Alright then, off we go.
As some of you might know, in my headcanon, Earth and Equestria have a link between them. This caused confusion with the show, as some wondered if the events in the show really happened, and if they did, how they would happen now that there's a link between the worlds. Twilight Sparkle explained it after a January 18, 2012 Legacy Armada show in Charlotte, North Carolina.
TS: I understand that some people are finding the connection between the real world and the show strange, but I hope I can clear it up. The show is a good representation of Equestria and me and my friends' lives, but in the end, that is what it is: a representation. Some events in the show did happen in real life, such as the events of The Best Night Ever, but some were created solely for entertainment, like Green Isn't Your Color. I have faith in the creators of the show to adapt important events that happen in Equestria, and the episodes for these will probably air a while after the event has passed.
Josh Larson explained after a show in Charleston, South Carolina on November 5, 2013 about the season four premier, stating the following:
JL: The season four premier comes down to an exaggeration of real life when you strip it naked. It actually happened a little while after Twi's coronation, about five days. There was a parade in Ponyville for those of you who remember, and a bit before the parade, we get these weird-ass possessed vines coming from the Everfree Forest tangling around the city. Long story short, we put 'em away after they had done a bit of terrorizing the citizens, and asked Zecora about it later. Without me rhyming right now, she said those vines had a spell put on them nine hundred years ago or something, and they happened to awake that day. One parade and one more group of medals for heroism later, we suggested that we base the season opener off of that. As for Twilight discovering the origin of the Elements, Celestia decided it was time to show her when she became Princess, so we threw that in there.
I hope that clears things up.