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KYM Pony General VII: Live Free or Twi Hard

Last posted Jul 06, 2014 at 04:08PM EDT. Added Apr 19, 2013 at 12:22AM EDT
9943 posts from 165 users

Time Traveling Dentist is Best Cat.

…Seriously… We need to get our head canons sorted, why is a pony who's special talent appears to be time travel a dentist?

Or is it like how "The Doctor" isn't actually a medical doctor?

Does she just go around saying "Hello, I'm the Dentist" and everyone's like "which dentist?" and she's like "just the dentist"?

Actually, no that sounds kinda weird. Its not like the timeline has teeth or anything… Unless its like Skyrim and the timeline is personified by a dragon or something, in which case, yes, it does need a dentist, badly.

…This is stupid…

@brony as a label

I use it online, but not much offline. Thing is, I don't think I've even talked to anyone irl that knows what a brony is and I never heard ponies so much as being acknowledged to exist at the technical school I used to go to.

It's not even the stigma that bother's me much anymore. If I can walk into Gamestop and buy a Nintendo DS dress up game called Style Savvy Trendsetters for my mom's birthday I can probably just as easily refer to myself as a brony, but in my neck of the woods I think it would make better sense to just say that I like the latest my little pony series.


Your story reminds me of how I couldn't bear to listen to this song in full at first -

and how it's one of my favorites from the series now. I kind of had the same "not sure if want" dilemma that it seems like you're having, but the more I watched the show the more I realized how nice it was to enjoy cute, lighthearted things again like I used to and I ended up marathoning the first season within a couple days.

Also related


So, what would you do if one of them asked “Dude, are you one of them bronies?” and you couldn’t really ascertain their intention? Simply admitting it could lead to them assuming you’re the stereotype. Asking for clarification on their views on bronies looks pretty dubious. Claiming to just like the show is also rather incriminating.

Nobody is going to do that if they neither know or care what a brony is. But if it does happen I'd just have to hope that if that someone has heard of bronies and is genuinely curious enough to want to know one; I may as well say I am Brony and make sure they come off with good impression.

You are right that asking for clarification and/or dodging the question looks dubious and incriminating. It would actually be better to admit it up front and then dispel the stereotype (if that happens. The person may just be more intrigued than concerned, and wasn't going to stereotype to begin with. If not, it becomes safe to say it). I don't have a neckbeard or a fedora, so that not that hard.

Last edited Aug 15, 2013 at 04:07PM EDT

@Blue Screen

The problem with the "spaghetti defense" is that, as time goes on, and more and more mainstream people become aware of the fandom and its proper noun, "Brony" will become the main identifier as all proper nouns are. Your conversation will go from:

"I like ponies."
“Why would you like something like that?”
“I just think they are cute”
“Eh, I suppose so”


"I like ponies."
"Oh, does that mean you're one of those bronies?"

And then you're screwed because if you deny it, the spaghetti levels rocket into the double digits as they ponder why you wouldn't use the standard identifying noun. Right now, you can still have your spaghetti-free conversation, but as time goes on, it's going to be harder and harder as "Brony" gets more and more exposure and becomes solidified as the proper noun to identify the group.

Personally, I avoid spaghetti incidents completely by simply not mentioning ponies IRL at all. I don't mention I'm a fan of Star Trek or Pokemon or Age of Empires, so why would I bring up ponies?

CrashGordon94 said:

One of my all-time favorite web review shows, SF Debris had a lot to say when Star Trek pulled this very same shit and the same applies here. It’s very transparent name-swaps of our stuff, pun-focused and all revolves around one particular theme (in this case, horse stuff) so it doesn’t work a real “alien” culture so much as it really enforces that “this is a human-made show trying to make this sound alien”

While it is true that the Call It a Smeerp trope is at play, I've never seen anything like "everypony" in other works in that, not only is the original word still used, but there's some new grammar rules that are in place ("everypony" is only used when referring to ponies, while "everyone" covers all other species). And to be fair, there's not any way the trope couldn't be at play without causing some forum conversations about where the term "Hell" came from in a setting that has Greek monsters.

Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking said:

It just seems weird to have to make a label for what you like, I love Gatorade does that make me a Gatorader? My favorite movie franchise is Rambo so does that make me a Rambonoid?

Are "Gatorader" or "Rambonoid" commonly accepted terms for fans of either? No. The key here isn't what you're calling yourself, it's what other people are calling you. "Brony" is becoming the go-to noun when referring to male fans of pony. It's kind of pointless to call yourself a "fan of My Little Pony" (which is just awkwardly long anyway) or "horsefucker" if everyone else calls you "brony".

Blue Screen said:

I don’t have a neckbeard or a fedora, so that not that hard.

>Being a brony fan of My Little Pony and not having a neckbeard

Do you even fandom?

>yfw it's another linguistical argument about the role proper nouns and the general public play in communication and identifications

Last edited Aug 15, 2013 at 04:54PM EDT

@Iamslow: Thank you for sharing actually dude, it's cool to know I'm not the only one to have these kind of dilemmas. :) Beause sometimes before, it's really seemed that way…

@TSG: You make a fair point actually, particularly with hte "everypony" thing.

Luna Protege wrote:

Time Traveling Dentist is Best Cat.

…Seriously… We need to get our head canons sorted, why is a pony who's special talent appears to be time travel a dentist?

Or is it like how "The Doctor" isn't actually a medical doctor?

Does she just go around saying "Hello, I'm the Dentist" and everyone's like "which dentist?" and she's like "just the dentist"?

Actually, no that sounds kinda weird. Its not like the timeline has teeth or anything… Unless its like Skyrim and the timeline is personified by a dragon or something, in which case, yes, it does need a dentist, badly.

…This is stupid…

You know, I kinda wondered this at first, too. Her CM is an hour glass, why does everyone say she is a dentist? Then as I saw more and more fandom creations focused around her dentistry, my mind began to make her cutie mark disappear from my mind.

What is up with ponies and diapers, I have never fully understood why people make this type of content. Personally, I think that some artists make these type of pictures because they think that the concept is cute (And some pull it off in a non-creepy way) and some make them for the shock value.

Last edited Aug 15, 2013 at 08:19PM EDT

Tim the Enchanter wrote:

What is up with ponies and diapers, I have never fully understood why people make this type of content. Personally, I think that some artists make these type of pictures because they think that the concept is cute (And some pull it off in a non-creepy way) and some make them for the shock value.

We're talking about diapers being used as a fetish. That shit I just can't tolerate. Brian wore a diaper in a bit in an episode of Family Guy. I have to admit, he looked kinda cute, but Stewie thought it was gross. But if you're using diapers as a fetish, just… no. Involving scat is a thousand times worse, by the way.

Jimmy 3, People 0 wrote:

We're talking about diapers being used as a fetish. That shit I just can't tolerate. Brian wore a diaper in a bit in an episode of Family Guy. I have to admit, he looked kinda cute, but Stewie thought it was gross. But if you're using diapers as a fetish, just… no. Involving scat is a thousand times worse, by the way.

First off, "we" did not imply that it was a fetish in the first place. #34, Most of the internet is pretty much fetish related, I am not oblivious to that. Finally, I mainly am saying I just think most people make those picture to rile people up. One time I was playing TF2, the people on the server were spraying diaper ponies because they could. I didn't care, I mainly chuckled it off; but it did raise an eyebrow when I did see it the first time. I just can't see the appeal and find the notion ridiculous.

Wow, even Youtube Stereotypes. You type in Ponies and you get cool looking OC's prancing around the screen. Type in Bronies and you get Ponies in Diapers. Personally I keep my fetishes to myself but I like to be vocal about the ones I hate….Diaper fetish happens to be one of them that I hate!

Luna Protege wrote:

Time Traveling Dentist is Best Cat.

…Seriously… We need to get our head canons sorted, why is a pony who's special talent appears to be time travel a dentist?

Or is it like how "The Doctor" isn't actually a medical doctor?

