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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users


Don’t worry about it… and you actually worked hard on the Family Photo, which apparently someone doesn’t appreciate. And the reason I put Pegasister/Brony is because I’m not sure if Pegasister is the official term for a female Brony, which I kind of say on my wall.

I keep the same username for personal reasons, and I probably will never change it. But that’s what seems to be confusing people… sorry about that…

No need to apologize. I'm just a Derp.

Herp derp, derpety derp.


But at least I wasn't the only one who wasn't directly informed

The funny thing is, it was 'Pegasister/Brony'' in the same sentence that confused me…somehow…not sure how it had that effect on me but it got me thinking you were Genderfluid. I bet if you used just Brony or Pegasister, I probably wouldn't have made that mistake, despite your name (though your name also plays into it)

The official term for female Bronies is whichever one you want. Although 'Brony' used 'bro' in it, it was later agreed that the term should be gender neutral. This decision came after realizing that having gender distinctions in the fandom actually defeated one of its most common purposes. So male of female or other, feel free to use 'Brony'

'Pegasister' was created, and is still used by those who still want to make that clarification anyway, and that's fine. Sometimes its nice to have a little bit of specificity just to avoid any confusion. If you want to create other pony related portmanteaus for your identity, you are welcome to it

And yes, I hope you like attention because now that a lot more people are aware of your gender: you are getting more. You should have been like Crimson Locks and been all like "Hi KYM, I'm female" right from the very beginning. Then it wouldn't become big news that everyone will ask you about


We already ship BSoD with Twins and Fifths, there ain’t many more holes left on that ride.

Agreed, and even though Twins doesn't post here anymore the fact is I already have a boytoy and that's Fifths so my second OTP can only be replaced by another lady. I only have so many orifices.


Why didn’t anybody tell me that? Next you guys are going to say something like “Blue Screen isn’t techniclly a New Zealander” or “Verbose is black.”


What did I miss last night? Mark is a girl? Yeah I kinda figured. You know, there's not enough girls in this world named Mark. Most Mark's I know are old guys with beards.


What? I like Lyra now. It has nothing to do with markhaox14. Honest. Stop looking at me.

Wait, is this a Derpy thread or a Luna thread still?
Oh well, two birds, one stone as they say.

And yeah, I pretty much was thinking Mark was hiding her gender too, but I see what she meant now.

Stunthead wrote:

Oh, and Mike just called me “Master Stunt” in a private message. When did I become the “master” of so many users? Did I accidentally start a cult? I thought only Advance could do that.

Getting into my territory are we?

BSoD wrote:

And yes, I hope you like attention because now that a lot more people are aware of your gender: you are getting more.

Which was the reason for that part in my previous point. In the past there were some occasions where we had to warn and even ban users for near-stalking behavior as a result of "OMG, you have tits!" situations.

I know people are just fooling around right now, but the quantity made me a bit skeptical due to past situations. I hope you all understand.

Well everybody, since Mark is a girl we should all take part in the internet tradition of when a woman identifies herself on an internet forum. ESPECIALLY a female brony on a My Little Pony thread Puts on goggles OH MY GOD IT'S AN ACTUAL WOMAN!!!!!! SIGN MY SHIRT AND GO OUT WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

UnKewln00b wrote:

Well everybody, since Mark is a girl we should all take part in the internet tradition of when a woman identifies herself on an internet forum. ESPECIALLY a female brony on a My Little Pony thread Puts on goggles OH MY GOD IT'S AN ACTUAL WOMAN!!!!!! SIGN MY SHIRT AND GO OUT WITH ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

To be fair, I've known Mark is a girl for a month now, so I didn't mean to cause one big shitstorm, and I'm sorry. But then again, why the fuck are we talking about that? Sitting Lyra thread is too good to pass up.

OK… I didn't really want to post until I thought this out very carefully. And this is a serious post.

Should you really change your views on someone just because a user is male or female, and you barely find out? Honestly, I think people should take into consideration the actions of said person rather than the gender. On here, I love posting ponies, having fun, chatting with other users, and doing anything else here. I don't want you guys to see me any different than you did before, because I greatly appreciated that.

Let's not let this thread derail any further than it has… and post some Luna and Derpy!

And how could I forget? Sitting Lyra, of course!

