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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

Just wanted to note that It's officially July 12th in the Netherlands, and we know what that means..

It's RandomMan's Birthday!

In celebration, how about we dedicate this page to our favorite bunny mod's favorite pony, Pinkie Pie?

Last edited Jul 11, 2013 at 08:28PM EDT

Platus wrote:

It's no coincidence. The first half hour of the entry mod interview is all about booze and booze accessories.

It's merely to lower our pain tolerance for the real mod initiaton.

Edit: @Crazy

Last edited Jul 11, 2013 at 08:30PM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

It's merely to lower our pain tolerance for the real mod initiaton.

Edit: @Crazy

Hey it's RandomMan's birthday, you know what that means? BIRTHDAY BEATIN- looks over at RandomMan

Did I mean birthday beatings? I meant I'm going to talk about how RandomMan is a much better person than I am and can probably satisfy my girlfriend more than I ever could and I'm not just saying that because I'm scared shitless.

No siree bob.

Luna Protege wrote:

For the Briefest Second, I though Applejack in that Second Image was Dancing Gangnam Style.

Since there's a random sort of dancing going on from all of them it could be a harlem shake, I'm not too sure what Rarity's doing..

@Dr Whooves and that dancing gif

Applejack = Skipidee doo da dancing
Twilight = awkward white people dance
Dash = Not dancing
Pinkie = Freestyle
Fluttershy = Not dancing
Rarity = Booty shake/pelvic gyration


Happy Birthday, you oldfag

Last edited Jul 11, 2013 at 09:24PM EDT

Dr Whooves wrote:

Since there's a random sort of dancing going on from all of them it could be a harlem shake, I'm not too sure what Rarity's doing..

She's OBVIOUSLY doing Amateur twerking.

@Randomman Hey it's 5 O'clock somewhere chug

Last edited Jul 11, 2013 at 10:24PM EDT

Well! Four hours ago was officially RandomMan's birthday over here, and though it's on his wall, I'll post it again…

Yep! It's Christmas in July! The day RandomMan was born, and three staff members bestowed upon him Entry, Forum, and Media moderation! Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas in July!

Well, I'm back in time to celebrate Randomman's birthday.

Now, from my quick read several pages back: Markhaox14 is a girl, there was rapping and poetry going on here, threads about who is best pony, celebrating 4th of July which lead to everybrony revealing their nationality, and remembering plushie Lyra.

Sorry to be a slowpoke here but to find out that Mark is a girl is a bit surprising at the moment. But then again I'm not very social in the internet or real life, so how does that apply to me at the moment?

Speaking of identities, I remember seeing a picture in the Pony Gallery telling users to reveal what they look like. What are the chances of that happening here?

Last edited Jul 11, 2013 at 11:38PM EDT

Sonata Dusk wrote:

I edited a thing:

Please don't ban me.

You're going to f&%$ this skinny bunny and you're going to like it, mister!

Happy birthday to our itty, bitty bunny overlord!

Nah, AJ doesn't do Gangnam Style, but this guy does:

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 02:41AM EDT

Non-RandomMan post:

The new Pinkie Pie and Lyra Heartstrings Funko toys are up for pre-order on

If you're ordering today, try tossing HTX571 into the Promo Code box for 10% off. It worked for me, but no guarantee it'll work overseas or for very long.

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 05:28AM EDT

Speaking of Hot Topic. I found a Hot Topic outlet in the Fresno mall today and decided to look into it. It's the first place I have ever been to that actually sold Brony merch. Seriously. Nobody sells this stuff in NZ

I found an awesome Octavia shirt. "Music is my life" read the text. 'THIS IS AWESOME' I thought to myself. I've always wanted a shirt with either Lyra, Vinyl, Derpy or Octavia on it. And the music connotation made it all the better. I didn't care that it was a womens T. It would have fit my skinny frame anyway (Besides, I wear plenty of womens T's already #roflcrossdressing. DON'T JUDGE ME, THEY FIT)

But it was purple…purple is not a good color on me. My wallet remained unopened. If only it came in either white or black!

… And the rest of the shirts were just Spike.

I walked out of Hot Topic feeling as though this had just happened to me

I don't know about those little toy models. They look cool but what would I do with them? Paperwheight? But I would definitely wear a shirt. Going to a dance club with Vinyl Scratch on me is bound to add +1 to me attention-whore rating. If only.

Crazy☾ said:

Just wanted to note that It’s officially July 12th in the Netherlands, and we know what that means..

Today's the day their queen abdicates?

It's William the Orange's birthday?

They mourn the loss of Belgium to the Catholics?

It’s RandomMan’s Birthday!


Happy non-copyrighted lyrics to you.
Happy non-copyrighted lyrics to you.
Happy non-copyrighted lyrics, dear RandomMan
Happy non-copyrighted lyrics to you!