Does she just go around saying "Hello, I'm the Dentist" and everyone's like "which dentist?" and she's like "just the dentist"?

Actually, no that sounds kinda weird. Its not like the timeline has teeth or anything… Unless its like Skyrim and the timeline is personified by a dragon or something, in which case, yes, it does need a dentist, badly.

…This is stupid…

She has two fandom personas for two reasons.

There's the Colgate one because her mane looks like toothpaste… Then there's the time travel one, because of her hourglass cutiemark and because she looks like the TARDIS (Colour wise anyway) so I suppose when these two clash it creates the Time-traveling dentist, I don't mind either persona really however I agree that since her cutiemark IS an hourglass then it would be strange for her to be a dentist..

Last edited Aug 15, 2013 at 09:42PM EDT


Like sstaber and Whooves said: Colgate was named for looking like toothpaste. Dentistry was a logical association

We already have a timelord in the fandom so I just stick with the dentist thing. We don't have a lot of medical ponies.

In order to explain why a dentist has an hourglass, I just chalk this one up to cutie marks being rather vague and unspecific sometimes.

An hourglass could mean a bunch of things. Time in general of course. But instead of time travel, how about timely dentistry procedures? Good time management skills? Great at scheduling appointments? Stuff like that

@Entering 'bronies' or 'ponies' on Youtube

Well that's…interesting. It's like browser ponies for your YT search results. I think the YT execs have suddenly come down with a case of the ponu.

Between this and the fact that searching for certain ponies changes the color of the YT banner, I'd say that we have successfully conquered Youtube in our quest for total internet domination. Good job everyone!

But I really need to point something out here guys: Uh, those are fillies. Baby ponies. Obviously old enough to walk but infants none-the-less. Some have pacifiers and bottles. They aren't adult ponies with a diaper fetish.

If you want adult ponies running across the screen, type in 'ponies' and you get grown up versions of those same ponies so, yea, chill.

I'm not going to look too deeply into why YT chose to have 'bronies' return babies instead of adults.

Also I found myself:

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 12:37AM EDT

Little suggestion: How about quoting each others like this:

@Lunar Protege

>Your best cat is not from main six

It would be a saver from scrolling or page lenght. Hmm maybe i should also open another thread in site suggestions.

Staying on the topic

@ To brony or not to brony

I am not watching the show or clop. I just like to lurk around the internet world of ponies.
Ponies are cute. I only find them cute. Show doesn't interest me, it is boring imo.
Maybe i see this fandom as a cute fandom dunno. Rule 34 is only gives me a good… laugh not boner.

So.. What am i? Am i a brony?

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 12:54AM EDT

BSOD wrote:


Like sstaber and Whooves said: Colgate was named for looking like toothpaste. Dentistry was a logical association

We already have a timelord in the fandom so I just stick with the dentist thing. We don’t have a lot of medical ponies.

In order to explain why a dentist has an hourglass, I just chalk this one up to cutie marks being rather vague and unspecific sometimes.

An hourglass could mean a bunch of things. Time in general of course. But instead of time travel, how about timely dentistry procedures? Good time management skills? Great at scheduling appointments? Stuff like that

I would chalk it up to a mix of vague cutie marks and a case of cutie mark not necessarily relating to job or profession. We've seen plenty examples of ponies with cutie marks that don't match profession. Or maybe she's the fastest dentist in town?

>Quoting like this

Alright lets try that. But I can't be bothered whipping out textile greentext every time I want to quote

>Are you a brony

General consensus around here seems to be that you only are if you match the definition: a fan of MLP. I'm not sure if just being entertained by the fandom really counts. Or does it? I don't know

My consensus is that you are who you want to be.

>Destiny doesn't always relate to profession.

That sounds fair enough. I'll go with that.

He closed his eyes as he accepted his fate. He still felt himself falling, and wondered what fate was doing to prolong his torture. He then realized he was falling at a much slower rate now. He opened his eyes, and found himself slowly descending head first. Looking upwards, he saw why.

xTSGx was holding him up by the tail with her teeth. "Damn! For such a gorgeous pony, you sure are heavy," she said with trouble. She continued descending, but Blue's weight was dragging her down. She struggled to pull him up, not paying attention to where she was flying.