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 06:15PM EDT

Don't worry, I'm sure the users 'round here understand that.
(a question, not related to this, but since you too have an ios device, I thought you'd maybe recogniss this: Do you perhaps have a little problem, with your phone randomly closing the safari app? My ipod decides to do that every now and then, maybe you know this problem and/or know a solution

@Luna and Derpy

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 06:08PM EDT

Laud "The Bear Jew" Piestrings wrote:

OK… I didn't really want to post until I thought this out very carefully. And this is a serious post.

Should you really change your views on someone just because a user is male or female, and you barely find out? Honestly, I think people should take into consideration the actions of said person rather than the gender. On here, I love posting ponies, having fun, chatting with other users, and doing anything else here. I don't want you guys to see me any different than you did before, because I greatly appreciated that.

Let's not let this thread derail any further than it has… and post some Luna and Derpy!

And how could I forget? Sitting Lyra, of course!

Of course not. Gender is a pretty arbitrary and, quite frankly, stupid reason to change how you view someone. You post some great stuff on KYM and you're a productive member of the community. If gender is supposed to somehow change that, I'm not getting how. Besides, who else was I going to bond with over how much of a dumbass lolitsameme was?

Luna and Derpy? I say neigh (lolpun) and post a My Little Pony/Les Miserables crossover!

>Wake up in the morning for once
>Find everyone Talked all Night about the fact someone is Female
>Still wondering how people used to jump to conclusions about my own gender.
>Realize my Gender is a giant Mobius Strip so the point is Moot.
>Rest of Page is Sitting Lyra

The things we discover about our fellows online… Fascinating right?


Mark Wrote:

Should you really change your views on someone just because a user is male or female, and you barely find out? Honestly, I think people should take into consideration the actions of said person rather than the gender. On here, I love posting ponies, having fun, chatting with other users, and doing anything else here. I don’t want you guys to see me any different than you did before, because I greatly appreciated that.

… I don't really tie any traits to Gender. So for me, finding out someone is one gender over another doesn't really change jack.

…The one thing it does change also means Jack all in the grand scheme of things anyways…

So… I'm not sure why I even need to say this out loud… Nothing changed with the Revelation of a Gender Nobody probably asked to hear about. Save for a Minor Correction of Gender Pronouns.

(Heh, I just Read those words I wrote in my Head-Canon Voice for a Homestuck character who is caring, but yells every word he speaks… Found that amusing for some reason.)

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 06:24PM EDT

Laud "The Bear Jew" Piestrings wrote:

OK… I didn't really want to post until I thought this out very carefully. And this is a serious post.

Should you really change your views on someone just because a user is male or female, and you barely find out? Honestly, I think people should take into consideration the actions of said person rather than the gender. On here, I love posting ponies, having fun, chatting with other users, and doing anything else here. I don't want you guys to see me any different than you did before, because I greatly appreciated that.

Let's not let this thread derail any further than it has… and post some Luna and Derpy!

And how could I forget? Sitting Lyra, of course!

I suggest reading Judith Butler.

Not only because doing so will put your question in a new perspective, but also because Judith Butler is awesome.

Have a pony:

RandomMan said:

In the past there were some occasions where we had to warn and even ban users for near-stalking behaviour


@Sitting Lyra

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 06:20PM EDT


I looked at that woman's Wikipedia page and saw this quote.

The move from a structuralist account in which capital is understood to structure social relations in relatively homologous ways to a view of hegemony in which power relations are subject to repetition, convergence, and rearticulation brought the question of temporality into the thinking of structure, and marked a shift from a form of Althusserian theory that takes structural totalities as theoretical objects to one in which the insights into the contingent possibility of structure inaugurate a renewed conception of hegemony as bound up with the contingent sites and strategies of the rearticulation of power.

Oh God, it's worse than Hegel!

@What Random said about stalking

I can second that – it does happen. You don't hear about it much because it's best to be left between the users involved and the mods that intervene. It should probably be left at that.