BSoD was like…

Speaking of Hot Topic. I found a Hot Topic outlet in the Fresno mall today and decided to look into it. It’s the first place I have ever been to that actually sold Brony merch. Seriously. Nobody sells this stuff in NZ
I found an awesome Octavia shirt. “Music is my life” read the text. ‘THIS IS AWESOME’ I thought to myself. I’ve always wanted a shirt with either Lyra, Vinyl, Derpy or Octavia on it. And the music connotation made it all the better. I didn’t care that it was a womens T. It would have fit my skinny frame anyway (Besides, I wear plenty of womens T’s already #roflcrossdressing. DON’T JUDGE ME, THEY FIT)
But it was purple…purple is not a good color on me. My wallet remained unopened. If only it came in either white or black!

I'm pretty sure there are two malls near me (one in North Charleston, one in West Ashley), and I think they both have Hot Topics. Still, Hot Topic only has so few brony shirts that you might as well just go on WeLoveFine. But then again, I'd prefer to get them right away. Unless…

We shall open a pony store, and it shall be the greatest thing ever bestowed upon South Carolina!

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 07:43AM EDT


I saw a couple of the derpy figures at my local hot topic a couple months ago, but I opted out of buying one for the same reason. I've spent alot of money in recent years on things that are just collecting dust now, but I may not be able to pass up on getting that new pinkie one.

speaking of pinkie

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 12:26PM EDT

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

Found this in Google Images:

That's funny, I imagine Fluttershy using a diving elbow drop as a signature move or a setup, but not a finisher. I imagine her finished as being some kind of submission hold, like a Crossface or a Texas Cloverleaf.

Wrong thread. motherfucker!

Seriously though, I guess I can see where you're coming from.


lol that reminds me – I made a wrong neighborhood pinkie pattern in animal crossing new leaf that I wanna upload a picture of here once I get a new laptop.

I use it as my flag pattern so whenever anyone visits, they know they came to the wrong town!

Should have that up sometime this week or next week I hope.

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 01:18PM EDT

Blue Screen (of Death) wrote:

Speaking of Hot Topic. I found a Hot Topic outlet in the Fresno mall today and decided to look into it. It's the first place I have ever been to that actually sold Brony merch. Seriously. Nobody sells this stuff in NZ

I found an awesome Octavia shirt. "Music is my life" read the text. 'THIS IS AWESOME' I thought to myself. I've always wanted a shirt with either Lyra, Vinyl, Derpy or Octavia on it. And the music connotation made it all the better. I didn't care that it was a womens T. It would have fit my skinny frame anyway (Besides, I wear plenty of womens T's already #roflcrossdressing. DON'T JUDGE ME, THEY FIT)

But it was purple…purple is not a good color on me. My wallet remained unopened. If only it came in either white or black!

… And the rest of the shirts were just Spike.

I walked out of Hot Topic feeling as though this had just happened to me

I don't know about those little toy models. They look cool but what would I do with them? Paperwheight? But I would definitely wear a shirt. Going to a dance club with Vinyl Scratch on me is bound to add +1 to me attention-whore rating. If only.

Oh boy, HotTopic. Never used to go in there until I found out it was one of the few places that sold shirts for bands I like (KISS, Motley Crue, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden Etc.) within like 50 miles. Then I got into the My Little Pony thing and found out they had pony shit at Hot Topic. Went there once with a few friends and some douchebag looking scene kid was standing behind the counter saying "Oh god, more of you pedophiles are here." And of course since we're Chicago kids we insulted him right back, mainly making fun of his skinny jeans and black nail polish. It was fun until his boss came around looked at him and said "How many times have I told you not to start shit with the My Little Pony fans" and that was the last time I saw Sir Cutsalot behind the counter at HotTopic. Then I bought a Derpy hat which is the only merchandise I really own and that's mainly because I like my head shaved and the sun gets very….Burn inducing during the summer.

Tl;DR Lol Hottopic.

But one day…..I WILL buy the Rainbow Dash Backpack from We Love Fine.

This one and not the weird deformed thing they have at HotTopic.

Last edited Jul 12, 2013 at 02:37PM EDT

Believe it or not, my grandmother is fond of Hot Topic. Okay, so it was the end of April, and my grandma had come to visit. One day, she took me to the mall, and seeing as I hadn't yet obtained the new comic issue, I asked her if we could stop by Hot Topic. Keep in mind that I have about a metric shit ton of gift cards and a rewards card from there. So we go inside, I get the comic, two blindbags, and a couple of band shirts. When we leave, my grandma says that she liked the design and the employees, and she called it cool. Needless to say, I paid for lunch instead.

TL;DR – My grandma is totally rad.

@Hot Topic

I have never actually seen one. Are there even any in Canada?

I HAVE, however, seen a build-a-bear store in the mall near where I live. I look at Dash and Pinkie in the window whenever I go by.

Oh Build-a-bear. I would go there just for a Rainbow Dash or even a Pinkie Pie. Or I'd do what one guy did, guy a RD or PP for little girls that couldn't afford to go to build a bear (because man, those Build a bear ponies are looking a lot better than 99% of these official dolls).

Silly disturbed, you don't have to be afraid of people at the mall. Just do what I do, Stand up straight, puff out your chest and keep a balisong knife in your sock at all times incase someone gives you shit and you'll be aokay!


It's just auto-resized in Bruno's post. Right click and open image in a new tab.

Or just check your own quote because quotes don't auto-resize


You can't have apostrophes inside HTML parameters. That's why the spoiler text stops at "Let"


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