Planning is good. We need a more nurturing political environment with less hostility than there currently is. People need help judging fake news from real news. There is a stressful amount of information available at people's fingertips on the Internet that people have trouble understanding or taking in. Technology is advancing at a rapid pace to A.I., fully immersive VR, and biotech which may lead to the first eyePhone. Warfare through the use of quadcopters, advanced drones, online propaganda, and even nukes in the case of NK and RU may become a much bigger problem in the coming years. What should the U.S. do over the next 20 years?
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What should the U.S. do over the next 20 years?
Last posted
Mar 28, 2017 at 01:33AM EDT.
Mar 27, 2017 at 07:28PM EDT
3 posts
3 users
We gotta fix SS and Medicare. When something eats half the federal budget (to put that into perspective, the government could buy Apple three times every year with the money that's spent on SS and Medicare) and it's still going insolvent in a few decades, you know it's seriously screwed up.
Problem is, no one wants to even talk about it since it's a sacred cow to all the old people--who make up pretty much the only group that reliably votes and engages with politicians (phone calls, letters, town halls, etc.). The train's hurdling toward derailment and the conductor doesn't want to stop it for fear of upsetting the passengers.
After Shock
Priorities should be:
- As TSG said, fix health care, I think the ACA at this point should make a good foundation to that should be added to.
- Get educated on the internet and its use in culture and news (which would at least increase the barrier to entry for stupid bills like SOPA.
- Find a faster way to improve space travel
- 2018 is the midterms. Might be a good time to test the candidates' knowledge on the Internet's impact and get them in. Eventually politicians might notice the correlations and finally get the hint.
- Renewable energy sources.
- Might be a good time to educate more people on the importance of voting. Or try to curb voter apathy.
- As far as Jobs and the Economy goes. It would be a good idea to get people involved in programming and STEM fields, engineering, programming and maintenance, as the menial labor gets phased out by automaton.