Nobody ever said awesomeness was easy, and anyway her earlier stuff – which is what she is primarily known for – is less dense. Gender Trouble is a good example: not exactly easy to read, but I found it to be very permeable. And, anyway, that sentence isn't THAT bad, it's just full of jargon, which is pretty understandable since it was published in Diacritics, an academic journal for literary and cultural theory which is mostly read by people with advanced degrees. If you understand all the terms and pay close attention, it actually makes a lot of sense (it's mainly about structuralism and class analysis, and how the more recent ideas on the connection between power relationships and social performativity have cause a reevaluation of concepts that have been standbys of the field for a long time (Althusser, etc)).

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 06:38PM EDT

Bruno the Rustler wrote:

Oh good! sitting Lyra!

Oh vwow, that's another version of the picture I found on Derpibooru and uploaded here! :O

(Only difference is mine partially turned the random chicken into Scootaloo)

@Derpy And Luna: Here's a Lethal dose. [Insert Carlos here]

@Sitting Lyra:

@Stalking: Da Bad Guy would like to tell you all…

Seriously, you're all implying we're seriously stalking each other. There is a thing called Played For Laughs, and this particular example is the pinnacle. Then again, we shouldn't take much on a pony thread seriously, anyway.

I'm going to make one final attempt at a stream. If this doesn't work, the idea is officially dead forever.

Laud "The Bear Jew" Piestrings wrote:

OK… I didn't really want to post until I thought this out very carefully. And this is a serious post.

Should you really change your views on someone just because a user is male or female, and you barely find out? Honestly, I think people should take into consideration the actions of said person rather than the gender. On here, I love posting ponies, having fun, chatting with other users, and doing anything else here. I don't want you guys to see me any different than you did before, because I greatly appreciated that.

Let's not let this thread derail any further than it has… and post some Luna and Derpy!

And how could I forget? Sitting Lyra, of course!

Well I'm new to the forum so to me you've always been a girl.. so I won't see you any differently :P Everyone on here seems to be open minded enough for it to not matter though I understand where your coming from, many times in my life I've been friends with someone and they'd found out something that to me seems somewhat irrelevant but to them changes their whole view on me (aka religious beliefs, opinions or interests ) where to me diversity is something to be appreciated but to them it's something to use as a reason to shy away from others. But if people discriminate on things such as gender then they aren't the type of people that should matter, that's how I see it, personally myself :)

Anyway I'm sorry to continue this derail but I felt 100% agreement with your comment that I wanted to say that though, although not knowing the forums that well, I can say from what I've seen so far everyone seems to be on the same page about diversity, which isn't really a surprise since it's a pony-related forum.. So I doubt anyone will see you differently :) anyway back to the fun stuff..

Ponies :3

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 07:48PM EDT

This is why I think Lyra is one of my favorite background ponies. She could be doing anything but as long as she has that carefree smile……I mean hell look at this little picture here

And she doesn't come with controversy unless you count the plushie that wasn't made by the creators of the show.

UnKewln00b wrote:

This is why I think Lyra is one of my favorite background ponies. She could be doing anything but as long as she has that carefree smile……I mean hell look at this little picture here

And she doesn't come with controversy unless you count the plushie that wasn't made by the creators of the show.

'Puts on a high squeaky voice' "Dr Whooves is best background pony"

'Cough' "who said that?!" 'Shifty eyes' 'Pulls at collar' 'Insert more stage narrations here'

Though in all honesty my favorite background ponies are either Derpy or.. Rarity ;D

Last edited Jul 09, 2013 at 10:18PM EDT

Yes! Lyra thread!

Lyra was my favorite Pony loooooong before Mark made it cool! What's not interesting about the Pony that's just as interested in you?

And yes, here she is…sitting:

When a pony makes a mundane idle position look cute, you know you have a winner

I think it's cool we get some female users in here. I never really knew for sure what Mark's gender was, so I was avoiding using the words "him" or "her" and just referred to Mark as "Mark"

Mark, you are still awesome and I would never think of you any different…

…but damn you for getting me addicted to Lyra

Unless you count Luna and Derpy of course.

Last edited Jul 10, 2013 at 01:11AM EDT

vintiezre wrote:

Wow, I guess this is almost the only page that is entirely full of one specific pony.

Don't say anything, you'll jinx it!

Lyra, quick – stop him!

UnKewln00b wrote:

I think the moral of this page is this: Mark isn't the only one here that's obsessed with Lyra.

Could it be that she has been best pony this whole time, and none of us ever realized it until now?


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