Man, what have I been doing the last few days?
Lots to catch up on!
@Molestia stuff
Yeah, as was pointed out before, the blog had been shut down twice before and quickly restored so it isn't an issue of the content being exceptionally 'inappropriate.'
The only reason she isn't coming back this time is because JJ was planning to move on anyway and didn't feel like going though the effort.
It was a long-running blog that was plenty of fun, but all good things must eventually end and I'd rather it go out popular than linger on forever (though some may say that had already happened).
<div class=spoiler title="And yet, from the ashes…">
… though she specifically said that she's not taking 'inappropriate questions.'
Adorkable Luna, away!
@Sexism thing
I don't really want to spend the time to read a whole 27 page document, but I do sort of have to agree with Fifths here.
Pointing out that a fandom based largely on the internet dealings of young men has some awkward and creepy members is one thing; that's pretty much guaranteed and while it definitely deserves attention, it's not much outside of the general trend of the internet.
But when you take the extra step of insinuating the actual crimes of rape and predation of children, you had better have more to back it up than 'someone said so.'
Those aren't accusations that should be put out there so lightly, even with the author's later hedging.
Can someone tell me: Did he interview any girls/women who have had nothing but positive experiences?
Or was every story a horror story?
Because, from the other comments, it sounds like the primary issue with this article is one of massive selection bias.
If you write a piece in which you itemize and list out all the negative aspects of something while devoting only a minimal amount of time to saying that these aspects are not typical, you are introducing a pretty significant bias automatically.
It's sort of akin to the news media's growing sensationalism: Ask most people nowadays about the national crime rate and they will likely cite the overwhelming number of stories about rapes, murders, robberies, and assaults circulating in the news everyday to conclude that crime must be on the rise.
In fact, violent crime has been on a pretty steady-to-dramatic decline for the past couple decades and most people are probably safer than they've ever been, yet we still hear about swathes of citizens running out to buy guns to protect themselves from the apparent marauding horde of evil-doers running rampant across the country.
It's easy to write about the problems (and make no mistake, they absolutely should be reported on so that they can be fixed), but if it isn't properly tempered by realism, it's just fear-mongering.
Conventions can be big business and a fantastic place to meet with all kinds of people but if people start going around claiming that they are 'full of perverts' because of the actions of an incredibly tiny minority, they are just hurting all the legitimate con-goers by doing so.
I actually have my own convention story relating to this topic.
At the second EQLA, on the first day, I was making my rounds through the artist room when I happened to see a booth out of the corner of my eye.
It was way in the back corner of the room but it stood out for a couple reasons:
-Next to the expected MLP art were other non-MLP pieces, mostly relating to furries. Very out of place.
-He was apparently selling CDs or DVDs of his portfolio, again largely furry in nature and, as I found out later, at least partially pornographic.
I didn't really go over to check it out, but I heard a couple whispers about 'that guy at the back' offering adult work if you wanted it.
No more than an hour or two later, I was walking down the con's main hallway when I saw the artist from that booth clearly arguing with one of the staff members.
He had been reported and immediately had his vending and admission permissions revoked.
He was led back to clean up his table and was gone for the rest of the weekend.
I'm pretty sure a lot of the other attendees never even knew he was there in the first place.
Now, I could go on about how unseemly this character was and how immensely creeped out I was by his presence, but I would be more than remiss to not mention the quick and professional reaction of the staff to remedy the problem for the couple-thousand other fans all happily going about their day.
The positives far outweighed the negatives and, I think, give a much better view of the fandom's actual position on these issues.
@New Episode
I'm going to quickly sidestep the return of Derpy because there were so many awesome little things in this episode that should not be overshadowed by our grey friend.
Can we talk about this?
I don't know exactly why, but this shot made me giggle so much.
Something about the reminder that these things are actually horses, combined with the outright casualness of eating while flying, and the reminder of a picture I had seen literally years ago all combined in one moment and I loved it!
Such a silly little moment!
I also liked Bulk in his new role.
As he was, he was a little too like Big Mac with his single word personality (as IDW made humerus note of) so it was cool to see him taken in an interesting direction.
He's not going to be topping a 'favorite character' list any time soon, but he brought his own charm and I'd love to see him come back again.
<div class=spoiler title="Cannot Un-Hear">
I will also second the statement that Spitfire and Fleetfoot were massive asses in this episode and they got off way too easy for the level of betrayal they exhibited.
They even acknowledged RD's time at the academy apparently without taking her message of 'Don't treat your teammates like crap in order to get ahead' to heart in any way.
I like this guy's ending:
There, that feels more appropriate.
By the way, why were the Wonderbolts flying for Cloudsdale anyway?
What the heck is their position in Equestria?
Sometimes they seem to just be a stunt-flying squad, other times they are sent out as if they are Canterlot's air force or something.
Basically, I had always assumed that they were based out of Canterlot, but I guess not?
Oh yeah, and DERPY'S BACK!