Blue was, however, and his eyes widened as he saw where they were headed. "Um… we're about to crash!" Blue yelled in alert. xTSGx finally paid attention to where the two of them were rapidly approaching, and her eyes widened as well.

"Aw… not again!" she said through her teeth, as she saw she was going to crash into the window of a warehouse. She grinned, however, as they both smashed through the glass, and rolled to a stop on the floor.

Blue struggled to stand, and he looked around inside the empty warehouse. "Huh… empty…" Blue pointed out. "Wait a minute… I'm alive! I’M ALIVE!!!"

"Yes yes, you're alive. Can I have my cape now?" xTSGx asked. Blue turned to her, and realized he still had the cape. He gave it back to her, and she wrapped it around her neck. "Thank you… now could you please leave my… uh… warehouse?"

"Not until you answer a couple of questions for me…" Blue replied.

"Well… OK. But then you go… or something… got it?" xTSGx asserted.

Blue nodded. "OK… first of all… who are you?"

"You're friendly neighborhood Mare-Do-Well! Here to help out anypony in need! That's why you're still here," she pointed out.

"What I meant was… who are you?" Blue asked, a bit irritated.

She sighed before she answered. "Well… I'm just a regular mare who found a discarded costume. At first, I just thought it looked really good on me after a good washing, but then when I wore the costume, everyone hailed me as a hero. So… I have to fly the skies everyday, looking for trouble."

"Huh… I thought you were just some dominatrix," Blue stated bluntly.

"Not really… I'm just a really horny heroine…” she said seductively. “Busy all the time and getting no time to myself. That's why I keep my identity secret… cause if everyone knew who I was, I'd never be left alone. The Inn was just a way to enjoy myself for once…" she admitted.

"Yeah… you sure enjoyed yourself…" Blue said, rolling his eyes.

"Listen… I'm sorry about tackling you. I was aiming for that other stallion," she apologized.

"Aiming for him? What for?" Blue asked.

"Well… when you came out of the spa with him, I wanted to try my luck with you. You weren't very happy yourself, it seemed, so maybe we could've had some time alone together. So I flew down and dive bombed… but I got you. I was going to wait until you recovered so I could apologize, but your friend chased me.

"Apparently, he wasn't the only one doing the chasing. I saw the receptionist about to get him, and he pleaded to help him. I couldn't let him get caught, so I helped him out.

"He then started asking me why I got you… and I thought I had hurt you… and lost any chance of getting to know you. I don't know what came over me… so I ended up with your friend. And when we left the Inn… he didn't want anything to do with me anymore, so he said it wasn't going to happen," she explained sadly.

"Sex deprivation… it does shit to your mind. That's why I want to know where he is… he screwed me over," Blue explained angrily.

"I don't know… but… if it means anything… could I be of any help?" she asked shyly.

Blue turned to her, and grinned widely. "Only if you want to… I won't stop you if you want revenge on the sonofabitch," he reassured her. She smiled widely at his approval, and embraced him.

"Oh, Blue, you're amazing! Thank you!" she stated proudly. She then let him go. "Um… you don't have a place to stay… do you?" she asked shyly.

"Eh… no. I live the nomad life… haven't found a place worth settling in yet," he answered.

"Well… would you like to stay here for the night?" xTSGx asked, unsure of herself.

"Isn't this a warehouse?" Blue pointed out.

"Nope!" xTSGx said with excitment, and pulled a lever on the wall. As she did, a panel on the floor flipped over to reveal a set of stairs. xTSGx began to descend them, urging Blue to follow her.

He did so, and they reached the bottom of the staircase. He then stared in amazement at the headquarters of xTSGx. It was a cozy underground base and home, complete with a king-size bed, a complete kitchen, many closets, a master bathroom, and lots of computers. If I didn't like her… this setup would have been perfect to ruin.

