Hearty welcomes, Tim! It's always nice to see new members join KYM. Feel free to contribute to your heart's content as long as it doesn't infringe the site's rules of which can be found here.
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask any of the site's Community Managers, Moderators, and/or Researchers as we won't hesitate in helping you out in any way possible. You may also consult the KYM FAQs page if you have time to read it here.
On another note, I believe Kc_spot is right. If you don't want your thread filled up with (more) nonsensical posts, I suggest not placing your thread in the JFF board. I shall be moving this over to the General Discussions section momentarily.
Now, regarding your meme mural, I just can't wait to see it! After spending the entire day going on an art walk and visiting different galleries all over my city, I am pumped up more than ever to view other peoples' artwork. Hope you have fun too at your art show.
Overall, just have a blast on the site. We are mostly a very fun loving community and we love to socialize. Enjoy your stay and have a good day.