see about the army. It’s an absolutely shit place to be, no matter what the meat-head warmongers say.

Just you wait…Just you….wait.

@Soldier pic:


I actually had the idea of a hat for the Engineer that was just Applebloom sitting on his head forever ago. She's handy with tools and all that, so she'd be a good assistant for him.

@That list:

Taking it as tongue-in-cheek, just cause. I don't really care what anybody thinks of me or other bronies, though, since it doesn't really matter in the long run. People hate furries, but they're fairly nice people, overall.


So that means we can have more immensely awkward posts from you that make everybody uncomfortable?

AWESOME! I was just getting over the last one!

But, seriously, welcome back for however long this return is. Military stuff sounds rough, but it's a fairly smart plan for a country to make some military training. Finland isn't going to be conquered easily if every civilian has military training.

Anyways, I'm going to be a lot less active now that classes have started up again and Guild Wars 2 is out. I'll still be around and lurking even if I don't post, but still keep your Ultra Balls ready in case a wild post appears.

@DeadParrot: I've seen the one of him juggling them, not the others though, and heh, who knew Soldier was just a good foalsitter.

Though they best to be careful with those grenades, though who am I kidding, this is the CMC we're talking about, they'd probably take out the pins and throw them at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon or something.

Uh… I think someone beat you to it.

Download link: APPLE BLOOM HAT
Someone has apparently hacked your brain.
You may want to get that checked out.

Well, he's usually good, but with the CMCs, almost everyone will get fed up eventually.

Last edited Aug 27, 2012 at 05:41PM EDT

burning_phoneix wrote:


Futashy x Woona is best rule 34 otp.



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