"You wouldn't mind… sharing a bed… would you?" xTSGx asked seductively, removing her cape and mask.

Blue took the hint, and raised an eyebrow. "Only if the bed is not the only thing we're sharing," he responded coolly. She smiled, and began to slowly remove her costume, arousing Blue. She finally removed the clothing, and lay on the bed, waiting for Blue to join her.

I'm going to be the luckiest stallion tonight… Blue thought to himself, and he approached the bed, climbed on and lay beside xTSGx. She slowly pulled herself closer to Blue. "Listen… again… I'm sorry about tackling you yesterday…" xTSGx whispered sincerely.

"Are you kidding? I love a mare who can land a punch when she needs to. And you definitely pack a punch…" Blue said admiringly. xTSGx smiled when she heard this.

"Well… I'm sure you can pack a bigger one, Blue," xTSGx said lustfully, and she pulled Blue in for a passionate kiss. Blue led the way, slowly but softly stroking the inside of xTSGx's mouth with his tongue. The two of them moaned passionately as they kissed, both enjoying their partner.

xTSGx then stopped as she proceeded to lie with her wings sticking out. Blue knew what she wanted, and he began to slowly slide his tongue from the tip of her wings to the base. She sighed in bliss, enjoying the preening. She started to shiver at the excellent vibe of the massage. Blue continued to slowly nip his way upwards on her wing, and she began moaning softly.

“Do it faster, Blue! Faster!” she pleaded desperately. Blue complied, and he stuck the tip of her wing in his mouth. He pulled back and forth as he increased the pace of preening, causing xTSGx to moan a bit more. She squealed in delight, enjoying the sensation more than she had wanted to. "Ah… AH! Oh my… oh my Celestia! Blue… Blue… slow… slow now…!" she gasped out breathlessly.

Blue stopped a bit, and began to lower the speed. xTSGx seemed to calm herself, yet she was still trembling a bit from the speed boost. She sighed in relief as he did, not wanting to be out of the fun just yet.

"Blue… how about we move from the foreplay into something more… intimate?" xTSGx asked. Blue stopped preening her wings, and allowed her to turn over onto her back. She then cocked her eyebrow expectedly, waiting for Blue to make his move. Blue took the sign, and positioned himself on top of her.

Blue fixed himself inside her, feeling the sudden warm and moist sensation. He thrust slowly at first, almost rhythmically, making her breathe softly. "Blue…I know we could do better. How about we… speed things up?" xTSGx asked alluringly. Blue nodded, and began increasing both speed and force. xTSGx began feeling pleasure at that, moaning in indulgence.

"Blue… I knew you were a hunk… but… AH!" she yelled in pleasure, before continuing. "You never told me… OOH! You never told me how great you were in bed!" she said, trying to keep herself together.

"Trust me… you’re doing excellent yourself!" he said, straining a bit. He continued to move in rhythm, and he felt himself about to release. xTSGx was also on the brink of climaxing as well, and she wrapped her wings around Blue. She then felt the sudden burst within her, and she gave one last wail of ecstasy, before she calmed herself.

Blue and xTSGx, both of their coats matted with sweat, looked into each other’s eyes, and gave each other one last kiss of warmth. xTSGx then stopped for a moment, smiling wistfully at Blue. "Tomorrow… we'll get him. You can count on me. I won’t fail you," she reassured Blue. He nodded in agreement, and they continued to kiss.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 01:39AM EDT


I didn't mention greentext, i mentioned hashtag. Instead using "quote button". If you click "@Lunar Protege" in my last post, page will be scrolled to the quoted post..

Here check this thread

Okay i really should avoid derailing thread.

I don't know. I even join livestreams, japan threads on 4chan. I am in some kind of "cute fandom" i guess. But i am not in directly "brony fandom".

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 02:07AM EDT

@ Alex
If /b/rony was still just a 4chan thing then yes I would say I'm a /b/rony but since it's now just "brony" and affiliated with fadoras
I prefer ponyfag

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 02:20AM EDT

@Diaper fetish
Oh come on, you guys don't find this arousing? (For the record: I definitely do not.)

/mlp/'s reaction to this (when it posted in one of those "cringe" threads) was one of the funniest things I've seen.

@Alex Mercer's horribly complex tagging system
I'm gonna have to opt out due to HTML/Textile being an enormous pain. If they ever switch to BBCode, I'd consider it, but I have a hard enough time doing normal links as it is.

As if this post isn't scarring enough, have some more Eldrichian Uncanny Valley eating your mind as it gazes into your very soul

@Diaper and pacifier ponies on youtube..

You may consider this thing as a diaper fetish. You may found this offensive. I dunno care.
Youtube surely accepts your existence. Loved or hatred acceptance. It may implies some diaper fetish. Doesn't important.

My opinion? I found it incredibly cute and i think youtube surely loves you.. And also why would they try to offend you? Think about it, there are famous brony youtubers who have got noticable amount of subscribers.

In /pol/'s language : Boronies moyk Youtub roich. Whoy whould thoy hayt?

Also, xTSGx. My suggestion is not complex you silly.. Just use this:
<a href="forum_post_111111">@Example</a>
You can see the post number if you click the quote button btw. Pretty easy.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 06:34AM EDT

@Diaper fetish: To be really honest, this is one of those fetishes that really does bother me (there are a few actually). There are a bunch of others that I've also seen combined with Ponies too…

Noooo! Look what AJ did to Rarity, Sweetie Belle and Vinyl Scratch! D:

(Sorry for the kind of irrelevant picture but I don't care for/about Colgate and any species swap other than Pony → Human or Anthro tends to bother me unless it's funny/silly)

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Little suggestion: How about quoting each others like this:

@Lunar Protege

>Your best cat is not from main six

It would be a saver from scrolling or page lenght. Hmm maybe i should also open another thread in site suggestions.

Staying on the topic

@ To brony or not to brony

I am not watching the show or clop. I just like to lurk around the internet world of ponies.
Ponies are cute. I only find them cute. Show doesn't interest me, it is boring imo.
Maybe i see this fandom as a cute fandom dunno. Rule 34 is only gives me a good… laugh not boner.

So.. What am i? Am i a brony?

No, you're just an enabler. You have the chance to belittle and insult us but instead you lurk and just go "Well, that pony is cute. I like it Pulls out Stamp that says "Alex Mercer Approved" ". In that case you are a horrible person!

Oh well, I killed you in Prototype 2 anyways…

Don't worry, this is a joke post. Don't take it seriously like 100% of my other posts.

CrashGordon94 wrote:

On a sidenote, I see Jimmy's opening post for this page is downvoted… Is Colgate/Minuette really that offensive to people? O_o

Well, I didn't post Vinyl or AJ, so people probably got thrown off.

More Pony General World goodness! This is Kewln00b: The Unlocking.

­­­Alex Mercer wrote:

Kewln00b The Master of Unlocking wrote:

Don’t worry, this is a joke post. Don’t take it seriously like 100% of my other posts.

That don't mean shit. Fluttershy cries over everything. I'll have you know, Fluttershy invited me over to dinner last week and she forgot to buy gravy and cried for a whole 46 minutes until RandomMan threw me out.

@Jimmy Hey wait a minute, that ride looks SAFE. I thought you knew me bro.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 11:37AM EDT

Using my little html codes are magic trick already? Lel.

>Who is heller?

I would explain but that is totally unrelated to the ponies.. Just know that he is the protagonist on "[PROTOTYPE] 2" game. If you ain't gonna play and fine with spoilers.


You must be new here

Also don't use this thread for testing codes,please. See this thread.

@Crash below me

Dude your code is broken. You should use hashtag, not slash.

Wrong code: /forum_post_XXXXXX

Correct code: #forum_post_XXXXXX

Also you don't need to use it so often. Jeez.. Don't make me regret for teach you.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 12:24PM EDT

@Diaper and pacifier ponies on Youtube.

Whatever it is it shouldn't be taken seriously, it's a joke, I thought the diaper ponies were funny, Pinkie Pie on the other hand didn't seem to enjoy it as much…


Alright, so has anybody else heard of this "Down With Molestia" shit? Basically, some feminazis are trying to get the whole "Princess Molestia" thing to stop because they think it's "offensive to women". Here, just look at this:

One in three women will be raped in their lifetime? One in 20 men is a rapist? Bitch, please. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to shove that down the internet's throat. And what about male rape victims? They exist, too. Here, this comic best explains it:


Hold on there, cowboy. Put down your monthly issue of Men's Rights Magazine and listen for a second.

Rape is a pretty big deal, and there are a lot of people offended by it. Rape results in physical and emotional trauma, and can have severe societal impacts depending on the culture. Just because someone is offended by a rape joke doesn't make them a "feminazi." It makes them someone concerned about a legitimate issue. It doesn't make them autistic.

I'm no feminist. I've made more than my fair share of rape jokes. But the point of a rape joke is generally not to mock or insult rape victims or feminists like you're doing now; it's usually just to exaggerate consequences or results ("Oh man, that game totally raped me," or, "We got butt-raped in football last night). I've been told that my rape jokes are offensive, but I don't take issue with that. It's one of those things where you have to say, "Okay, I understand that you're offended by rape jokes, and I won't make them around you anymore."

As for the one in three women getting raped and one in twenty men being a rapist part, those are statistics. They aren't lies conjured up by "feminazis" to make this a bigger deal than it is. Yes, women are more likely to get raped, and men are more likely to be rapists. That's how it works. It's a feminist issue because men aren't affected near as much, and because a lot of it stems from anti-feminist views, which are predominantly held by men.

So yes, Molestia is offensive to some people. Do I still think it's pretty funny? Yeah, I do. But I don't think it's funny because I think rape as concept itself is funny, it's the context. It's the same as, say, watching Wile E. Coyote getting blown up by a bomb: in context, it's hilarious, but real bombings are much more serious. It's kinda funny watching a bunch of cartoon characters get molested, but it's not something that would be funny in real life.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 07:41PM EDT

Slow down there, speedy. Reign it in a bit, you're using quite a lot of harsh words all at once. There's no need to be throwing around "feminazi" and "autism" insults here. First off, I think we really need to learn the difference between not liking something and being offended by it. For instance, I don't like broccoli. It does not offend me, I just do not enjoy eating it. I get offended when a family member of mine is insulted. I not only don't like it, but I will feel insulted if this ever occurs or is brought up around me. See? Simple. There are a lot of people that do feel offended whenever they see Princess Molestia, which is a very popular part of the fandom, due to it's subject matter of rape and molestation. Are they wrong to feel offended by this? Absolutely not. They are probably offended by it so much because of an event that happened to them or a loved one at some point in time. Hell, maybe that didn't happen and they just find it a disgusting subject to joke about. It's their feelings and their opinion. Have some respect for it. Do I think they should try to censor the internet and take down Molestia while at the same time shaming anyone who likes it or finds it funny? Absolutely not. I think that if it's offensive to them then they should do whatever it takes to avoid it without making "rules" on what's funny and not funny. But what are they gonna do? Molestia does not violate any site rules on the sites content for it is hosted on, so it's not like they can have the content removed. The worst these people can do is rally around and insult the content creators and their fans, but you and I both know that will do nothing and things will eventually go back to normal. Let's just try to get through this without stomping on toes, ok?

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 08:08PM EDT

While Jimmy might have overstepped, it's totally true that it's not always male-on-female.
And it's a totally relevant thing because the alleged rapist they're getting pissy over IS A FEMALE CHARACTER! If they can't manage to comprehend that women can be the prepetrators WHEN THEY'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT A WOMAN RAPING PEOPLE then how the hell can we expect them to make a coherent point?! Also, the woman who started this crap is little better, since she doesn't know about the Gamer Luna bits, which are pretty damn major, bodes badly for her level of research.
Lastly, I'm gonna lay out my thoughts about rape jokes, they can be funny or offensive, it's just like any dark humor (or humor in general to be honest) in that regard. And I totally understand that victims wouldn't like it, and that's a perfectly good reason to not shove it in peoples' faces and throw it around indescriminantly and so on but it's not a solid reason to try and get it wiped out.
As a somewhat over-the-top example (just to demonstrate the principle, not to make a comparison about seriousness or trauma or anything), if your pet cat got killed by a mouse it was chasing somehow, you might not like Tom & Jerry much. And in such a case I could understand if you didn't want to watch it or hear about it because it made you uncomfortable but you'd be totally out of line to try and get rid of T&J.

@Jimmy Lethal

Read the reply Exudes made to you, then read it again, then make sure you get what he wrote.

Rape is a serious issue, and it is very real. Those statistics presented by the image are in no way a joke, that is the world we live in. Because of those statistics, rape is simply an offensive matter to people, and because of that the common rape jokes made with Molestia are offensive to people as well. Correct, context is key, so Molestia rape jokes don't always have to be taken serious. But that doesn't take away what they are at the core: A rape joke, and that can be offensive.

Do I think that because of that the whole Molestia images and "fandom" should be taken down? No, I don't. Offensive or not, the jokes are based on a cartoon universe, and involve cartoon ponies. Most bronies know who Molestia is, and they will really not suddenly think "Oh golly, what a funny Molestia comic, I should totally reenact it in real life by raping someone". They don't spread nor support the crime of rape, they merely try to humor about it in an innocent way, but to a small group this simply isn't a succes. I myself am not offended by them, I simply laugh at them. Like Exudes says, a cartoon character being blown up is hilarious because of the context, but that doesn't make bombings any less real.

For a case like Molestia, it's a case of mutual understanding. We have to accept that the Molestia jokes simply can be very offensive to a person. We don't know what they've been through. And should a person tell us that they feel offended by Molestia rape jokes, it is only normal that we should respect that and remind ourselves to not make such jokes around those people in the future, even if we think it can't hurt them, because it will hurt them. This doesn't mean the jokes should stop alltogether, some things simply can't be erased, and the jokes don't support the crime, they only joke about it. Dark humor simply is very popular humor. People humor with serious matters such as murder, rape, abortion, religion, poverty, etc. constantly. Such topics simply provide good sources of humor if people are able to look beyond their serious connections and accept it as a joke. But that does not, in any way, make them any less real.

Oh, and the whole "Autism" and "Feminazi", not cool bro, definitely not cool.

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 08:33PM EDT

Also, the woman who started this crap is little better, since she doesn’t know about the Gamer Luna bits, which are pretty damn major, bodes badly for her level of research.

I have principles when i am surfing on the internet. Here is one of them: "stay away the things you don't like and not agree with". It is also valid these kind of fetishes and porn arts which is extermely offensive. I don't mind or care this kind of rape or guro art fads.

But this time…

/mlp/ loses its fucking shit..

I am against the censorship unless including any IRL actions. I don't care generally if an art includes rape, torture or offensive.
But today, i am pretty scared..

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 08:54PM EDT

RandomMan wrote:

Replying to insults by insulting the person is kinda ironic, don't you agree?

People on either side of an argument are equally at fault for the argument. The people who are for DWM and the people who are against DWM are equally cuntish and should not try to rope more people into their arguments.

^Yep, that's the nugget.

One should at least know something they're trying to destroy well. If she doesn't want to look at it at even slight level (I've only seen a few and even I saw lots and lots of Gamer Luna in it, she's so prominent that you could easily call her a spotlight-stealer AND SHE'S ON THE FUCKING BANNER! Not something you could miss) then she would be much better equipped for the already-superior plan of "do your best to ignore it and leave it alone".
Despite the split here, I'm sure we're all in agreement that that would've been a much better plan than "gang up and blindly spew hatred at a comic and its fans", no?

Page get? Would it be tasteless to suggest a shrunken-face thread?

Last edited Aug 16, 2013 at 08:46PM EDT

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